Ret Pally rework inc, FDK next please

Jesus Christ, that’s a lot of assumptions.

By the way dual wield is superior for obliteration too, not just bos.

Like you have no idea wtf you are talking about.

Because you said so?

After a lot of tests game says no.

And also my perception of the game says no.

I’d rather trust personal experience. Thank you.

Your personal experience doesn’t mean jack.

The actual numbers prove that dw is superior for both breath and obliteration.

Two handed is only better in a very specific scenario, basically 3 target aoe obliteration cleave. But as you add more targets the difference becomes smaller and smaller.

Now gtfo. You don’t know what you are talking about.

Man it pisses me off when people come at me as a source of information when they have no idea wtf they are talking about.

By the way, what a bad community? You came here, talked trash about people not posting on their dk as if that means they don’t have experience with one, said stuff that is not true, and now you’re gonna complain about the “bad community” Please just get out, it’s pathetic.

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Nothing else is needed. Real platinum.

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