Retail gladiator boosting is rampant right now

Every day on EU if you queue 2400+ MMR you run into the same Rank1/AWC boosters “helping” a different 3rd guy each time to get him glad.
Even if we pretend that they’re not doing RMT (they are) and that they’re not selling the gold on 3rd Party websites (they are), it’s still 75%+ of games against boosters. Had days where around 4-5PM EU time 6 out of 6 teams that were 2400-2500 MMR were ALL boosters playing against each other. We’re talking about people that boost full time and have over 5000 3v3 games this season across their different characters with the same class.

Unlike PVE, in PVP you have a real subscription paying person on the other side of the boosters, that suffers when you allow any type of boosting, even for gold. Gold boosting shouldn’t be allowed at all in PVP. It creates loop holes where they can just say that it’s not RMT and they’re boosting for gold which is currently allowed. Considering they charge over 1mil gold per hour per booster, they must have like 200 characters with gold cap. OR they’re obviously doing RMT.

I am not exagerating when I say that at least 70% of accounts with Gladiator this season are boosted. It’s easy to see the people trying to push Gladiator fairly struggle each day in LFG and the people that jump from 2000 rating to 2500 and get Gladiator in under 4 days of the same week.

The ease of leveling and gearing alts was in my opinion a very good thing for the game. But it also made it easier than ever to create boosting alts. The same player can’t be 3000 MMR with 200 games on one character and at the same time be 2400 MMR with 2000 games on another same class character.

I have a lot of friends who quit just for this reason and can only imagine how many more people did the same because Blizzard is allowing this type of gameplay in what should be a competitive format.


Theres no way to stop gold boosting in game sadly, even if you disallowed trading between characters outright people would just put dummy orders on auction house to transfer the gold. However you said 2400+ do you not mean below 2400? Cos far as im aware people dont boost beyond 2400 it becomes far too hard to to carry a non skilled team mate against high level teams at that rating.

Gladiator is wins above 2400 CR.

The problem is you can’t even report them unless you have HARD proof that they’re requested real money trading, because right now it’s allowed to do boosting for gold. They don’t have to hide anything except the ones that want to sell the gold for RMT.

If they stop allowing PVP gold boosts too, they can punish boosters much easier since there won’t be any more investigation needed. They see Rank1 players boosting they can just insta ban the booster and the guy getting boosted. No way for the boosters to hide behind the “gold boost” excuse.

Honestly, it’s good for the health of the playerbase. This way people will realise it’s easier to go to work and buy a glad boost than spend octuple more time attempting to even put a group together, let alone getting a serious try at pushing it themselves. Or not spend the money at all. Also keep in mind this is an inflated season.

Boosters are the biggest haters of RSS :d

Oh also,

If they stop allowing PVP gold boosts too, they can punish boosters much easier since there won’t be any more investigation needed.

If they stop PvP gold boosts, you might as well delete PvP altogether, because at that point you won’t even get Rival, let alone Glad, because there won’t be a single player in any of the brackets XD

they aren’t, shuffle wintrading happens all the time some guy goes afk on fresh account char with hidden view, some guy pretends to play bad only vs a specific player, people snipe eachother

you know those times you queue up and get perma 5/6 accepting the game like 10 times in a row? that’s usually people trying to snipe eachother for something sketchy in like 98% of the time, in 2% of the time its ppl trying to snipe streamers to get stream recognition

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True, but I imagine before RSS it was easier for them and more profitable.

It’s not just rampart, every second guy on this forum and ingame is getting boosted by russian boosters. It’s sad to watch, honestly. There is good thing tho, almost all of them will get banned or rewards will be removed. Websites like gladiatorboost are boosting every day multiple people to Gladi, just check theirs trustpilot… Ridiculous.

Not sure will they get banned or not. Famous Rakar, boosted fella for years lurking here around :d

Can’t do that much against it sadly. Best Blizzard could do is add some rating decay mechanic so that boosted people will drop again after getting boosted and give their boosted MMR back into the overall MMR pool instead of sitting on that rank for the rest of the season.

If people want to buy boost with gold then it is alright. It is also healthy because it is stress free. You dont need to spend time in LFG, just pay and your done by the end of the day.

For real money is against the law but still money is earned through hard work which means someone boosted to Gladiator still have earned it through hard work and thus deserved it.

People that cry about boosters are those that can not afford a boost :clown_face:

I don’t think it is more immoral than abusing metas. We all know that how people got their PvP achievements in previous expansions, especially in SL.

I have enough money both in game and IRL to buy any boost but i have never interested in achievements, just enjoyed the moment. But it is clownish to see meta abusers cry about boosters.

Real chads never buy boost. We are very few honest players that are left. We strive to fight in a rightful way. Boosters can not hinder our gameplay and if we play clever enough we are able to outplay them. We chads can never be beaten.

People view boosters as a powerful boss or something and the moment they meet them they give up. I have seen it many times in arena and RBG. They are not powerful, they are powerful because people give up easy and dont give a hard fight.


I wish to make something the rating feels the rating you are! As you said multi alting with the huge difference on rating from the same persons, also demotivating players to play. Since 3s and glad got the best pvp achive mount and is the mainstream pvp for wow. We hope for more balance in ratings. And play with ur friends equal teams !

Wow, killed wow, there is no skill in the game any longer. Its just bots or scripts, AWC Pro players, etc. all use it, but hey, you fan boys keep subing to them.

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No, you aren’t.

Glad boosts for gold where you are playing your character are still very much stressful. You can see examples of this when Lontar does it on his stream how the guy who paid the gold is going through a lot of failures and losing the game by himself. It’s because its a 3v3 game mode, and it isn’t Shadowlands anymore where 2 people can completely win the game for you with minimal effort from your end.

Back in Shadowlands you would have things like Sub rogue and Windwalker that had guaranteed kills on somebody if they had no trinket, so oftentimes boosters would win 2v3 even, but this isn’t really a thing anymore, the game is harder to carry solo, in a sense it’s more balanced in terms of counterplay and getting cheese killed

Most of the gold boosts Lontar is doing for example take weeks to complete

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the amount of ‘the elite’ players on my server rn whos character supposedly doesnt exist on 3rd party websites like pvp is very laughable, the paid name changes is wild.

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Theyre the same that do piloted for shuffle aswell. You see anyone with shuffle ratings x from df and no matter what it is they might still be people you would normally see below challenger ratings in arenas in any season of other expansions.

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People buying those PvP boost like bread in bakery, and blizzard doing very poor job purging them, truth is those guys know how to play, but they also boost their ratting to high by help of wintrading.

As WoW civilian your ratting = legit measure how you currently perform
For boosters ratting is measure of legit wins + wintraded wins

There is no chance regular WoW civillian can keep step with them. And those guys take alot of ladderboard, their damage to WoW as E-Sport is insine high.

I think blizzard shoud check those gladiators in deepth, punish and keep ladderboard clear, than we will have situation when only few manage to get title as intended , not army of people raiding glad mounts including their mothers.

boosting in SS is very easy, all you need is company of several skilled people, they play in same time, take client, and when meet each other they wintrade to each others. So again their succes formulla is legit wins + wintrading, and wintrading is part which gief them edge over regular player.