Retail gladiator boosting is rampant right now

I think your talking of friends playing shuffle and discord groups, friends could get healers in same lobby extremely easily to decide outcome of the game. The ones you refer as paying for boost would be piloted for shuffle I bet. Both cases do happen however and shuffle is not excluded from any unfair play. You will meet accounts that are being piloted by other people that play on another level than the account owner for instance and it would be logical if they were also botting to fasten their jobs aswell as theyre not playing it for fun like you and me, theyre doing it for living. Both cases do happen but I think they do piloted if its boost. I hope nobody thinks shuffle is any different than arenas for this or not affected by any of it. Shuffle is worse imo, I would rather face booster in arenas with my friends and with instant ques for next instead of wait 30-40min for healers to wintrade or some boosters botting and piloting someones accounts in shuffles. Its very annoying to commit this amount of time and then see it wasted with some insanely weird plays in general.

they do until 2.5 then they drop with the other alts to 2.1 mmr and invite the 2.5 boosted guy to farm the glad wins on lower mmr

Boosts happen on every rating. Even Rank one boosts exist. Many tournament players have told stories of boosting people to R1, which in most seasons means boosting people to 2900-3000 CR or such.

Some insane ‘gold’ required for any of the above though…

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Its blizzard fault to not keep laderboard clear… If you ask me every offensive toward ladderboard legitimacy shoud be top 1 offense player can do, and there shoud be no mercy, because if players mess with ladderboard this doing terrible damage to WoW as E-sport, and kills purpose of ranking.

I think blizzard need to make system where players can report someone for wintrading, so it get ire of GM, and they can silently spectate a game, we pay subscription we deserve to enjoy fairplay enviroment, and its blizzard duty to enforce it.

Cost too much money, close to everything is a Robot in Blizzard studios

Thats not excuse, subscription shoud cover fair play part…

Also blizzard angle of view is bad there, yes 2-3 GM who gonna have that job costs, however reputation damage to blizzard as E-Sport is even higher + damage from unsubedd people who cant endure current circus. Imagine how much reputation and money can be made when people know ladderboard is 100% legit because blizzard actualy care to preserve fairplay, benefit will for sure supass costs of those 3 guys.

Robot reports are good, but they cannot be resolved without human part geting involved

for them it´s a excuse, they make enough money but 2% from the earned money goes into the game

while 45% went into a single Ceo America in a nutshell

Ofc, but they dont care, they see it as an Milking projekt, Milk it as much as possible, and then throw it into the trashcan

More money short term for less effort.

Theres no esports in wow. If this game had any value it was 13 years ago. This game is simply too old and figured out with nothing new really. It wouldnt attract people even if there was no boosting etc. Also its close to impossible to prove someone Is buying boost.

It also lends itself badly to being an e-sport with rated PvP being part of the whole game instead of a separate game of its own. They had the chance to develop a separate game years ago based on the WoW arena template to see how it’d fare but they didn’t take that development risk.

lontar is boosting ppl live on his twitch stream also from 0 to 2.4k+ for glad almost 19M gold so they dont care bout it


they never cared for gold, and they sell gold

and this is why everyone doesn’t like the tokens.

But they emergency need to enforce order in their game, otherwise this CEO will reicive 45% of nothing when they game dies off

Sad, when I see them puting efford to create another pet for store I get diarheaa

Let me be brutaly honest, for moonthly subscription there is no place for milking, I woud understand if they milk game which have no subscription but miking game with subscrition = DISRESPECT.

Its actualy very easy…all they need to employ 3 GM who know what to do.
Things they can do:
Watch match history
Pretend they are client to booster and devastate them, visit their sites etc inflitrate in their commuinity
Spectate the game once player get enough report for wintrading

Ladderboard shoud be clear and legit like true diamond.

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i mean at this time they earned already enough to quit and live a good life

and i mean ONE of the game dies, BUT Games like (sadly) Candy crush are making 5x times more money than Wow

DONT get me wrong i dont want to defend usa Ceo guys what earns 100k$ per month

but the problem are not the Devs/Ceo´s at this Point, the problem is the Customer, what are buying this Crap

it is really cheap to create stuff like this, and it is also a digital item, which means it is endlessly available

they make so much money with it, low effort “high money” because there are enough NPCs who buy these things again and again

i mean it´s a game what follows a subscription path, and on top of it they are also selling shop mounts, token, nameschange, and this is kind of a problem

i faced like 50% of games being rmp in 20game session and 2/3 of them were r1 boosters xD at 2350mmr

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Its all because their long past glory…

But if they dont want to protect their customer and ladderboard from crap like boosters, wintrading and rigged rankings, they show ULTIMATE disrespect toward regular customer… and in same time they encourage those guys to do their stuff.

There shoud be no reason, mercy, negotiation, excuses for those cattle who rig the ladderboard, yes they are subscribers in short term…but in long term those guys are cancer of this game, because of them game losing their long term quality. As soon possible blizzard shoud employ “fairplay police” aka GMs who gonna infiltrate into those communites and obliterate them with very loud ban hammer.

Again my opinion is: In competitive game, bigest possible offensive player can do is to mess with legiticimacy of ladderboard, perma ban is 100% deserved to anyone who attempt to do so if catched, 0 mercy , 0 chance to plea for mercy… Its for greater good. Even if blizzard lose half million of those cattle subscribers, one new million will join game when they see blizzard care.

Ladderboard shoud be like tax in America, you can mess with anyhting but dont mess with tax.


same with guys like nerfele, while he was at work his auto robot pushed him to top 1 in solo shuffle as a elemental shaman

Took blizz more than 6 months to ban him, guess what he was back on the old leaderboard spot in under 2 Weeks

they dont care, some people of them are getting permabanned, making new account and its like the old one

Problem is just the bnet account, when u get permabanned, u can just buy wow again and u keep everything mounts titles everything

But bnet has cap of 8 accounts.

I enjoy when I play with people at 1800 who play absolutely awful. Then when they get called out on it spam me their glad details.

Ain’t no way your a glad my friend! You didn’t cast fear once in all 6 rounds you played.

Good let them do that, let them buy new game, let them spend time gearing char… for sure this gonna hinder their activity and wallet.

This can also be workarounded to change ban rules

Blizzard need to understand that regular player is pillar of healthly community, not those cattle boosters.

In current WoW there is army of gladiators offcourse this number implicit that something shady is going on… In reality if ladderboard is based on fair play, and blizzard consider offence against ladderboard greatest possible offense player can do, meeting gladiator will make people to RESPECT, to admire, because this title will mean something. Meeting legit gladiator woud be honorable encounter.

Since glad is boostable and there is army of people with those titles, but with very low skills, being gladiator means almost nothing, because title lost is legitimacy as entire ladderboard… This ruin evry aspect of competitive play, again offense toward ladderboard shoud be top 1 offense player can do in competitive game, 0 mercy shoud be shown there. Blizzard emergency need live GMs to break this circus with heavy banhammers, by infiltrating into those communities, spectrate games, check game history to maintain health of ladderboard, this shoud be their only passion and job. After some time people will swarm back to WoW knowing game is finaly worth playing.

PS. /respect to OP to bring this IMPORTANT topic to forum