Retail gladiator boosting is rampant right now

they create a new account with the same last name, and transfer chars to this account^^

thats not how it works they already have a new account, they just sending the conquest boxes to this account they are already full geared in the first day

that´s only 60$ or something, someone what have a job couldnt care less

they should do something about a lockout from the bnet acc when it comes to wow, just a perma bnet ban

For anyone who mess with legitimacy of ladderboard punishment shoud be harsh.

So fair punishemnt there is to perma ban game account which did offense, and season ban entire Bnet account of offender locking it completly to que in cometitve play. ALL problems you mentioned above are solved by this action. Elegant and efficient.

This is somehting which must be done for tommorow of this game, and this is only way for WoW to be respectable E-Sport, legitimacy of ladderboard must be enforced. And only way to to that is to employ GM who gonna be on active hunt and change few game rules.


it also has 90 days CD on specific character transfer.

90 days is allot, when it takes blizz to ban 1 acc 2-3 Months

No, perma bnet acc ban is a fix nothing else

Perma ban the bnet account while completely locking it from any form of char transfer or anything from it.
Either that or move the WoW account to another “server” while deleting it from the bnet. Just so they can restore it incase they screwed up.

" With the launch of The War Within™ pre-expansion content update arriving on July 23, we will be disabling the [Paid Character Transfer] (PCT) service for transfers between® accounts.

This service will still be available to use between realms and between World of Warcraft® accounts within a single account. Please be aware that transfers between accounts will not be available after the pre-expansion update has gone live"

So they are actually disabling the option to transfer from other battlenet accounts. Thats kinda poggers atleast.

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damn they finally listen, but kinda Late, maybe too late, i mean Atleast they did it finally, i wish they did it 10 years ago

too much damage has already been done, especially because of Blazzing boost, where people bought Stuff, and they Transfered it to another Account

so u had Peoples what Bought the Mop Tabard, or the Pvp enchant Glad mounts etc

but still nice that they did it, maybe we will see a decrease when it comes to Arena Bots in Tww

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Yea it was nice to read for sure even if its not the perfect fix. But still a nice start.

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People be giving suggestions on how to prevent boosters but dont they know they have existed since forever? I dont think we can do anything other than just deal with it. :slight_smile:

The cause of the issue is not the boosting, it never was. Boosting is the effect. Cause is the game design. If you put a mount that cannot be obtained even as a recolor from any other content and put it behind a rating requirement people who cannot achieve said reward will seek boosting. Issue is the bad and lazy game design. Make the rewards achievable. Create a rewarding system that is fair and not locked behind a certain skill level and the problem will solve itself.

then its no longer a reward. If you can just go to a vendor and buy it the reward loses all its value.

The mount is so valuable BECAUSE its locked behind a skill level.

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I completely disagree. The reason its valuable is it’s good design and the fact that it can’t be obtained by any other game mode even as a recolor. Nothing in this game has value it’s a meaningless take, it’s a game only thing that has value is our subscription fee and it’s getting wasted on a badly designed game mode. Change the way mount can be obtained or add a recolor to a different game modes and boosting issue will solve itself. M+ is the prefect example. You get your mount reward from +10 yet people are still pushing up to +31 keys. Why? Because the prestige was never about the mount it was about the rating that can be achieved and guess what M+ has 5 times more active players compared to arena activity numbers. I would also argue that changing the reward system will result in less toxicity in arena. There are lots of people out there who really doesn’t enjoy arena and just play it for the sake of getting a mount cosmetic. People are actually no clue how much they are getting hindered by boosters when they are trying to achieve certain ratings. Get rid of the pressure that mount / cosmetic foma creates and let people who actually enjoy playing the arena. You will see way more participation I can assure you. I would even say that previous gladiator mounts should be obtainable in some way. These types of systems are never good in the long run and always damages the game.

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The core concept of value is tied to scarcity. Something that can and will always be obtained has little value. Why do you think gold is more valuable than common rocks ?

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There is quite alot of ppl who dont understand that.
Instead they seem to have the belief that value of an item is based on how many ppl who actually have it.

Can you sell the mount once you get it? No you can’t therefor there is no value. You people are living in denial. Only prestige you need is the rating. Rest is just toxic and predatory game design.

You dont need to be able to sell an item for it to have any form of value.

If I go the line you use, they should put every tmog/mount on a vendor where I can buy everything for 5 gold. Since if I want to play m+ or arena it should not be because of any form of reward. Only because I like it.

You are walking in the street and you found a rock. You say it’s value is $1.000.000 and you are never going to sell it. Does that make that rock a $1.000.000? That’s text book denial right there. Anyway this is getting off topic. If you have a solution free feel to add to the conversation. Otherwise this is pointless.

You are going so far off its quite funny but also insane. It feels like you are exaggerating just to exaggerate.
According to you, museums that do not sell their items hold no value at all. Thats what you are saying. Not me, you.

Im on the topic that value can be different depending on situations. You on the other hand base value only on what you personally believe. Big difference.

Do I say what they are doing is predatory? Yes it is.
Do I say its wrong to make recolors in any form? No I do not. Nothing wrong in doing recolors.
Do I say if you make one item more obtainable that it will hold the same or more value? No I do not and if you truly believe it do, you are delusional.
Thats it.

Difference is there are actually people who wants to buy it and they have always the
freedom and option to sell it, unlike your rock. You know what I meant I know what I meant stop pretending to win a meaningless argument. You and your rock can sleep tight tonight. :grinning:

Again that value is imaginary. It doesn’t exist. What matters in making arena enjoyable, fun and booster free.

So why cant I sell my rock while something that is quite rare still holds value while not being sold?
You seem to not even understand the basics.

Then put the vendor so I can get everything by doing nothing.
Then I can play whatever I enjoy instead of being forced to do content to get any form of reward.
Remove all rewards from mythic raiding, you should enjoy doing it while getting 0 rewards.
Remove all rewards from m+ and PvP, you should enjoy doing it while getting 0 rewards.

Now, in a perfect world that would be perfectly fine.
Now, what do you believe would happen if they actually go through with your fantasy world? How many ppl do you believe will either quit or “start playing” PvP with no rewards behind it?

Here is why if you still can’t understand the metaphor I wouldn’t force it further.

Again you are taking my suggestion which is making rewards more accessible and giving an extreme example which is not what I wrote neither what I suggested and trying to kill the conversation. If you don’t have a different solution why are you even here? You suggest nothing, solve no problem, add nothing to the conversation. You are just here to attack peoples opinion without suggesting an alternative. I guess that’s why this forum is dead and people prefer using reddit.