Retail gladiator boosting is rampant right now

So your link proves the word “value” dont exist.
Can you quote it?

So first of all, my first argument were based on value. You say value dont exist so I went the extreme just like you did but that somehow became too much.
I didnt even “attack you” but you seem to believe thats what ppl do when they counter-argue any point you do that dont follow your line of belief.
Your suggestion has a higher chance of making less ppl play PvP. You seem to not understand that rewards right now make more ppl play. Theres a high reason why theres alot of ppl who play to 1800 or even 2100 and quit.

In a perfect WoW World we would have ppl play ONLY because they like the content. Alot of ppl do not like any form of challenge which should be quite easy to see, and even more if you read other forums.

I didnt even attack your opinion. I answered the core concept about value which you hard denied so I argued your belief.
You simply did not seem to understand ppl see value differently.
If everyone have something it looses value for me.
If few ppl have something it increases value for me.

Feels more like you are just mad.

people pay over 500€ on carrys so they can ride the mount. it clearly has a value.

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This is what I disagree on. I think this is inherently false. If that were true no one would make more than +10 key ever on M+ but in reality people push it up to +30 keys with no reward. In fact it has 5 times more participation compared to pvp. Why is that? Because people compete for the rating and the bragging rights. You might say that’s PVE but in it’s core design you do compete vs other players on difficulty and completion time. There is no pvp game that comes to my mind that has a reward system based on skill level aside from very minor rewards. You grind certain things while you do the pvp but it’s never locked behind a skill level. Not in CS not in Overwatch, Apex Legends, COD. Locking rewards behind certain ratings will always creates an environment for boosting. Why does majority of the people stop playing after 1800 or 2100 rating? Because they now they will be facing people who suppose to in 3k rating. So why bother? That’s the attitude of the majority of the player base. Change the rewarding system making grindy but accessible. Make the rewards obtainable and I will guarantee you that you will see participation over 2100 and 2400 rating. Once the boosting issue solves itself the Arena progression and difficulty spike will be more organic and less intimidating. Currently once you pass the 2.1k rating you immediately start facing R1 players. Why? Because majority of them are selling boosting. The difficulty spike is so massive half the players base doesn’t want to compete and other half of the player base spend their whole day in LFG and can’t form a group. Rewards suppose to be incentive that allows you to enter through the door and try the game mode. Not the end goal. When you make the reward the end goal you face the lowest participation ever in arena. People suppose the play the arena to enjoy the game mode itself. Currently that’s not the case.

PvE have higher playerbase to start with.
Rewards in PvP makes more PvE players play it to get it. Thats common sense.
Why bother playing a mode if you get nothing out of it considering how much you need to learn to play PvP at a high lvl?
Talking about 3v3, not RSS.

That depends what the individual believes to be minor rewards.
The glad mount to me is quite minor since I dont actively try to go for it while it can be major for others.
LoL have reward system aswell though? You get different banner and other parts what I know when you reach higher skill lvl. Overwatch also have rewards based to rating. The higher you get the more currency you get out of it. CS/apex/Cod im not sure of.

Because thats usually when the rewards they want ends. I am one of them, I play to get what I want.

Thats also based on MMR being locked most of the time. Not just boosting.
Imagine m+ rating being locked at 2k. Do you believe ppl would do +15s for absolutely nothing?

The reward system is not what makes ppl not play arenas. Atleast in my opinion.
The part where blizz feels like ppl get too high rating so they “lock” the MMR so for people to enjoy the feel of actually getting rating they need to play on alts. What I understand thats been an issue for quite awhile and also why you might face “R1” in the lower ratings.
Mind you, theres quite some “R1” and “glad” players who bought it.

Making something only “grindy” while not even needing any form of skill to get will devalue the purpose of a “glad mount”. What prestige do rating rly give?
If you rly want to make that part “better” then you might want to talk about making different ladders instead of rating like LoL/CS/OW etc have.

Items which anyone have are pretty much worthless… its no matter if Michelangelo is artist of that mount, its still worthless… Example alliance/horde motorbikes, they are just another worthless number in people alredy bloated collection of mounts.

Gladiator mounts shoud be rarest in game, but since people buy titles like they buy bread in bakery they are not rare anymore, but worst thing is doing this ruins entire legitimacy of fairplay and ladderboard, and undermine entire future of WoW as E-Sport… Sky shoud echo with sound of ban hammer to anyone who temper with ladderboard with enything besides legit wins.

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one of main reson why everything has become so bad, boosting in general for gold either in PVE either PvP

Because the average WoW player plays for rewards in whatever content they do.

It’s a mentality that has existed in the game forever.

And you’re missing one key thing in your arguement - 90% of PvP games are full of cosmetics which a lot of the average players get. What’s the difference? Those cosmetics are usually purchased with real-life money. Think of skins for every game, boxes, etc.

Of course you aren’t going to get an advantage if you’re playing the baseline Fortnite character or have a skin that makes you look like Batman. But the skin makes you look like Batman.

You don’t. This is an imaginary statement which is often exaggerated to make most people feel better about themselves about losing on that rating.

R1 boosters spend time on ratings closer to 2400. Mid to late season this is 2300-2500 (for 3v3).

Just because you may have randomly faced a team that consisted of a guy who had R1 in Legion or something and has been Duelist / Elite for the last 7 years, didn’t mean you lost to a booster. You just lost.

It’s not about the difficulty spike.

Over 85% of the people who have been 2300-2400 in 3v3 in the last 1 month up until now are not much better players than most. They simply play broken high-pressure PvE comps which are very forgiving and easy to win with.

For example, a current triple stack of x3 Duelists consisting of Assa Rogue, Affliction Warlock and Resto druid can easily get Gladiator. Those people are simply using the meta to win easily. Same goes for playing things like Ret / Melee / Preservation. Usually free win comp regardless of skill.

The real reason 3s is pushing the playerbase away is the Ego Inflation people got in Season 2 of Shadowlands.

Being 2400 xp in that season equated to about 1900 in modern terms. Basically whatever experience you had in S2 of Shadowlands, take 500 from that and you get where you are.

But whoever didn’t push max rating back then would get declined, called bad, etc. Even though the majority of Shadowlands S2 only Gladiators in reality are Duelist players at best.

Shadowland titles not included, that was rule since expansion ended, and ye there is ARMY of peole with shadowland gladiator mount, which also shows something stinks there.

This is also indirect indicator that something stinks in entire system… im 100% sure real gladiator trait is not stop after 1 lose…and somehow we have 99% “gladiators” with mindset to leave and stop after just 1 lose game… So why those guys leave after one lose? Answer is, they buy ratting, and with it they trying to smuggle themself with real good players, if they notice player cannot carry them they are protecticve to their ratting because they payed for it and leave after 1 game if lose.

Of course.

However leaving is somewhat normal after a few losses.

Sometimes it’s about recognizing how many things are missing from what a teammate is doing.

There is a difference between 1-2 bad games that were maybe even close, 1 bad CD used


Bad positioning multiple games, dying with CDs, wrong target selection, nonstop panic pressing, etc.

If there is too big of a difference between what rating teammates are trying to push vs. what rating they are playing like, there is little reason to stay if there is no improvement after some games.

Improving together is a thing, but if the gap is too large it’s just a waste of time.

At the end of the day, everybody has a certain level of gameplay, so 1800 level players are not going to become 2400 players without outside help + a lot of practice and playing. This help doesn’t need to be a boost, it can just be friendly players who are a bit better, or even guides and streamers giving advice and tips.

Depens who you get, will just tell you some diamons from my arena past:

:gem:One season we got 2150 with guy with 0 loses in 2s…than we losed one, guy suffered nervous breakdown and melted

:gem:One season I won 16 games straight with one guy, for first time in his noob life guy get his 10 wins steak achi, than we lost one game, guy melted, suffered nervous breakdown, started to curse me… /kick

If this is above is not enough for people to tolerate one lose what is it? Payed glad titles without loses? seems like community is only capable of wintrading… its just lame into what this game turned…

Its the help part thats sort of the problem. Just my own experience but,
I feel under so much pressure simply BECAUSE I know they will kick after just one or two losses that it actually makes me play worse.
I play far better with comms which no one wants to use.
The rare handful of times ive played with folk that actually meant it when they said “chill/casual” in their LFG post and stuck around after a few losses I almost always ended up rapidly improving, if they were willing to use comms it was basically a guarantee.
Problem is human nature, people in wow pvp for the most part are toxic and selfish and have no patience. Almost no one is willing to help newer less experienced players get better which I can definitely understand why and not really anything that can be done about it but it is a problem.
I mean to give one random example, I was kicked after one loss with them posting “omfg noob why didnt you purge demon buff”, apparently some purgeable buff on demo locks pet… Am I supposed to know about that lol? literally came back to the game a few weeks ago, I know what my own class does and bits and pieces of others from when i played in prior expansions but new stuff is always getting added.
This was at like 1500 rating as well… Theres no benefit of the doubt.
On the other hand the rare chances ive played with actual chill people they would instead say stuff like “how come you didnt purge that?” I say I didnt know it was a thing just came back and they say “ah no worries yeah its a buff they do if you purge it stops a lot of damage” Ah ok ill look out for it next time sorry. Thats how people improve but those people are an extreme minority it seems.

Ineed but actualy they are feared little girls, if they are that good they can easy recover anyhting they lost but no…instead they check check check check check check and check like they are going to fly space shuttle not to play the game.

I offten get into conflict with PvP statisticans, when guy tell me like “OMG only one cyclone in game” but truth is monkey do not understand that cyclone hit exactly when needed, even 1x cyclone in PvP have more worth than 20x when it doesnt matter. But no champion is checking recount like we are playing PvE :stuck_out_tongue:

Impatience is for sure not feature of R1 player or gladiator player, its feature of noobs who buy the boost… Good players can tolerate ±300 ratting because they recover it in no time, but those guys cant tolerate one lose, why? because they cant get it back.

This is actually so wrong. First of all if you dont use stuff to force their trinkets then that 1 cc at right time wont have any value simply cos they can trinket or they will have stops for it just cos you didnt force them earlier. Also this game is all about dmg - unless its a dps loss Its probably Always Worth to cyclone.
That was just an example. Its same with dispels and other stuff.

Ofc if you play resto its a different story as you usually dont cyclone.

Also details and statistics can show you where the issue was, what enemy team who win did better etc.

Mostly true but not always, like theres times someone has twice as many or more interrupts than you, but what were they kicking? and when? Stopping random damage casts then having nothing to stop a poly or fear on your healer?
Or even kicking poly/fear/clone etc on your healer but they are already double DR’d, now you cant stop it on you or the other dps and sit a fully cc during cds. Or you kick a cc when your healer was just going to LoS the cast, or your druid was just going to shift it then you dont have kick for when your healer is unable to avoid it themselves etc.
Likewise people go “look my CC done!” and its like… ok you spammed cc’s at random times so you were never able to set up a kill, everyones on DR when you have a offensive cds back, or it removes all the debuffs/DoTs you had on them.
The sheer number of times ive bursted into someone right as a druid cloned them for seemingly no reason… Numbers can be a good indicator but theres a lot more to it.

My dude its 2024 it doesnt matter what you stop or when you just want to make enemy life as miserable as possible while doing more dmg than enemy. If you have tempo then enemy team can’t do cc anyway. Nowadays even rmp dont do cc and just win in damp by doing dmg. Theres nothing like setuping kills as casters, its usually impossible to win before deep damp.

I receive WoW boostsite ads on YT.
Never see actual WoW ads on YT.

Sadly, the boosters are working harder to promote WoW than Blizz.
Perhaps it really is the boosters to thank for keeping this game alive…

Select from the three little dots side of the suggestion that youre not interested of it or to not recommend the channel again. Ive never had any boost add but ive never searched with the term either. Tell your yt algo that you dont want to see them and it will learn.

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