Retail made me appreciate Classic

Yup. Simple is good. I can not be bothered to learn about covenants in retail. I want to log in and do whatever I want to, and that is for sure not Torghast - Might aswell play Diablo then :smiley:


I am actually really enjoying Shadowlands, playing since Vanilla off and on. The issue they have is forcing content on the player to keep up to date. Its clearly a tactic to ensure sub numbers stay for x amount of months by making the power creep weekly etc. That for me is what usually stopped me coming back for long periods more recently, its so easy to fall behind and then be forced into doing crap content like Torghast or the Maw to keep up.
Classic as you say is far simpler, less convoluted and seems more rewarding in many ways for the time you put in. I honestly could not care less about stygia and soulbinds and covenents and anima and so on. Its like a bad mobile game with all of that stuff.


And classic made me appreciate single player games.

Its all about the people and friends to play with.

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Classic is an mmorpg, refail is a lineer single player game with too much obligatory non-fun activities.

This game was an mmorpg until they made cross-realm phasing aka disappearing silhouttes.


Yeah true. I mean I love my guild in Classic. Dont want to go anywhere else

That’s great tanv, thanks for making my day.

I’m glad you’ve changed your tune about classic, and enjoy killing 10 boars.

Amongst your pre-moaning about classic, However i’m glad you’ve seen the light and come away from fairycraft

All the best

your best mate


You got the wrong end of the stick completely.
No where have I mentioned that I disliked the quests in classic lol

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That’s fantastic Tanv

Have a great day

God bless you

I think its quite disgusting how you’re acting sickly sweet considering how you’ve treated me in the past.
I just hope you’ve learnt the error of your ways


Still trying to shame people randomly and then playing the Victim then

I shall not reply as I know that’s what your gagging for :wink:

Have the best day and best christmas!

Knew you hadn’t changed.

This is coming from the guy who encouraged harassment based on the way I look.

But yeah you keep doing the “they’re playing the victim card”

If you say so, pretty hard when i’ve not seen a single photo of you

Still the same attention craver I see, isn’t that what you play the game for afterall? or have you changed now?

Anyway time to stop giving you the attention you crave

Much love sweetypie Xxx

Coming from the same person that ruined my guild because of your drama haha

P.S not interested babes i’m gay I know any guy that does talk to you, you think that.

LMAO who uses twitter for WoW? lolz good joke

No wonder even rotter had enough of you, you try and be nice… and just get this :slight_smile: never change

Of course you havent seen a photo of me…I guess that’s why I remember you tweeting right underneath a photo of me with my family that some person ‘kindly’ shared.
Maybe you need to go to a memory clinic.

I play the game for fun not to feel hassled or frightened like you defias lot made me feel.

But still here. You’ve not won.

Ta ta

Edit: Ruined your guild? The same guild you invited Saa to kick everyone cos you couldn’t do it yourself? How cute.

I am of likeminded people, i want to ask if it’s still worth to start on classic from scratch? or is it pointless now? All i know i would definetly play TBC if it comes, but i don’t even know if it would be continuation of classic, or just brand new servers.

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No it’s not pointless at all. Every raid is still relevant. It might be harder to find levelling dungeons and groups for elite quests though

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Yeah I caught your edit Warzoid. I’m not stupid.

First of all the Defias community uses Twitter back in 2015 I believe when that became a thing in game so that’s that point debunked.

Second of all my personal life has nothing to do with you. I had enough of Rotter as a matter of fact so that’s another one debunked.

Third. You’re gay? Okay so? That must be why you’re so petty

Fourth: Leave me alone please

If i may ask one more question, is there any good realm for alliance? as i would love to play my beloved faction not being pushed by meta like on retail?

I’ve only played on Pyrewood Villge which is a PVE realm.
I find it a really nice realm

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Thank you, gonna start tonight then :slight_smile:

a PVE realm suits you well, do you hug the horde?

I bet you do

P.S stop making up lies because I don’t know what you’re on about :slight_smile: