Retail vs Classic

Can we stop with the Retail vs Classic bashing and be a little more mature about it? Both games are good, both games have their issues and both games can co-exist alongside each other.

Dont like classic? Dont play it
Dont like BFA? Dont play it

No need for this constant “this game is better” posts


Thank you for this thread … I agree completely.
I’m so fed up with the constant bickering.
Why can’t people who like BFA play BFA, people who like Classic play Classic and people who like both play both.
There shouldn’t be any ‘one is better than the other’ or ‘people are stupid for preferring one’.


While this is reasonable and true, I don’t take these clashes seriously.

If I enjoy the game - I play it.
If I see someone bashing retail on GD and praising Classic all I see is a loser who fails to enjoy both games tbh.

So I am cool with these threads :joy:

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Underrated post, Agreed

I don’t think it will stop anytime soon. Some classic trolls have nothing better to do than trolling on GD, and now we have some retail trolls also trolling the Classic GD. The Version Wars just got expanded in scope.


No more weeb game advertisement at least

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Hey, SWToR has a new expansion coming up, pls don’t insult! :bust_in_silhouette:


Imagine Blizzard announces BC, WotlK, and maybe MoP then some of us gonna really enjoy the comedy but then I’d really want a mass mute button. :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey I wasn’t talking about our precious little secret…
Only you and me still remember SWToR here btw :wink:

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Nowai. :frowning: You broke my heart, jedi. :frowning:

Classic just doesn’t make any sense…

Not one of these pests…
I eliminate any threat to the empire, my Lord :cowboy_hat_face::hocho:

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Very well, Imperial. Now fall in line, I am a member of the Dark Council after all. :muscle:

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I want a thread for people who tried classic, liked it, got kinda fed up a few days after but too shy to make my own as people will probably tell me to git gud :<

Classic is better for me.

But it’s not better for everyone.

If you got fed up, the healthy thing is to not play it, at least for a while. If you liked it, it’s gonna be there in a week or two or a month or two, it isn’t going anywhere, you can play it when you are not fed up and it actually provides fun for you. It’s not a mandatory game, in fact no game is.

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classic is better

Which is YOUR opinion.

Others may think BFA is better

But the characters are so cute :frowning:

Never gonna happen sadly. Its like the xbox vs playstation vs pc war