Retail vs Classic

I agree, and find Classic as good as Vanilla.

I know just that I am in a nice guild there, though I also joined their retail version it’s not the same people. Guess I will just be that person who takes years to get to 60 not weeks/months :smiley:

Funny thing is, neither of them are right. Which game is better is completely subjective to personal opinion. Even if the numbers show one version in favour of the other, it still couldn’t be deemed as “better”, because it’s down to what each individual playing enjoys.
Having said that, retail is way better and anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong.

Again please, why did you bring this matter up?

Because there is no need for it.

It explains it all in my post


Thing is I don’t think that meta topics will make people stop at the end it’s like a religious war and in order for this to stop fanatics/extremists need to calm down and as far as I can tell they don’t plan to stop; however, what you can do as an individual is get amused and have a laugh. don’t forget the popcorn. :wink:

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That’s not what this thread is about …

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Amen, agree with OP fully. It is like people go around forums instead playing the game and trying to seek validation as if their opinion is correct one and how they are somehow better if they like one or other version of the game.

One thing is to give feedback, discuss and debate, other is the “OMG I LIEK DIS UR VERSN SUXX0RZ”.

People just play the game you like!

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War ? Switch annihilated any discussion , as clear winner

better idea, wod btu they actully finish all content, instead of having yrel story,faralohn,shatrath raid and ogre continent ,and multiple worldbosses not done, and no grom endboss with gorehowll drop(i dont care how but i need that hd gorehowl model aviable)

I’m actually playing it again, it’s been fun so far.

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Not true. Imo.

Yes, I can agree with this.

Well, maybe. We’ll see.
I’m a bit annoyed with all the undeserved attention Classic is getting tbh.
So it’s not about that version of the game existing. It’s about everyone and their mom not being able to shut up about it.

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Me too, I was just now, with the queue to Classic being what it is and all. :slight_smile: It really is fun, I love the single player part.

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Completely agree. As long as I can still say that Pineapple does not belong on Pizza everything else is purely one’s personal opinion :slight_smile:

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Our babes are better :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I mean belves are I guess.
Playable catboys tho owo

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I’ve only finished 1 class story in all those years, and that was even when the last 2 expansions launched. Burned myself out trying to do all the quests there were over and over again. Now I can do just the class story and planet story it seems, I like it.

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It is feasible to do even just the Class story if you have a subscription and play during the double XP week.

And in case you didn’t do that one yet, I strongly recommend the Imperial Agent storyline, which is in my opinion the best one in the game by a significant margin. If you did do that one, go for the Sith Warrior and take my word for it, you won’t regret it. :slight_smile:

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Sith warrior is the one I completed. And Imperial Agent I’m just saving for last. Just made a new Jedi sentinal, was a bit tired of being a ds ahole inquisitor (its alot of fun though). One thing that just doesn’t work for me is overlevelling, something in my brain tells me “nope, this ain’t right” and I can’t help it. With the 200% xp from early August I was lvl 42 on Coruscant before turning in the last quest. Deleted it, can’t help myself lol.

I have a sub, and also made a new f2p account this week. I kinda get classic players, it’s nice collecting datacrons again and getting achievements again. But, switched back to sub cause I can’t play half the races.

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Play a light side inquisitor then. :slight_smile: I actually found that for me playing them the improper way, as in light side sith and dark side jedi, was actually way more fun. :rofl: