Reth palas need seal of blood/martyr

Hey blizart give this spell back to fix reth in pve please we cant get raid spots before icc phase.


My raid has a retri that only uses Seal of command.

They are usually below the tanks in dmg.

Just find yourself friendly static and they will invite you

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So just cause you can’t be top of the meter, you need a buff? Oh no I can’t beat the warlocks in damage, buff pls. We got 1-2 ret palas in our raid, they’re not topping meters, but they’re not doing worse than tanks. 4.4k overall dps in 25M naxx for someone who isn’t a massive tryhard isn’t bad. I’ve seen much worse from all classes in pugs.
I can barely out dps tanks as a holy priest, shall we demand a buff for holy priests so I could also beat warlocks on the dps meter?

You do more dmg than tanks in holy? Id say its time for a nerf

I thought everyone knew that ret palas and warriors wouldn’t do damage until a much later phase.

No, I was used to playing ret pala with shadowmourne and t10 on warmane, thats why I didn’t know it’s dogshet before it.

Aaaah phase 1 paladin, sure that seal was nice but you also had to refresh it after every Judgement until Ulduar.

There is 1 spot for each class in each guild, locks and dks more but if you play those classes it takes a longer time to get upgrades. So unless you play for hc guilds you are good.

They’ve already stated definitively there will be no changes to ret.
Accept that or reroll.

That is not true if we riot enough, they will, because we ret players are many and we pay their salaries and in return want a viable class to play.

No, you chose to play this verion of the game instead of retail… you know retail right, the thing you’re paying for.
How much dps do you expect to be doing, give me a number for reference instead of just whining that you need a buff. How much dps are you doing currently and what do you want your buffed dps to increase to?

I’m not currently doing raids yet on my pala, i’m levelling it, but I want it to not be dog dps when I finally reach 80 on him.

Well that depends on you. With this mentality I don’t think you’d be top dps anyway. You can easily do 5k dps, you’ll be above average in pugs so grats, buff done. Unless you’re going for a harcore guild, which again with your mentality its doubful, you won’t need more.

Okay but the problem is that us reth palas, we get to be decent dps class only last phase of this expansion when we got t10 and possible smourne and that,s how im used to playing my reth on warmane.

Oh wow, you’ve learned a generic excuse, congrats, achievement unlocked! Numbers mate, what is “decent”, what is the difference between T10 smourne and T9? How does that compare to other classes? What level of skill is required to achieve that dps? Any kind of data at all? Do you even know what you’re saying because it looks like you’re just mindlessly posting something someone else complained about.

So many Ret pala complaints out there, however they are in the same situation as Arms Warriors, Fury Warriors and MM hunters. Maybe ask a Warrior what does he do differently so he doesn’t have to complain as much? I think they just accept the necessary wait time to get to the top, you should too.

None of the classes you metnioned above have had their core spell removed from them.

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No we don’t, Seal of Vengeance is just flat out better for single target and the revamped Seal of Command is flat out better in aoe.

In the niche situation that you need to do the most damage possible in less than 20 seconds, Seal of Righteousness does fine.


Son of a necro, sorry about that ><

Nah, the necro is Novallia (look above), it’s her way of “bumping” the pala threads.

Did someone ask you anything?
Go mind your 1-1-2 rotation on live.