Reth palas need seal of blood/martyr

oh you mean the class that gains way more power comparetivly to the rest per phase and hunter, like sub rogue and frost mage are pvp specs are not complaining for not beign put in raids? weird…

Unlike BM hunters, sub rogues and frostmages paladins do not have an alternative spec for dps.

And 2 of those specs lay absolute waste to a ret in pvp by having a cat walk over their keyboards.

Why does it have to be a dps spec? All those classes (hunter/mage/rogue) are pure DPS to begin with, they can’t heal or tank. If you want to be sure of always having a viable DPS spec, roll a DPS class.


… because raid comps work like that.

You can’t just go “I dont like being lowest on the DPS meter, Im speccing tank now” and expect your guild to be remotely prepared for or okay with that.

Seethe, Retri paladin.

If having a viable DPS alternative is that important to you, allowing you to always DPS no matter what, then you should roll a pure DPS class.

We’re 5 months in, there was and still are plenty of guilds/raids looking for healers and tanks. Can’t tell me otherwise.

Also know as the very thing WotLK set out to do away with by lowering the hybrid tax immensely.

Are you sure you don’t just want to play vanilla or tbc?

Yeah, but then it sounds like you’re saying Paladins should be allowed to have TRIPPLE viable talents and utility in Tanking, Healing and DPS. While other classes that are pure DPS only, should be happy one of their specs sorta works or what?

I think that would grossly unfair and displays a new kind of self-absorbed ego-centrism. Especially since the hybrid tax is all but removed, it would be complete BS to grant some classes 3 times the opportunities others do.

If Paladins need to be viable in all 3 possible roles , then pure dps should get 3 viable dps specs, or receive healing and tanking abilities too.

Yes indeed.

Otherwise what’s the point?

That former hybrid classes get 3 times the opportunities for gameplay pure dps has, while being viable in all 3 possible roles. And giving pure DPS less opportunities, with just one functional spec.

I’d see that as grossly unfair towards other players.

Yes, and fix BM hunter

DK has 3 viable specs, Priest has 3 viable specs, Warlock has 3 viable specs, Druid has 4 vialbe specs, rogue has 3 viable specs, Mage has 3 viable specs. so what are we talking about?
Oh, I have just seen it now, you play a DH, double standards is your native language.

We’re well aware who won the 3.3.3 patch lottery. We were talking about the about pure DPS specs have more choices to DPS then Paladin who can also heal and tank, and the validity of their complaints. But thanks for pretending to be involved in the conversation.

If you want to have more RNG chances of having a viable DPS spec to choose from, roll a DPS class.

We are talking about a core spell who got removed from the game and we play into a content adapted to that spell.
Also, a raid ahs 2-3 tanks spots, 4-5 healing spots AND 17-19 DPS spots. So, yes it is perfectly normal to have more viable dps specs as these are the most vacant spots in a raid.

Yep. I’m just making sure we don’t pretend $hit happens only to retri Paladins.

Which other class had its core sepll rmeove mid expansion in wotlk?

Except they don’t if you don’t let them DPS.

Then they have 2 which might not fill the role they wanted.

Which is the entire point.

Do try for one second to keep in mind that absolutely no one is asking for ret to be top of the pack.

Better than a frost mage or a sub rogue? Absolutely.

Why? I’m genuinly curious here what the reasoning is for that?

What makes it so frost should ‘naturally’ give less DPS than a retri and not for example equal?

Honest question.

It trolls, just ignore it.

Because 1) they have other dps options and 2) they’re completely faceroll in pvp already.