Retribution Paladin Design in 10.0.7

Ill be back to test my ret when 10.0.7 goes live, until then im on my sub rogue :+1:

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No thank you :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:

Why are people so obsessed with long arm of the law? If we get it on top of the horse, it’s good, but replacing the horse with it, is just lame. What can you do with that talent when there’s no enemy target in judgement range? Nothing…

I like it, why do you think it’s clunky?

Also, what’s your problem with holy power in general?

You have some good takes, but half of what you say is literally just make paladins like they were back in WotLK. Which makes no sense, since classic exist. If you love that, just go and play that? What’s the point of having a class that plays the same way as it did 14 years ago?

No one cares about Ret paladins. BUFF FERAL DRUIDS BACK! It has even less survivability than ret and you banged its damage to the ground.

Can’t speak for breadromance but I agree with him on D til D. It locks you into an HP spending pattern when the whole joy of the builds is the ability to pump out a string of 3 point FVs, WoGs or whatever the situation requires. More of a PVP thing maybe but having to go from 0-5 and back over and over regardless just isn’t ret for me. I can just about live with it on holy but even then it feels a like a straitjacket.

But so long as we’re free to spend it how we want holy power works fine for me.

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Note: feedback is primarily from PVP perspective.

Button bloat

The most glaring case asking for unification is TV, JV and FV. FV costs 3 talents to obtain, but still weaker than JV baseline, meanwhile JV doesn’t work with any other talents improving TV and even with set bonus. Nevertheless JV feels better as a finisher, it also provides sustain and some burst potential on targets in stun. Having both on toolbar is very annoying but currently if you want to utilize Empyrean Legacy you need TV or even just to kill a totem - for some reason JV doesn’t do damage to them.
Ideally all talent options would be modifiers to TV, including JV, perhaps with lower magnitude.

Another case is return of Exorcism which was superseded by BoJ at some point. Even after huge 80% buff the damage is not impressive and it’s clunky to use - no animation, doesn’t generate holy power, one can only guess you’ve used it by spell going on cooldown. Another awkward part is it’s talent pathing. The only interesting interaction is AoE DoT applied in consecration - but it’s something relevant to PVE, and even there consecration + DS has better interaction. Overall I don’t see any reason for this button to exist - even with a 80% buff it’s a meh button to press.

Stacking modifiers/Burst:

Instead of plainly nerfing options like recent RD cut to oblivion and providing separate talents giving additional DoTs (Truth’s Wake, Expurgation) I’d suggest to move extra damage modifiers to a DoT in general - that 33% off RD could just be moved to be dealt over 6-12s and it would still be a decent option.

Regarding philosophy of reducing burst I have to note that recent nerf to Aura of Reckoning PVP talent by 100% made sustain damage drop: in current state Ret burst was only scary on 1 min mark. Having wings proc didn’t scare away anyone by itself, just helped a bit deal more meaningful damage between the goes. Also needs to be noted that having stacks tied to critical damage only created dramatic differences of proc rate depending on enemy comp. In rework it would be great to see AW actually scary by itself
and if we are going to receive the extra wings procs more rarely, the we should also have better control - ranged hammer cast felt much better than current swing mechanic.


For no understandable reason Divine Protection option is still on 2 min cd. It should be at the same cooldown as SoV to be comparable option.

Forbearance should be adjusted in regard to party play. Both for Holy and for Ret it’s very painful obstacle preventing cooperation. E.g. make it last 15s for all paladins, keep 30s for own abilities.

Bubble being dispelled by fast Mass Dispel is a case of hard counter with little counterplay: Ret doesn’t have long range abilities to prevent cast going off, even if in melee cannot even use kick in most cases due to how fast the cast is. Shattering throw is much healthier example, maybe instead of being a fast cast MD can be non-interruptible if talented?

Big part of melee survivability is mobility so instead of adding new defensives I’d rather see more improvements to mobility.


In order to try reach a target Ret requires to use 2 GCD: one for horse, another for freedom/consecration. This is unlike any melee spec. Horse should at least remove all snare/root effects upon cast.

Most melee specs have a +movement speed talent. Ret has general paladin talent that provides 83 speed rating despite stating it provides 2% speed. At 70 lvl you need 100 speed rating for 2% (before diminishing returns at 10%). Some extra Ret-specific talent with base speed increase would be good.

Yes from a PvP perspective it feels weird having to build 5 HP then 0. CLUNKY

About the whole HP system I mean if it has to say, fine. But for the majority of palas, it feels better and way more fun to play without holy power.

Final Verdict should hit harder that certain abilities that don’t require anything. Ret is a worst version of an outlaw rogue.

not gonna be 6 months lol
patch will come out before summer

I don’t get how you can play ret and not wanting a rework lol

Hello Kaivax,

Thank you for the communication about Ret Paladins.
I would like to share my thoughts with you as a long time Ret main since 2008.

  • Introduce back Long Arm of the Law and Burden of Guilt as talent choices (with their old functionality).

  • Rework Judgment to 4-5 second cooldown and Rework Lawbringer (PvP talent) to grant an amplified buff/depending on aura and seal selected for the Paladin or their group.

  • Introduce back Empowered Seals (WoD - talent) - ( Turalyon’s Justice , Uther’s Insight, , Liadrin’s Righteousness).

  • Addition to Empowered Seals: Once you collect all the seals buffs you gain an additional buff depending on spec. (Can be applied to Ret/Holy & Prot)

  • Introduce back Emancipate

  • Rework Cleanse of Toxins with Cleanse.

  • Make repentance instant cast (1minute cd)

  • Introduce back Sacred Shield

  • Remove Divine Steed please

  • Rework Divine Purpose (Affected by: Judgment, Crusader Strike, Templar’s Verdict, Divine Storm) - Grants 1 free spender when procs (10% proc rate).

  • Divine Protection - 1 minute CD

  • Introduce as talent - Improved Judgment - Increases the range of your Judgment by 10 yards per point. (2 pnts. max)

  • Introduce back - Inquiry of Faith

  • Rework Consecration to an aura that follows the paladin (Similar to Immolation aura of DH)

  • Rework the Art of War - Grants Flash of light instant cast or amplifies a dmg ability

  • Add Jurisdiction (PvP talent) as a talent choice in the regular tree

  • Rework Execution’s Sentence - can be casted on self or the enemy for Heal or Dmg accordingly.

  • Rework Eye for an Eye - Choice between Physical or Magical dmg mitigation.

  • Make Turn Evil (Baseline) and instant cast - 8 second cd

  • Make Lay on Hands not usable in arena (rated environments)

  • Adjust the burst windows to a more sustain dmg profile.

  • Consider adding a choice for a mortal strike effect for the class. Since we are going towards a less bursty playstyle.

  • Consider the addition of the Clemency talent.

  • Rework Hammer of Justice - to physical similar to warriors stormbolt.

  • Rework auras - (Raid/Party wide passive effects).

These are some of the changes I would like to see in the upcoming changes.
Thanks again for considering reworking the Retri talent specialization, myself and the community I’m sure is thankful for that.


Button bloat : While i do like having lots of buttons and mostly using a lot of them. but some points I have about this:

  • Why do we have shield of the righteous if we cant use it with our equiped weapon anyway. it would actually be cool if we could use it as a defensive, although i feel we mostly need mr
  • I feel like this also has to do a bit with Stacking multipliers. you need to waste about 3 globals to start doing damage to get sera and reckoning up etc which isnt inherently bad but it does feel like a long time.
  • You also cant really macro a lot together since none of the cd timers line up.

Stacking modifiers : I kind of like the bursty playstyle myself. but if we could change some on the talents toward a more sustained version of themselves id be happy with that. im not to sure how id change it myself while keeping wings feeling like a strong cooldown.

Survivability : I feel like this is moslty in oneshot while speccing into healing hands or selfless healing can give you some recovery, at the cost of damage. The (now) 1 min shield cd is not enough for how often bigger damage spikes occur and its also not very strong against sustained damage.

Maneuverability : (apart from it looking silly) while i like(d) the movement the steed provides esp during sl when it was a 6s duration, right now it feel a bit short, also if you want to go fast when you are slowed you are to waste two globals to freedom and then steed. which feel very bad.
I’d like either a change that you can recover some cd during combat, and maybe something akin to intervene but giving you movement speed towards another player.

Utility : Paladins have some nice utility which i think is actually pretty good if used well. But some of it is on awkward spot in the tree if you want to play for your own damage. and i feel like some of it not being baseline but havign a spot taken up on the tree that could be spent improving them is a bit of a waste.

i want a rework, but atm, ret is dead for atleast 3+ months and i m forced to play something else! why nerfing in the first step and let us be trash for such a long time?

When the rework is done, rets gets instant nerfed again because some abilitys gone be to strong

Rets asked for off gcd bubble and VS
Rets asked for long arm of the law, instead, they telling us, we not getting movement from rogue, but rogue receive movement from ret

like i said, i m playing ret since OG-classic Pvp only, its always the same, just copium Ret gonna be good/viable

First and foremost, thank you so much for giving attention and addressing the spec :slight_smile:
I’ve been playing paladin and maining Ret since the early days of vanilla, nowadays I play the spec competitively both in M+ and mythic raids.
I hope you won’t get confused from all the info (sometimes misleading) that you receive from this forum post.
I’d also like to say you guys did a great work focusing on the main focal points which the spec is mostly failing at.

As for the points:

Button bloat: I truely like the way our rotation and gameplay feels currently. Micro managing bigger and smaller cds is good design imo. Contrary to what people here are writing, I think that seraphim is great spell to use. Final reckoning/Divine Toll/Execution sentence (when it can perform)/Wake of ashes(Radiant Decree) are well designed abilities that are actually fun to press! please do not remove them. Also I happen to like the fact that consecration is an important part of the rotation and actually does damage now. I agree the button bloat exists and should be addressed, I just hope you guys won’t change the gameplay too much :slight_smile:

Stacking modifiers: Sustained damage sounds good and was never a part of ret’s damage profile which is something that was always left desired. As much as I like the idea, please do remember to keep our burst on demand st/aoe which was what made our spec so uniquely special.

Survivability: This is the true flaw of the spec. Everything else won’t matter as much as our survivability. In fact, I would rather have everything else stay the same and just address this issue. It feels like because we have immunities like bubble and bop, we cannot have real DRs which are so crucial in high level content. The introduction of Spellwarding was a good decision but got scrapped very early. Also having shield of vengeance along side divine protection with a smaller CD could do the trick.

Maneuverability: I totally agree with this point, we shouldn’t be any more mobile than we are currently. Even if we did, the other issues are much more important imo.

Utility: This is a great change. I think that overall as a support heavy spec, we just miss some kind of impactful group/raid utility alongside our very niche utility we currently have.

Are you really just going to ignore the plight of hunters?

I’ve been waiting so long for this moment. Thank you for paying attention to the spec. It sorely needs it. I’d also like to thank Blizzard for making Dragonflight such an amazing expansion so far. I have been loving it! I’m also excited for what lies ahead. The roadmap looks great, and I hope you have no troubles in maintaining the consistent patch cadence. I really appreciate the transparency Blizzard has shown in class and spec design. I love reading the comments on changes for talents and abilities, even for classes I don’t play. It’s great having an insight into what the vision is for class/spec design and what you want them to achieve.

Anywho, back to it. I’ve played the spec since TBC and it’s been a bit of a mess since Legion. There are so many changes over the years, but Legion’s rework stands out to me as the biggest shift, and MoP/WoD stand out to me as the funnest times I’ve had as Ret. I love the strong fantasy that we got from Legion, but the downsides of that fantasy were pushed much harder than the positives. The fantasy is that we’re supposed to be a slow juggernaught, similar to the role of DKs. Well… we’re definitely slow, not so sure about the juggernaught part.

Button bloat: This is a complicated issue because a lot of people think that more buttons = more complex = you’re a better player for getting a bigger rotation down. I don’t think a bigger rotation is worth it when they payoff isn’t there. Right now with Ret, there’s a LOT of buttons with no payoff outside of high burst. This has to be executed properly too, otherwise it’s out of sync for the rest of the dungeon, or the rest of a boss encounter. There are also a good few buttons to press that don’t feel good at all.

Crusader Strike hits like a wet noodle. There’s nothing else to say about it. Everything about it screams filler ability. The low damage, the mediocre visuals, the short CD.

Consecration just doesn’t have a place in modern WoW. It only does good damage because it’s very obvious you guys have tried to push it hard. I say that because it has like 9 talents specifically buffing it and nothing else. Those talents should have been beefing up other parts of our main kit. I would personally prefer the spell to be removed.

The main problem with Consecration is that it is stationary. This works well in Classic where you can stand still for long periods of time. Retail WoW has a lot of kiting in high keys, and lots of movement in raids. It doesn’t feel good having mobs moved out of something that is now unfortunately one of your strongest abilities. Make it move with the paladin. Consecration also has very underwhelming visual feedback. I would love the stain-glass window effect that the Champion of the Light boss uses for Consecration in Battle of Dazar’alor. If you’re going to make us suffer by keeping this spell, at least give us a glyph to make it look cool!

Exorcism again suffers from a similar issue to Consecration. With the Ret playstyle we’ve had since Legion, you can tell it really doesn’t have a place in the rotation. This is exacerbated by it only having synergy with Consecration and literally nothing else. It doesn’t build holy power. Its damage is WAY too low for a 20 second CD. The only positive is that it’s ranged. Remove it or make it a talent that changes Blade of Justice into an AOE ranged builder.

There are some interesting choices you’ve added. Radiant Decree is a great AOE option and its short CD makes it feel great to use. Holy power is so abundant in Ret’s current form that it just works really well.

Divine Toll is great, but it really needs the Ringing Clarity conduit from Shadowlands baked in baseline. That conduit is the entire reason it was a mandatory choice for Ret in SL, and it’s gone! DT feels incredibly underwhelming to press in single-target fights now.

Final Reckoning was a fantastic addition in SL, and created a solid one-minute playstyle revolving around Seraphim → Divine Toll (which put you back to fully holy power back in SL due to the conduit) → Final Reckoning → Execution Sentence → then pumping with Divine Storm/Templar’s Verdict. Please don’t remove Final Reckoning, and Execution Sentence is a great spell that deserves much better. I honestly preferred the BFA iteration which was much faster, but making it an 8 second window to fit burst in can also work too. It just does no damage currently to be a justified pick in any build. The only issue with this 1 minute playstyle, however, is that there are still a lot of abilities that have to be executed in a sequence. Meanwhile I can play fury and press 3x 1 minute burst CDs because they’re all off the GCD, and that’s still burst.

Stacking Modifiers: Get rid of Dusk and Dawn. It’s an insanely bland passive, as is Seal of Order and Aspiration of Divinity. These passive modifiers were complained about constantly during Alpha/Beta and they stayed. I don’t care that they’re in the class tree not the ret tree. They’re still part of the issue. The paladin class tree is a mess. It suffers the same issues as the ret tree. Paladins have to pick between output or utility that they had since Vanilla. It’s not an interesting choice when your damage/healing is low without the output talents.

Survivability: The hybrid healing has been possibly the most underwhelming I’ve seen it in a while. Word of Glory does almost no healing now, because its output is attached to Afterimage and Healing Hands. I would appreciate Sacred Shield making a return. Divine Protection also needs to be baseline and have a 1 minute CD. Bubble being on the GCD is also a bit silly. I can’t pre-empt getting one-shot in +20 keys. The GCD is just too punishing.

Again, Unbreakable Spirit should be baked in, it’s a boring talent and is basically mandatory for every Paladin spec. Outside of Divine Protection (a talent we never take because Shield of Vengeance is still superior), we have no passives improving our survivability and no DR spells. The lack of survivability is also part of the next issue.

Remove forbaerance or at the very least reduce its duration by 50%. It’s a dated mechanic. Allowing Lay on Hands in PvP has basically just shown how much of a joke the spell is. Teammates will ask why you LoH’d them or yourself when you still died straight after. It’s affected by dampening and is weaker in PvP anyway.

Maneuverability: We need Emancipate and Clemency back or at the very LEAST have Blessing of Freedom removed from the GCD. I don’t mind the visuals of Divine Steed, but people are right when they say it’s an incredibly underwhelming spell. It should be off the GCD like DK’s Death’s Advance. It should also have knockback immunity and/or at the very least not be slowable below 80% speed. DK’s have achieved the slow juggernaught fantasy, but they’re not even slow anymore. Passive movement speed for Paladins as a minimum would help. We used to have this and it was removed!!

I like the fantasy of Steed because it’s like Diablo, but you could also bring back Speed of Light as a node option for those who hate the clunky visuals. Also with Diablo, there are many strong talents that improve it and make it an insane ability. Seasoned Warhorse being the only talent that improves our Steed and adding 1 second to an already slow mobility spell at 3 seconds, honestly it’s ridiculous lol. At the end of SL Steed also lasted 7 seconds with the mandatory conduit increasing its duration. I would appreciate that returning! It genuinely feels awful struggling to keep up with my own group on the Teera and Maruuk fight in Nokhud Offensive. I imagine mythic Raszageth is also completely impossible as a Paladin. I literally beg every DK I do keys with to clear the Storming affix from melee, because they can do that with Death’s Advance. Freedom would be awesome with knockback immunity. It’s also embarrassingly inconsistent as an immunity to movement impairing effects. E.g. it currently doesn’t make you immune to the Frozen Ground slow created by the Frozen Bomb on Telash Greywing in Azure Vaults. This is not the first time Blessing of Freedom has not actually granted immunity to slows.

Utility: I still find it baffling that Paladins are the most well-known class for buffing their allies and other players, yet you didn’t bring back any of our buffs? I would love Blessing of Kings, Blessing of Might, and Blessing of Wisdom to make a return. They were all great spells. It’s funny you basically gave Blessing of Wisdom to Evokers, and Druids got Mark of the Wild back, the class that already has solid utility. Meanwhile the class best known for buffing people has no buffs to bring to a group other than niche spells that still have designs stuck in 2012.

Auras could be improved to be stronger and more impactful. They do not deserve to be on the GCD right now because they’re so non-impactful. Ret aura should be a passive like it was in BFA. It has no benefit to the group and is anathema to everything that an aura is for Paladins. Imagine if it gave Seraphim to players in your group who take 50% of their health? Fun but also strong stuff like that would go a long way, and maybe my friends would want me in their group instead of basically every other class that has stronger utility.

If you got this far, thank you for reading. I’m just passionate about the spec! All the best.

Hi there. Played Retribution Paladin for 15 years.

In regards to OP’s post, I mention the following observations in the current build for Retribution.

Button Bloat:
We have a lot of abilities that do very similar things. But I think the real reason for this is Holy Power. We’ve since been locked to a 3 (then 5) point resource system which greatly limits balancing Retribution Paladin’s DPS Toolkit.

Changing to something like “Piety” at 0-10 Power bar and rebalance the Holy Power generators to giving between 1-3 per cast and the spenders cost the exact same but instead have costs balanced around them

For example, TV could cost 5 Piety, and DS could cost 6 Piety. WoG could cost 4 Piety, LoD 5 Piety, ShoTR 5 Piety.

At this point we can begin to look at CS, Judge, BoJ, WoA, Cons, HoW and really determine what we could remove.

If two abilities sole purpose is to deal damage to one target and generate holy power, remove one of them and rebalance to another one. (CS and BoJ fit perfectly in this situation)

Hammer of Wrath can also be merged into CS. When hitting a target below 20%, your CS becomes Hammer of Wrath, generating +1 more Holy Power (or piety) and has 30yard range and deal a bit more damage.

Consecration, It has a small ticking dot damage, but it explodes dependant on piety spent. (Tempest of the Lightbringer spreads your Consecration)

Stacking Modifiers/Button Bloating:

  • Judgement
  • Execution Sentence
  • Seraphim
  • Final Reckoning
  • Avenging Wrath

Keep Judgement the way it is, but give it a damage window instead of next ability and a longer cooldown. Transfer it’s Holy Power/Piety to CS.

Execution Sentence = Becomes a passive that improves Judgement’s Damage buff

Final Reckoning becomes an alternative to Execution sentence and instead spreads Judgement on up to 5 targets.

Seraphim can become our 1min cooldown

Avening Wrath should become our 3min cooldown, as for the damage loss, inject it into our baseline damage.


Lay on Hands, drop it’s cooldown to 3minutes, turn it into a large heal that penetrates heal absorbing effects and also removes all Poison, Disease and also removes Loss of control effects

Divine Protection, Baseline for Retribution

Shield of Vengeance, Remove it entirely. It’s balancing out our surviability with more damage and is used as an offensive instead of a defensive.

Selfless Healer, move it to the first tier of Retribution (put it into Art of War’s position)

Word of Glory, give us an incentive to cast it that isn’t a DPS loss by spending valuable Holy Power or give us a temporary buff to compensate using such an ability.


Divine Steed - GONE! It’s buggy, it also subjects us to collision issues that no other movement increase is subject to.

Pursuit of Justice - (Replace both Hand of Hinderance and Divine Steed). Snare your target, giving you a movement speed equal to what they’ve lost for 7 seconds. While not on cooldown, this ability gives 15% movement speed. Casting Judgement doubles this effect to 30% for 2 seconds. 1min cooldown (reduced by 1 second per holy power or piety spent


Put Blessing of Protection in the First tier of Paladin, same as Blessing of Sacrifice

Divine Sanctuary - Create a holy barrier that shields yourself and allies within the cone behind you by granting 35% avoidance for 5 seconds. (I loved this in Legion)

Devotion Aura - When you take damage, accelerate the cooldown of specific defensive cooldowns by 50% for 3 seconds. (Occurs once every 30seconds)
Concentration Aura - If interrupted, regain access to one cast of that school for 4seconds until cast. Then become immune to interrupt effects with that school, once triggered, cannot gain this benefit for 45seconds.
Retribution Aura - Healing an ally with Flash of Light, increases the damage of your next Templar’s Verdict, Divine Storm or Shield of the Righteous ability
Crusader Aura - Increase to 100yds, Allows the use of Class/Spec Movement abilities while mounted. (no longer grants baseline 20% Mounted movement speed)

Wooow you are optimist - I would say this will go south AFTER summer and somekind of "we look into this later = next expansion (again no dedicated dev that reads the input and forums) aaaaand we are at square one again - please please let me be wrong xD

gotta say that blizzard has been in the game seeing problems and trying to fix´em as they come, usually expansion after expansion there has been radiosilence with an occasional tweak.
Big ups to the staff of blizzard, i really like that you are actively listening to ppl and trying to make it better, when you do something right you should hear it aswell

my first post on the forums but really thought you should hear it
Take care

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As a seasoned Cutting Edge ret main for many years, here is my honest opinion about what this rework should aim for. My thoughts are pure PvE focused.

1.Remove the incentives for degenerate gameplay the spec suffers from. This targets Retribution Aura, Shield of Vengeance and Recompense. Although it is said the balance is not around these, that is false as with their presence ret still struggles, and when you ever see one on top in a group you know this was the reason.

  1. Time to rethink GCD. Main contenders are: Steed, Divine shield and Shield of Vengeance. Rotation is already flooded with no empty GCD. To use your only mobility that lasts 3s, 1 being your GCD - not good. The two defensives you got, you cannot react mid rotation to any mechanic. The player behind does but the character cannot due to GCD.

  2. The bloat that should be cut down is the amount of holy power generated, translating into spenders used. Simple topic here, too much spam of your main ability, meaning that it must deal an appropriate lesser amount of damage. I have noticed how much I started smashing the same keybind in a fight, and it is not feeling amazing.

  3. Do not do cheap band-aid fixes that some keep spamming. For example the reintroduction of the clunky and lousy divine hammer, or consecration following players. Let’s keep some skill involved in this game, shall we?

Personal specifics wishlist:

  • defaulting to the 1min build as the core;
  • divine shield cutting down on output in order to make room for good defensives;
  • rework might to be a competitor of crusade by filling a diff niche;
  • disappearance of the SL conduits in the tree.

Have a great day!

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Its good your looking at ret paladin.

However i csnt help but be concerned ur gonna rnd up building us into a 2 button rotation with 2 finishers and call it a day.

Youve mentioned button bloat, last time u mentioned this u cut destro warlock down to having less abilities then a demon hunter.

Please do not make this class a faceroll trying to “fix it” i find the rotation itself feels fine overall and i dont think it has button bloat really.

Id love seals and judgements back

First of all thank you for all the great work you guys do on DF ! I’ll leave my thoguhts about the ret rework here:
*Button bloat : - Divine toll ( we allready have judgment, throwing another bunch of judgments is not very creative imo)
- Blade of Justice (exorcism used to be better and is doing the same stuff…seems redundant)
- Justicar’s Vengeance (seems like DK would have Death strike as a primary damage dealing ability / not fun IMO)
- Final Reckoning (contribute to button bloat, one of many stacking damage modifiers)
- DIvine steed (worst mobility button in the game, safe to say most paladin players hate it)
- Word of Glory (not fun for paladins, also not fun for the players we are against)
- Shield of Vengeance (feels bad to press, redundand, useless, not fun for anyone, possibly one of the worst defensives in the game, low absorb and bad damage)
- Hand of Hindrance (possibly the worst slow of all the melee clases)

**Stacking modifiers : i think a good way to look at this would be to emulate the old retribution paladin way. High uptime, less abilities with lower CD’s, good damage (especialy since we don’t have MS, or any healing reduction), and purposeful burst.

***Survivability: some ideas, mostly stuff that we used to have
-sacred shield
-divine protection 1 minute CD
-art of war giving a choice between a free exorcism and an instant flash of light (meaningful choice that is not the awful WoG)

  • devotion aura maybe reducing damage taken by 7 - 10 %
    -maybe wearing plate being meaningful again against melees at least
    -maybe some sort of magic resistance

****Maneuverability : i belive the steed has got to go. Again i think a good way to look at this would be to emulate the old retribution paladin way. We used to be juggernauts with high uptime and good consistent damage. Hard to run from us at least from a melee point of view. From everything we used to have i’ll just lay down a couple:
-long arm of the law
-burden of guilt
-pursuit of justice

Honorable mentions:
-speed of light

*****Utility : Historically retribution used to be good to have in a group. They had blessings, freedom, sac, off-healing, protection. Maybe some more interactive auras would be nice. Cleans could be a little more useful also. A reworked version of seals for damage and also for utility would be another idea.

Thank you for reading at keep up the good work !

but pressing 6 abilities where all of them have gcd which takes almost 10 seconds to pop things up is kinda annoying because people in pvp goes full versa/mastery so 1 gcd have 1.5s is really annoying and most of the time im not able to do the rotation correctly if i get cc’d