Retribution spec bonuses

Stop making up data

sorry thought it was a reply on mine, you good.:smiley:

making up what data what are you talking about ? PVP should get their own seperate tier that only works in pvp simples problem solved

Je dirais que le 2p et 4p de la saison 1 ainsi que le 4p de la Saison 2 et de la saison 3 doivent être établi en tant que passif.

Ca serait beaucoup mieux :slight_smile: bref le 4p de la saison 3 est simplement une preuve que nos verdict et Tempête Divine ne sont pas assez fort. Et que nous avons besoin de ça pour envoyer des dégâts. C’est triste quand même. Car même avec le 4p de la saison 4 nous sommes pas vraiment si fort que ca…

S3 tier not working in PvP is also misinformation. Never seen solid proof aside from ramblings on that. It is really hard to believe Wrathful Sanction alone doesn’t provide the damage entire S1 or S2 tier right now with how undertuned they are. And there isn’t a world where those tiers can be buffed by an amount that one single ability is just brokenly high hitting. So in reality it’ll end up being an aura buff to spec to make it line up with other dps specs in game.

And in that case, most people will end up playing S3 2p and S4 2p because S1-S2 tiers do virtually 0 benefit to anything both ST and AoE, hard to imagine they do anything for PvP but S3 2p is way better by default. Unless the ilvl gap between S3-S4 is bigger than S2-S3, quick napkin math will prove losing S4 4p tier based on S1 or S2 is a dps loss over S3 2p, despite ilvl.

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My personal preference: Season 1 > season 2 > season 3

Ret s1 is the tier set for pvp without a shadow of a doubt t3 for pve blizz know this and should make s1 ret piece for pvp gear

If u dont want to gives us all 3 tiers sets for some reason, at least leave it at S3. For ppl saying “S1 gives u the most versatility when it comes to talent choice”, u are straight up wrong. If u had S1 tier set right now, u would still pick Auto Attack build cuz it sims the highest. You have way more stats than u had in S1. And u will have even more in Fated season, which will once again put AA build at top, and rest of the talents exactly the same. Which ever tier set u choose, Templar Strike wont surpass AA. And as for S2 vs S3, only difference in talent choices between S2 and S3 is that u dont take Vanguards Momentum in M+ kek.

boring you clearly dont play ret in pvp we want to final verdict

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Why its same to vote for PvE and PvP we all know its huge difference what people want

about PVP
the worst set bonus for PVP S3 ( we got 10% additional dmg from verdikt)
more oufull S2( we got 5% up dmg from judgment and 10% crit dmg 2pieces, and some oae from 4p)
the best S1 ( 8% dmg from main dmg abilities 2p and 5% up dmg 2 main rotation abilities)

the worst tier bonuses is in 3rd season it is usless, especially in long time fights 4-5min+
but nobody tell true about PVP

make PVP greate again

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Some of these comments are so insane its mindblowing to me that blizz is letting them decide what the best tier set is for THE END OF EXPANSION FUN. Idk about those 5 pvp players but if u are choosing anything other than T3, u either hate this spec and u want it to be doomed or u are just entirely clueless and just vibing with whatever

Hey why dont you get combatent before you speak for arena / PVP players season 1 tier is the best for pvp players simple as that no arguement to be had

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To be fair i’d rather quit this game entirely than do 1 arena match but if i was blizzard i’d just give T2 to those 5 pvp players and make them happy :slight_smile:

why is that why would you give us t2 when we do not want t2?

Ok u are just here for trolling gotcha

We want S1 simple

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season 3 is fun as ret, but i do realy wish they would rewamp Jugde set and give us that again best looking paladin set

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pvp bros it’s joever

blizzard has to make new looking tier set and it must have a special socket in it, this socket gives any tier set effect the player demands, that way we will see multiple of game styles and flexibility and even more effects can be added in the future

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