What it really means is ‘Approachable, but will not approach you’. So many people on AD, especially Stormwind, expecting RP content to be delivered on a silver platter to them without actually putting in the effort themselves smh smh.
No, but really! Sell some stuff, wear a funny magical hat, try and steal something if you RP a thief! Don’t just run laps around the city or sit in a corner surrounded by a puddle of lonely tears!
I think it is worth pointing out that in my experience, many - if not most - of the people who put ‘approachable’ in their RP profile aren’t doing so out of lazy expectation. Like any nerd hobby, roleplay has a lot of participants who aren’t the most socially confident or outgoing. They want to engage with others and enjoy themselves, but it’s difficult to get out of the self-conscious/nervous bubble.
Consequently, advertising themselves as approachable is an attempt to put themselves out there and to invite roleplay. Not everyone is comfortable being the roleplay ‘instigator’ but they’ll gladly respond to someone who does approach.
The ideal would be for everyone to be confident enough to create roleplay on the fly, to approach other OCs without OOC trepidation, but that’s not realistic.
TLDR: Empathy important, not everyone is at the same level of confidence but that doesn’t make them lazy or unwilling to put in effort.
I can confirm based on my own experiences that magical hats do in fact attract attention. Though there is nothing funny about the sanctity of a floppy tall hat.
I’m not saying they have to be the instigator, but doing absolutely nothing of substance isn’t exactly much of a pull for people to interact with you. RP is a trade of writing, after all. And if you’re just doing nothing, well what’s the point of approaching you? No matter how friendly you are.
It’s why I kinda like this new trend of people making RP hooks in their “About” or whatever. Even if you’re shy or new to RP, it gives me an excuse to come talk to you.