Returning Player LF Casual/Social Raiding Guild (Draenor)

No longer looking for a guild at this time. Thank you to everyone who reached out :slight_smile:

Hey there!
Have added you for a chat (Im Westie), at work at the moment so ill try and chat in between work =)

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Hi there fellow healer,

maybe we could be sth for you, esecpially our 2nd team, which is more laid back and chill and I could do with another healing lady by my side.

I’ll be adding you on bnet, here’s my tag so you know who it’s from: Linedhel#2237

Hey :slight_smile:
Maybe you’d be interested in reading this Lux Aeterna - Deathwing recruiting :slight_smile:

We are not on Draenor tho. But hey, you never know :slight_smile:

Greetings, Ishtira