Returning player lf guild! A/H


I’ve been away from wow for a time, and i’m looking to return back to progressing in wow

I’m looking to roll either Shaman/Paladin or Mage

I’m interested in both Mythic+ and raiding

Throw me a message :slight_smile:

Hey there, I run a small Alliance guild on Silvermoon. Please read our guild post and contact me if your interested!

Hi there, please add me for a chat.


Hey Nemonet

If you’d consider a server change, we’re looking for ranged dps to join our 6/8 Mythic team on Emerald Dream. If this sounds of interest, please add me - tricky#2757

Look forward to hearing from you.


“Physix” is recruiting and looking for members to expand our team. Currently we are at 8/8 heroic and 3/8 mythic. The guild has been reformed since Eternal Palace and we are aiming to get back to around rank 1200 in patch 8,3!

Currently we are full on tanks and are mainly looking for healers and dps.
We raid 2 days a week on Wednesday and Monday 19:00 till 22:00.

Besides raiding we also organize mythic+ runs and optionally normal/heroic runs to gear alts.

The guild has a history that starts at ToTc untill Hellfire Citadel!
We banter a lot but we try to clear the content within a reasonable amount of time.

You can add me on battlenet for more information or a chat!

Battlenet: Swyxia#2707

Hiya :smile:

Gonna throw my Hordie hat in the ring as most of your replies are alliance.
I’m from Strange Loop on Draenor. We’re a guild that specifically started around when WoW Classic launched so that any new and returning players from that could join a guild that was built around learning or relearning the game in a welcoming social environment.

We’re not hardcore but we do m+ pretty much everyday, either in the afternoon or usually evenings. We have also just started raiding and were happy to kill 4/8 norm on our first day in EP :slight_smile:

Our guild is way more about having fun as a community than hardcore progress, so if that’s your scene then add my bnet on Desiderata#2592.

Hi there! Not sure which faction and server you are interested in, but here it goes. I am one of the officers for Wrath of Wisdom on Shadowsong (Alliance side). We’re a semi-casual guild that has gotten curve and about a quarter to a third of the kills on mythic on every tier since legion. As of now we are 8/8 heroic and 4/8 mythic. We also regularly clear 10+ and even 15+ keys. Feel free to look us up on wowprogress or raiderio.

We have a strong sense of community, and theres usually people online doing stuff at almost any time of the day. If this sounds interesting, feel free to add me on bnet at arythm1a#2722. Hope to hear from you!

Who are we?

Scavengers is a (8/8 HC) Guild that was just about to transition into mythic when we lost most of our members to burning out now some of us are back from our break and looking forward to build a team for mythic TEP and a team for future content.


Scavengers has an active discord where people do content outside of the raids and play other games together as a community.

How is it during raids?

We like to banter and meme, but we are more serious during boss fights to get the things done.

When do we raid?

We raid Thyrs & Sun from 20:30 to 23:00 server time (CET).

We are looking mostly for specific classes. These classes are listed below. But any class/spec application is still welcome, as officers will look at the application none the less.
We do accept socials and alts, to also join in on alt runs and have a good time!

Death Knight *[DPS: High
Demon Hunter [DPS: Closed | Tank: Closed]
Druid [DPS: High | Tank: closed | Healer: High]
Hunter [DPS: High]
Mage [DPS: High]
Monk [DPS: High | Tank: Closed | Healer: open]
Paladin [DPS: High | Tank: closed| Healer: open]
Priest [DPS: Medium | Healer: open]
Rogue [DPS: high]
Shaman [DPS: Medium | Healer: open]
Warlock [DPS: High]
Warrior [DPS: High | Tank: closed

Interested? Whisper Jahychan or Fhiala in Game!
Or add me on Battlenet: notyourfault#21908