Returning player LF guild for TBC

I quit during Phase 2, but I’m looking to return for TBC. Looking for a mature guild that clears raids, but isn’t aiming for the top ranks. I can raid 3 days a week, although preferably only 2. Most importantly I’m looking for a guild that enjoys playing the game together outside of raids as well.

Current character is a horde Warlock, but I’m willing to reroll faction, class and server to whatever suits both our needs. I have extensive raiding knowledge in retail, and I very briefly raided in a server-first guild during Phase 1 & 2 of Classic.


Hey there!

[H][Firemaw] is currently looking for more raiders for our TBC roster. Raiding days are Wed/Sun 19:00-23:00

Feel free to reach out to me on Discord on Timekiller#2686

Hi there. Lucky on Nethergarde Keep is building a raiding roster for TBC. We’ll be a semi-hc raid guild, with raiding happening on thursdays and sundays. We’re currently looking for most classes and roles, so you still have a lot of say in terms of what you would want to play.

Feel free to add me for a chat if interested Sha1yen#2314

Your story is very similar to mine, i too was raiding in a serverfirst guild on launch and managed serverfirst majordomo but then burned out in mid phase 2.

Goal is a more laid back community for tbc, clear the raids and dungeoneer and pvp in the offtime. we’re playing on golemagg horde currently and are still in the development stage of the guild so right now its mostly friends and friends of friends.

Feel free to contact me at Viciousboxx#2564 if you’re intressted :slight_smile:

Hello! [H][Earthshaker] “madness” is getting ready for TBC, you can check discord YnvEudA2VY

Feel free to make a application on our discord : n7RMvPNBac we are located on Shazzrah

Alliance recruiting - Dragonfang - World of Warcraft Forums (

Similar ideals and on a fantastic server with a massive influx of ‘fresh’ players for TBC.

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