Thinking about returning to WoW and would be looking for a guild to chat in game with. I’m looking to reroll a fresh character and hopefully to join some sort of reroll guild or a group of likeminded players. I have previous mythic raid experience in Legion but played on and off since then.
Open to any realm or faction
Get in touch!
Have a look at my post a bit further down the page. If you’re interested add me and drop a message in game
Also in the same boat as @Saywhaa 
ill add you if you dont mind:)
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Hey Saywhaa & Clebb,
I think might be the right guild for both of you
We are a social, familiar community that is always happy to help others. Our veterans are motivated to help out new players as best as they can, we got many people levelling up characters as well as players that explore BfA content.
If you think you might be interested, please get in touch either through BNET (Mistree#2555) or discord (discord.gg/V3swNXC)
You can also find more information, and read some of our player’s thoughts here: [H][Ravenholdt] <Rekindled>, a WoW based community. Our door is always open
Draenor - EU - Horde
We are an active social guild looking for more people to join our ranks!
We are planning on raiding in 8.3 and run Mythic + and PvP together amongst other things!
We have a friendly group of people with plenty of banter and an active discord. People always helping others out.
What we would like -
• Be a team player
• Be able to have fun and have a sense of humour
• Help other guild members out
• Be respectful of others
Raid requirements -
• Be on time! Raid invites go out at 7:50pm server time.
• Be prepared! Have gear enchanted, hemmed and repaired. Have all needed consumables.
• Know the fights! Read up / watch videos of boss fights so you know what to expect. We obviously have raid leaders but knowing the fights is a massive help
• Attitude! We are by no means a hardcore raiding guild and the main aim is to have fun, that does mean progression though, killing things and getting lost is fun!
We use Discord as a means of communication both during gameplay and also to communicate during the day!
Everybody is welcome to join no matter what your aim is, but we are also after some committed people to form a raid team with :). Please dont hesitate to contact someone for more info -
Guild Contacts -
In-game names-
I feel this has become some strange kind of bidding war. We’ll give you free cookies
On a serious note we will be happy to take you through the gearing process. Enchants, food/flasks are generally provided by the guild. We are extremely patient and there is always someone available to lend a helping hand! Join the family, you know you want to 
If you have not already found your new homes, feel free to add me on Norrby#2356, also on the Horde side of life. Peace and hope to hear from you both, @Clebb & Saywhaa!