Hello everybody,
After short 4 month break, I’m returning to WoW and I’m looking for a new place for myself. To make it clear, as for some of you, it might be viable - my break was mostly caused by unsuccessful history with raiding guild - I got stuck in low-pop server, with a guild that had horrible attitude towards people and for me, really low progression.
I’m playing WoW, with longer or shorter breaks, since WoD pre-patch and have been playing all of the roles - DPS, tank, healer, within many specs, with different results, in BfA, I was playing full time as a healer and those are classes I have currently available:
362 Resto Shaman
355 Holy Priest (Disc is not my kind of thing unfortunately)
355 Mist Monk
343 Holy Pal
347 Resto Druid
However, I’m willing also to play a DPS (not necessarily in the toons listed above) , or swap fluently between healer and DPS depending on situation.
I’m willing to realm transfer a single toon out of the ones listed above and/or level up any other toon from scratch, however naturally it might take some time to get it rolling.
What I can offer is:
- couple of hours every weekday (18-23) to raid, progress, get myself well and stacked
- fluent english communication using any type of tool - TS3, Mumble, Discord, whatever guild is using, I’ll be using it as well.
- due to personal life things on weekends, I’m mostly unavailable either full day on Saturday on Sunday, therefore would prefer guild that is raiding during weekdays.
- faction doesn’t matter, however Alliance is preferred.
If you’re interested to discuss this further hit me up on Glaeran#2987 so we can discuss things