Returning player. LF Guild

Hello all,

Im a returning player that took a small break at the start of Dragonflight due to burn out.
My guild i was in at that time has taken steps back and im looking for a new group to run with.

Im looking to raid again in a friendly and chill envoirment.
I have raided in every difficulty level over the past few years with my hight in Dreanor where i was running Mythic. due to life i have taken things slower and i will be happy with running Heroics.
Im looking to run as a priest again or another hybrid class that can either tank or heal as i have no intrest anymore in topping the damage meters anymore. (if needed its always possible).

I also play alot of other games and it would be nice to meet some people to play some other games outside of wow aswell.

My battlenet: Vin#2759

Hey there! Welcome back =)

Whilst i cant promise you a healer or tank raid spot unfortunately, you’re welcome to check out our guild, Ministry of Silly Wipes. There may be a chance to heal in the future though, ofc!

Please have a read through the thread, and feel free to add me for a chat if you’ve questions, or want to join =)
Westie#2496 on Bnet or Discord.

Heeyy! A chat can always be nice! Im not to fussed about not healing straight away. As my priest isnt max level yet. And i still need to see what my preffered healing style would be.

Just shoot me a message😀

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New Guild to Silvermoon.

Previously known as Sun Tzu from Horde side on Kazzak: 8/8 HC 2/8M

Wednesday 21:00 - 00:00 ST
Sunday 21:00 - 00:00 ST


Our aims are AOTC & Mythic Prog.

We’re an 18+ guild, laid back, and friendly.
most are over 30+ and have families.
we do not stand for abusive or toxic behavior at all.

if interested in joining, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you!

Discord: Ash#8638
Bnet: AshG93#2159

Discord: Snowpaw#3247
Bnet: Snowpaw#21754


Punished on Tarren Mill/Dentarg could be the guild for you. We have are looking for a healer(s) and an OS tank who can step in when one of the main tanks cannot make it. Although if you prefer DPSing that is also fine. We feel that play what you like is the key and we have usually managed somehow through the expansions with the mentality like that.
We run a community on the side which allows people from other realms to sign up for our raids without the need to server transfer if they don’t feel like it, but like us enough to stick around with us.

We are all older people with commitments outside of the raid, hence we don’t track attendance and people are free to join on the days they are able to or drop out arrive late if it has been communicated beforehand.

Aim is Curve with some possible early mythic bosses. We do run m+ as well, mainly over the weekend though.

Our raid times are Thursday and Monday from 21 to 00 server time.

If being part of Punished is something that might interest you, then add me on discord Mari#6813 for a chat.

I have send you a friend request on discord :slight_smile:

Hello there, currently I’m looking to recruit a healer for our casual HC team.
They raid Tuesdays 20:30 ST for a start and step up into a 2 days a week schedule depending on how things go.
The guild is called Puppets of Misrule and our main team is 3/8M.
Ideally we are looking for a monk or paladin healer, but can also make use of a druid (the other healers we currently got are priests/evoker).

If it sounds appealing, hit me up on discord since its a lot easier to converse there: Reptution#9481

Hi Nirny!

Are you still looking for a guild?

Soul Crusaders (Turalyon/Doomhammer) is recruiting. We’re a small, people-centred guild that runs normal and heroic raids as well as M+. We understand that real life comes first - and life is busy! So our raid and scheduled M+ sessions are fairly short: raids are Sun and Tues nights 21:30 -23:00 Server Time. Our M+ nights are on the same time slots, with Friday being the higher keys brackets (the key levels change through the season, as we progress; the main goal for Fri night is working towards KSM), Thurs is practising, building confidence and improving gear, and when there is interest, Wed nights are learning, gearing and practising runs with baby keys.

There’s no attendance expectations; we have fully social members, some who only sign up for raids and not M+ and vice versa, and those who enjoy both.

We currently have space for a healer for our raid team - and if you fancy M+, there’s space for a healer there, too :slight_smile:

If you’d like to find out more, feel free to contact me Bnet:sheira#1910 or Discord: Lakshmii#0552

Or, feel free to post a guild application at

Looking forward to hearing from you :slight_smile:


If you are still looking, check out our profile.

[LFM] [EU] [H&A] [draenor] [M+] [Raid] Relaxed social Guild recruiting - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (

And if you like what you see join our discord and we will take it from there.