Returning player looking for a new home!


I’m a returning ex-Mythic player, with raiding roots dating back to MOP 25 HC, looking for a new guild to play with. I’m currently playing a Frost/Blood DK located on Draenor Horde but can reroll if needed. I’m looking for a friendly social guild (LGBTQ+ friendly is a must) raiding 1-2 nights a week. Ideally looking for an AOTC focused guild or a Mythic guild.

Add my Btag Arcane#2666

Hope to hear from you soon :slight_smile:

Added you mate

So you just wiped again and inspect the players around you, just to discover that they have blue gear and none speaks ingrish? Why punish yourself any longer? Join SaveCowEatPanda and more details on [A][H] Europe [SaveCowEatPanda] 2011 International Gaming Community

If you don’t mind me asking.
Why did you mention that, do you always brag about being gay when you walk in somewhere?
I guess I should look for a guild where they’re friendly with the fact that I’m a straight man :slight_smile:

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Not at all, I’m a trans girl and I have been discriminated against in game in the past. Just trying to avoid that kind of experience happening again :slight_smile:

Hey there!
If you are still looking for a guild we’d be happy to have you.
We’re a fresh new guild looking to recruit members to get into raiding and other shenanigans. While we’re new we are already growing and looking to get started with some boss killing in not too long.
I’ll leave my forum post here and if you’re interested you can take a gander. Thank you