I am looking for a guild for Shadowlands for Mythic Raids and M+ and just hanging out and enjoying the content with.
I played WoW since BC with my activity peaking during WokLK, where I raided substantially throughout the whole expansion.
For Cata and MoP i played mostly casual and returned to raiding in WoD were I raided a bit mythic until my guild disbanded.
For shadowlands I am returning to WoW, and I want to do it properly, including mythic raiding. For this I am looking for a mature guild with a relaxed environment where I can have fun with people and also strive to clear the content (both hc and at some point mythic).
I am looking for a guild with mythic raid experience and around 2 raid days per week.
Class-wise i played a lot of Feral and Priest and for the upcoming expansion I will most likely main a Shadow Priest (I am not satisfied with the current state of the Ferals).
I am happy to provide more information about myself and discuss possible options.
Feel free to send me a note on battle.net ( loki#2557 ).
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G’day Ashera!! If you’d consider a Horde guild on Chamber of Aspects we feel we can offer what you’re looking for. We’re not rebuilding or whatever, we’re a very healthy and active guild.
We raid twice a week progress, into SL we’ve shuffled to raiding Mon/Tue 20:00-22:30ST the other days we just do … Stuff? M+, achievements, alts … Look we have a lot of fun.
We’re no CE guild, never will be, but we do some Mythic raiding and we’re looking at getting to the 2nd half of the Mythic raid in SL. Our forte is an EXTREMELY lively guild, gchat and Discord (some channel names could get me banned on forums for a few weeks), helpful people, and calendar stuff almost every day of the week.
Rosters ebb and flow, so we’re not looking for any particular role, but more for like-minded people. We have 3-4 people who can pivot to any role (tank, heal, rdps, mdps) so we try to make room for anyone to play what they like. I started tier as tank, then healed, then rdps on my hunter.
Give us a shout if this sounds good to you.
LepantoESP#4381 on Discord
Hello Ashêra,
If you are looking to stay Alliance then Zim Zalabim could be the fit for you, we are on Ravencrest,
Check out the recruitment post here it seems to check most your boxes.
And if you have anymore questions feel free to contact me on:
bnet: glenn819#1838
Discord: glenn819#6544
Hi Ash, you didn’t mention what raiding times would suit - so would a late night guild be worth your consideration?
We are AnV on Silvermoon, been raiding since 2007 always clearing heroic in good time and dipping into mythic, this tier we did 7/12 M.
We raid 3 nights per week Mon/Weds/Thurs between 22.00 - 0.00 server time.
We’d love a Spriest, add me if we sound of interest or you’d like more information: hellykins#2114
Hope to hear from you!