I am looking for a guild that has a place for casual players. I have played WoW on and off since vanilla but up until now have always been in a guild but on my return old guild has disbanded this is my first attempt to join a guild in this expansion.
I play for fun - Wow is a game and not a lifestyle commitment. I would love to try raiding having havnt done any this expac I am in game most weekday nights and most weekends. I am very mature, OK I’m old, I’m happy to change server and use Discord etc. My main is 120 boomkin, alts include a warlock, mage, hunter
raid time must be 20.30 onward server time
Discord Celonia#4206
look forward to hear from you all
Hi Adotlin. These days Warcraft has besides Guilds also so-called Communities. These are groups of players cross-server and cross-guilds, for example to do dungeons or raids. I don’t know if you also play Alliance, because then communities like (Alliance) Scared of Dungeons EU EN or [H] Mythics - Calm Keystones are good places to team up. And for Horde there are similar communities, but of those I do not have links handy
And you can be member of multiple communities!
Good evening Adotlin,
Gordian Knot on Draenor is a mythic raiding guild but we always welcome casual players to bolster our social aspect. We are running Heroics on Thursdays and sometimes normals on Saturdays if you want to try raiding a bit, but we also run a lot of mythic + and island expeditions, achievement runs etc.
If you think we are what you’re looking for you can either apply at gordian-knot.eu or add me on bnet at Sephyra#2517
Take care
@narweena thanks for the reply just a tad early dont normally get online to 2.00 realm time still looking 
Hi Adotlin. I run a horde guild called Dark Wolves on the joint realm of Lightbringer/Mazrigos. We are a social/casual raiding guild who include a whole range of members from those who never raid to those who raid regularly, and a variety of permutations in between 
We raid casually … meaning that we do expect people to do their best and be prepared, but we’re happy introducing people to raiding for the first time, or after a break.
Our raid nights are Wednesday and Friday night, 9.30pm to midnight server time.
We have no requirements for raiding - if you want to go and fulfil any gear requirements, then you just sign up. If you don’t want to go, that’s fine too 
Lots of members are altaholics … they enjoy a variety of in-game pastimes … fishing, pet battling, collecting, transmogs, achievements, dungeons, etc.
We do only focus on Normal and Heroic raiding as that allows us to be more flexible with numbers. And we do have an age limit of 18+.
If this sounds of interest, feel free to visit our website to find out more, check out the guild rules and, if you wish, fill out an application: