Returning to classic Era(?)

I have a lvl 60 Alliance on a classic era pve server, I quit when tbc came in as the server ended up dead. Are there any classic servers left with an active alliance side? And if I transfer to a new server can I go from pve to pvp or classic to SOM?



You can’t move to SoM. Era servers are connected together.

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Ah shame, any active alliance pve era servers then?

Aside of guilds if you are connected with other realms you see other people and can group up. But overall the population will be low.

Some will run the WoTLK fresh realms while others may wait for next Vanilla season starting (best guess is 1 year after WoTLK launch or by its end).

If you had read and understood the comment above you wouldn’t need to ask this.

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Here. You go.

Nowadays most of the Classic Era players moved to one of these 4 main clusters (connected realms hub):

[ EU ]

Firemaw => MAIN [PvP] cluster

Pyrewood Village => MAIN [PvE] cluster

[ US ]

Whitemane => MAIN [PvP] Western/Pacific cluster

Mankrik => MAIN [PvE] Eastern cluster


Also If you wish to learn mandarin.
Theres a ton of chinese guilds still going ham.
Juding by logs (alot more than eu/ us combined).

Ni Hao

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If you had a life you wouldn’t feel the need to be petty


Classic Era EU English servers are combvined into 5 clusters. Here ranked from most to least populated:
1 - PvP servers cluster: Ashbringer, Bloodfang, Dragonfang, Earthshaker, Gandling, Golemagg, Mograine, Noggenfogger, Skullflame, and Firemaw - inhabited
2 - all 3 PvE servers - inhabited
3 - PvP cluster: with Dreadmist, Flamelash, Judgement, Razorgore, Shazzrah, Stonespine, Ten Storms, and Gehennas - quite empty
4 - RP-PvE Hydraxian Waterlords - quite empty (but the HC community is playing here)
5 - RP-PvP Zandalari Tribe - Dead.


Good community on Firemaw EU alliance side (pvp) - Two main Naxx guilds, pvp, rankers, the whole jazz man!


Thanks for the above helpful reply’s

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And actually I think I made an error here. The ranking should be:
1 PvP Firemaw cluster.
2 PvE cluster
3 HW
4 PvP Dreadmist cluster
5 ZT

Btw, the link Tengil posted is beyond informative. Is an effort by all of us to make clear the state of things and the viability of our community. There you should find most of the info you need!

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