Reuinite the blood elves

Now that the war is over and Kael’thas perhaps returning it is time now to unite all Blood elves under a single banner again. The Sunstrider survivers, The blood elves under Lor’themar, Illidari and Scryers should all have a big meeting and starts on the reuinification of all Sin’dorei. For a better future. And to bolster our numbers again so that all blood elves act together instead of the spread out mess we have right now. For Sin’dorei unity!


Are you absolutely sure you want them under his banner?


Lor’themar can stay the leader. As long as Kael throws the first stone on the way to recovery it’s enough for me.

Okay, I still identify as a blood elf so I hope you are going to invite me to Silvermoon as well.

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Void elves are traitors to the kingdom. Alliance pawns aren’t welcome here :smirk:


You are asking too much of Blizzard Erevien, I doubt if Blizzard themselves remember Scryers & Thalassian Illidari exists anymore.They served their purpose, now they are forgetten.Just like the tour guides in each expac, just like Magni will be in shadowlands.It’s like a pattern at this point.Wish it wasn’t the case, but I have no hope.

And a void elf asking for an invite? Haven’t you read the sign, No traitors allowed.



Traitor indeed she is.

Traitor with a goth flavor.What’s that thing on her hair, did a discount Edgar Allan Poe collabrated with a discount Philip Lovecraft and the two came up with a genius idea that’s called void elves?! Smh…

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This is a reminder that Umbric’s followers were banished on Rommath’s paranoid whim without posing a demonstrated risk and cast out from the High Home, betraying no one. Left at the mercy of the wider world and the machinations of the void ethereals, their fate was not a choice.

Further, Rommath was not proven right in Alleria tainting the sunwell. Rather, it was the doing of Nether-Prince Durzaan tracking her and attempting to attack the Sunwell just as he used Dar’khan’s treasure to bait Umbric.

The blood elves if anyone ought to be familiar with the desperation of clinging to whatever ally, new or old that might have you, as well as ther own comical hypocrisy in banishing a chunk of their own shattered population for indulging in darker powers.

Maligned and unjustfiably scorned, being given the label of traitor is just a petty barb.


They are a bunch of traitors and a danger to the sunwell. Get over it. The horde is the future of the sin’dorei. A place where they have actual power. And aren’t tied to whatever the humans want.


Stay away from the Sunwell before you birth a Void God.
I saw what you lot were doing in the Voldun assault.
The sooner we power up the Ban’dinoriel again the better!
But, if you insist on coming back though i’m sure the Arcatraz can accommodate you. Plenty of vacancies since Legion now.


Gib me The Third Purge of Dalaran already.

no civil war!

Look, imagine you are an honorable Samurai and someone tricket your Emperor and falsely smeared you, which lead to your exile ultimately.

You just don’t join to the enemy nation’s army at the next day. You go rogue, you work in shadows if needed, you start on a mission regain your status and seek justice.Well, you get the point.

You know what you wouldn’t do? You wouldn’t become the enemy of your -own- people.No matter how wrongly you got exiled.You don’t join your enemy next day out of the spite, it’s bad writing.That’s what Void Elves did, according to your story.

Is it your own fault? Well nah I realize that’s Blizzard’s terrible writing.I just feel bad for people trying to justify void elves’ traitor-story arc, it’s just so badly written, hard to stand for it.

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For once, I agree with the idea of the Sin’dorei uniting. Kael’thas was done wrong in TBC. He definitely should come back.

What I mean by that is we need a new/old famous and lore-relevant raid boss for the x-pac after Shadowlands. We only managed to kill Kael two times - I wanted more. This time around, he can lead ALL of the cursed blood elves into ruin. We will finally finish what Arthas started back in WC3. Imo, with the way the factions are distributed across Azeroth, the blood elves are the only obstacle standing in the way of complete Aliance domination on Eastern Kingdoms.

I get the Kael merely-setback meme.Tho I think Blizzard too regrets killing their one of the best WCIII characters for nothing in TBC(aka Kael) and they are finally trying to reedem themselves in shadowlands due to their terrible tbc writing.Tho who knows.

Anyways help those poor Night elf refugees first before daydreaming about warmongering continent domination, smh…

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You don’t join your enemy next day out of the spite, it’s bad writing.

And the horde sacked Quel’Thalas in the second war, defiling the runestones for gul’dan’s magic. That didn’t stop the subsequent blood elves from joining with the orcs and the undead.

Where are the cries for blood vengeance against the savage orcs and monstrous undead responsible for so much suffering? No, it’s a highly selective thing all around with old crimes forgotten while imagined ones are amplified.

Just as a battered blood elf nation joined the horde that would have them, the people under Umbric sided with Alleria after she saved all their collective lives. This being after the blood elves already cut them off into exile, making them no longer part of their people and beholden to no one.

The traitor accusation is really just a meme by people who hate void elves. It makes no actual sense and Rommath has never been shown correct in actively doing self harm to Quel’Thalas by gutting its population further.

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The only reason the blood elves joined the Horde was because the faction lacked any sexy RP humanoid race. Lore-wise, the blood elves should have been an alliance race.

Also, the NE refugees are the Horde’s doing - aka your guys’ fault. We ARE trying to fix the issue and taking over Silvermoon is the perfect solution.


They shouldn’t You’re just jealous. We are Horde for life and quite happy with it. Deal with it instead of spewing your one sided power fantasy on the forums. Lmao.

Silvermoon is Horde too and fill be doing so for the next 13+ years. Go away.

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