It did before.I just suprised to see you say ‘‘no it doesnt’’.
I just searched, and found this ;Convoke nerf
Actually i didnt realise it got removed from convoke.Im not doing arena, and its been quite a while since i did random bg’s. Now i can 100% percent claim that im one of the few people who saw the glory of full moon in convoke in past lol.
So convoke already got ‘‘reavalutated’’ and nerfed. Not another one is really necessary.
(unless they want to make it less random)
AS i said ; the op claims below ;
The topic is about druid being the best dd in the game ; which is nonsense.
Title may start with ‘‘rework convoke’’ but continues with druid.
For example ; in real life If you make a claim that petrolium is bad but we shouldnt talk about uranium being bad too ; then that makes you a hypocrite.
For example : While i scrolling my pc; i just found a 20k execute screenshot from a warrior gameplay.(shadowlands)
Let me remind you that i got one shotted so fast that i couldnt use ice block on my mage(i had hc blue gear) lol
The problem with convoke or any other covenant abilities is just a symptom of the overall game balance problem. Cooldowns are strong but overall dps is just garbage.
I remember watching once ;the lead pvp designer had said that they want the hp bars in pvp to fluctuate instead of getting obliterated in 1 cooldown. I think they forgot that kind of attitude in game overall.