Rework convoke!

Not on spread cleave with many adds like Council. Balance is king of this scenario which is very strong during progression. Shadow Priests is much more a Single Target focused spec this expansion.

You mean padding? Sp on slimes in pf has been tge best aoe ive seen beating boomkin even. Maybe not with convoke though they would be saving for the boss.

Only people who dont do nfs are padders on council

I think convoke could be balanced if it had some internal cooldown on spenders.

Like if Ferocious Bite and Starsurge had a internal 1 sec cooldown during the convoke cast window to make sure that 1. it doesn’t just frontload all the damage, and 2. it gives people breathing room to react like the change to Divine Toll in PvP.

Damage variance to the extremes like we have seen with abilities like convoke and divine toll is just bad game design, you need to be able to appropriately react to abilities.

No, I’m not talking about padding. And I’m talking about raiding, not M+. Shadow Priests used to be the best multi dot spec in the game for raiding, but Balance have taken this spot in Shadowlands.

Clearly you haven’t done Mythic Council because otherwise you would know that the damage is definitely not padding. I’m not talking about heroic raiding.

Thats because mythic raiding is a complete waste of time. Mythic raiders are not the best players… m+ players are the best players

Raids are all built around timers and raiders learn when to do stuff at times… m+ is dynamic… its easy to spot raiders in m+ they do no damage bar during bosses they havent got a clue

Ok :yawning_face:

But Balance is amazing in raiding even if convoke is removed. That was my point.

Theyre not though thats the point… go ask any balance druid and they will tell you… convoke is carrying druids so hard its disgusting…

Before it reaches the Druid even if cast the 0.0001 sec you can see them the majority if not all of the Conoke will have gone through.

I just leveled a Warrior from 10-50 in Dungeons and for the fun of it I made a list on what damage dealers that was being leveled at the same time.

And in 47 Dungeons I had a whopping 87 Boomkins as the superior damage dealer, almost 2 average per dungeon. 2nd on the list was Fire Mage with 19. In my guild like we’ve had one main reroll inte Druid and several have really good geared Boomkins that they’ve used in raid progress on certain bosses.

At this point I would guess more than half of the wow population got a pretty good geared Druid either alt or main and more and more is rerolling to in on a daily basis.

Convoke is fine.
Every other class is just bad.

The community cries about our 10K Chaos Bolt and Boomies get away with this and more…smh

Only eight specs are viable in PvP at the moment: Ret, arms, balance, subtlety, fire, elemental, windwalker and MM.

All other specs are unplayable.

Add to that affliction, enhancement and BM for starters. What tosh you speak.

Wrong. We literally have to kite in PvP and lean on team mates to survive and use a bad legendary that slows you down.

That is the epitome of a bad class in pvp.

I’m not wrong. They are performing well in the arena world championships and no rated BG wants to be without one.
You having to kite is part and parcel of the game, or because you can’t facetank 2 angry melee with their CD’s up does that make them “unviable” in your experience?

It did before.I just suprised to see you say ‘‘no it doesnt’’.
I just searched, and found this ;Convoke nerf
Actually i didnt realise it got removed from convoke.Im not doing arena, and its been quite a while since i did random bg’s. Now i can 100% percent claim that im one of the few people who saw the glory of full moon in convoke in past lol. :rofl:
So convoke already got ‘‘reavalutated’’ and nerfed. Not another one is really necessary.
(unless they want to make it less random)

AS i said ; the op claims below ;

The topic is about druid being the best dd in the game ; which is nonsense.
Title may start with ‘‘rework convoke’’ but continues with druid.

For example ; in real life If you make a claim that petrolium is bad but we shouldnt talk about uranium being bad too ; then that makes you a hypocrite.

For example : While i scrolling my pc; i just found a 20k execute screenshot from a warrior gameplay.(shadowlands)
Let me remind you that i got one shotted so fast that i couldnt use ice block on my mage(i had hc blue gear) lol

The problem with convoke or any other covenant abilities is just a symptom of the overall game balance problem. Cooldowns are strong but overall dps is just garbage.

I remember watching once ;the lead pvp designer had said that they want the hp bars in pvp to fluctuate instead of getting obliterated in 1 cooldown. I think they forgot that kind of attitude in game overall.


I have asked balanced druids… I’m doing mythic raiding with multiple of them… so I’m quite aware how powerful they are even without convoke. What experience do you have that makes you such an expert on Balance druids?

Of course you have to kite, you’re a ranged class. Any ranged class that doesn’t have to kite melee at all due to ability to facetank or disable reliably would be busted and hold the advantage of ranged assault without the drawback of melee frailty.

Affli may not be the best spec out there but a well played affli lock can work very well in 3s and some 2s and RBGs love them nearly as much as boomkins.

The fact boomkins are arguably better in objective terms in many PvP situations doesn’t change the fact affli can perform. Of all the lock specs it’s demo ATM that lacks PvP presence. Too much ramp up and maintenance to build the ramp. At least affli can run around whilst dotting up, demo has to stand there and cast bolts or rely on core procs which means their damage output will be next to non existent unless they hardcast. Afffli needs only a UA cast and then they’re good for the duration outside of bursting. Demo can’t say the same.

That said demo can wreck if they ramp. The issue is its way too easy to stop demo getting that off in the first place.

And in RBGs demo locks are just a poor man’s affli. Destiny can at least play with Bane of Havoc games for teamwide disrupts with Mortal Coil or focus on a ST nuke build to eliminate priorities. Demo is worse than destro at ST and worse than affli at cleave pressure. It’s the lock spec that needs attention. Affli is fine.

Convok is so broken , so you cant play other covenants too as druid for pve , or ur just grieffing , this is stupid af and boring . as druid , i will have to play night fae for all expansion because blizzard dont do any nerf/buffs .

haha yea i was doing a normal dungeon the other night and the druid popped convoke at start and the boss was dead pretty much when convoke ended, 35 k dps or something it said i was like wth that must have been some cheating or something, totally broken