Rework convoke!

So much less skill than 40K Final Verdict, 40K Shadowstrike, 40K Pyroblast…These are all instant cast, no CD abilities.

Learn to instant cast your convoke you skill-less dirt hippies.

It’s not all their dmg, boomkins still have good dps outside of convoke, they also have uncapped aoe, crap ton off healing, battle rezz, innervate, aoe cc(mass entanglement, typhoon, vortex) and still good burst with incaran and popping 3 starsurge crits although it relies on crit thanks to BoAt leggo. The way how convoke works needs to be addressed. Maybe start firing spells after you fully channel, maybe reduce the range from 45 yards to 35 or even reduce the cd to 1 min from 2 min and make it use only 8 spells meaning less bursty and more sustained damage.

They dont though lol… i fly pass boomkins once their burst is over well on tyranical weeks… they just 1 shot none tyranical bosses!

Their aoe silence is really good and they have cr but if they didnt have convoke they would be replaced easy

and fire mages are looking like a lvl 70 character vs everyone elses 60 too, but blizz doesnt seem to notice :slight_smile:

You think they don’t do enough dmg on single target and you’re prob right but def not on aoe. What they don’t come up in dmg outside of convoke they come up with everything else. I don’t raid but in m+ these things are as important as dps.

that would mean you have to play mm in pvp tho :frowning:

I’m pretty sure a lot of covenant abilities will see rework come 9.1, and I’m fine with that, I don’t expect it mid season.

Not really… Look at your next single target sim and roughly 70% from you dps will come from CA/Convoke Phase.

If they take convo away from druids they can pretty much remove the whole class for SL.

Also I don’t get the whining because current DPS rankings WL, Unholy are pretty much even in dps.

And to everyone else here: L2P or just reroll Fire Mage which is even easier thatn convokekin

a paladin is complaining about convoke , when ret paladin can line up 50k-60k + instant damage within 3 secs; completely alone with self buffs.And their burst doesnt end for a long time.
Even a single judgement can hit over 16k-20k in a single global. lol.

Get good.Also get a fiber obtics internet.If you are getting 4 seconds of lag; that already means you have lost the game.

REts are the best melee in game in in pvp.
And also dont compare ranged classes vs melee classes.

If you dont know how to counter a 2 min ability as a melee ; you are just bad at game.

Personally I prefer an shorter cd (1 min or 30 sec similar to ashamane frenzy)instant convoke over a big channeled one any day; but as far as i’ve read your post ;you would complain about that too. You are just racist against druids dps.

You probably get outplayed in arena and got one shotted and started a topic here lol.


You know convoke can do 32k damage in half a second right?

Although I mean, there’s tons of stupid, dumb stuff that could be easily fixed that they have just left. Convoke is just one of them.

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Neither rogues or rets should not have any right or priviledge to complain about convoke lol. They can do ridiculous amount of burst in 2-4 secs.

my pc is full of ridiculous one shots screenshots from my bg sessions from rogues and rets ; for ridiculous amounts.And i didnt struggle so much against other classes. it was like who has cd’s up and who doesnt(vs other classes)

32k is nothing compared to ret and rog burst.

If you are gonna compare balance dps to other classes ; i also have a lot of ridiculous range burst screenshots that i got hit within 2-3 secs.
Greatest record was a single 18k chaosbolt.

Yes balance is ok at pvp and a decent m+ spec. but not best. ı think its on top 3.
Feral; on the other hand is just a joke and its just garbage outside of raids.And i struggle on high m+ keys to keep up with other dd’s.

The fun thing about convoke is its randomness. It can throw random 16x garbage spells or random useful spells.

I leveled 3x characters including a dk and mage.And ı rarely get killed from it.
You must play druid to see it how it ‘‘really works’’.

Rogues and rets can go easily 2k+ in arena just by playing 2v2.

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100% rogues and pallies in general shouldnt have the priviledge to complain.

While that is true, neither of them could do it either from safe distance or either from stealth… :eyes:

There are various known pvp community sites that give tips and advices about arena.You can always get better.

Yes of course you’re definitely right, there is a clear difference between ridiculously high BURST and sustained damage lmao. They prob wont remove the spell and even if they were balance would become average.

Idk why they should they remove a whole class just beacuse one of the 4 borrowed power spells got removed from the game.

Everyone knows how convoke works…it is just stupid design. A spell shouldn’t randomly do 32k in 0.5seconds or nothing. If there’s a boomie in a match, you literally cannot kick or trinket til convoke has occurred whilst all being within step range in order to guarantee someone can stop it.

Also, I didn’t compare DPS of any classes…I literally said convoke can basically take away most of someone’s hp before you have time to kick it, its just random. If you think “certain classes” cannot complain then I guess that means every class probably shouldn’t complain, since almost every class has something broken on one of their specs.
The idea that X cannot complain because they have Y is hilarious. Crap design is crap design…

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Balance wont be useless this expansion because they have taken Shadow Priests spot as the king of dots. They are absolute beasts on spread cleave/aoe on fights like Council. On top of that they also have excellent target switching compared to e.g. Warlocks which is very important when priority adds spawn. Balance is an excellent progression spec this expansion even if they don’t have convoke.

You cannot always do 32k spell damage in 0.5 seconds. (that means 1 global) Unless it is full moon crit and you are top geared. And that procs is very rare.(maybe once in full cast)

ıf you are dying against a boomy as a ret or Rogue; you really need to learn your classes better.
ı get outplayed several times against rogues and rets in pvp. And i was on bg ; they dont have any pillars to hide ; and i dont have any place to reset pvp ; so i guess we were kind of same.
The reason why i wrote this is ; rogues and rets are a hard counter for druids in most occasions.

I saw many, many times that rets and rogs did 1v2 even 1v3 in bgs. You cannot really do that with druid unless you overpower them with gear.

No lol… sp destroy boomkins.

If you havent noticed all casters are gods this exp… why on earth did i go melee heavy…

You cant full moon in pvp off convoke. 32k in 0.5seconds is 2 starsurge crits. And where did I say I die to boomies? The problem is convoke has the potential to instantly take away 3/4s of someone’s hp at random, so you have to save certain cooldowns to save teammates. Most of the time they do it to healers (i.e. discs) in a root beam.

I’m starting to wonder if you pvp at all with the amount of weird crap you post about rogues and rets. The thread is about convoke, not whether some dagger in the dark rotten rogue one shot you or a divine toll final verdict ret blew you up. I’ve already said there’s lots of other broken and dumb designed things in the game, but that’s off topic…

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