Rework convoke!

If they rework convoke, they’ll need to rework other classes bs abilities.

Let’s not forget ret paladins crazy one shots and enh shamans crazy one shots and condemn, the hunt or Mindgames.

Convoke is just another BS ability among other BS abilities and tbh playing convoke for a bit, especially in pvp feels lackluster compared to he ulitity of kyrian or consistency of necro.

Then he was overgeared from it. Low level players don’ do that kind of damage.

Kyrian is just as competitive but boring af… Convoke is not the problem. Covenants and borrowed powers are.

I still love to see class balance from MOP as one of the best because it was class based and not around some legendary or covenant stuff.

Exactly this!

If you do not have the leggo AND BiS Trinkets AND tons of mastery you wont be able to pull such numbers. Somehow people tend to think that boomies pull amazing numbers magicaly with any gear.

Also I’ve seen DKs, WLs, Priests, Mages who are competitive and not per se more difficult to play.

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I’m playing holy and not Ret but ok. Even if another class/spec is OP, it doesn’t justify convoke.

“Get good”, you are funny, playing the one button class and telling people to play better, are you a troll? :smiley:

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You’re funny :). Never saw so many stupid things in one post till now. Druid isn’t best DD in game. He is not the best for m+. He has good dmg and good utilities. Convoke isn’t best spell. There are many others that makes other classes great as well. But looking into your progress bar answers to all. Keep posting like that troll. GJ. This game need more people like you indeed.


Im not troll. You are.I just checked your account. You are jus ta bad pvp player. Your highest achiv is 1550. And my ‘‘get good’’ advice was right ; for you…Just as an observation.

Neither feral, or balance are a 1 button class. That title belongs to DH’s.

Also i get '‘got HUNTed’ several times; one shotted all my hp by DH spell ; which is ‘‘the hunt’’ which is basically same as druid convoke; with a better version of it. it has a 1 sec cast and also roots you.

But i dont see anyone complain about ‘‘the hunt’’ because the reason is DH are not druids.
The people who have never played druid generally hates druids. And that is a very big population.

Also holy paladin is the only healer spec that have no right, or justification to complain about convoke.

Dont compare the hunt to convoke. Especially not in pve. Our covenant skills are mediocre at best in pve. I’m not taking part of pvp discussion but if they nerf hunt we have nothing for pve anymore. You think its nice to see balance shoot up 2k+ in dps meters just at the end of the boss fight just because she/he popped their convoke? While rest of us actually do some work. If they can nerf the hunt in pvp only thats fine but dont touch the pve aspect of it since there its not as good, but convoke needs to be nerfed in both pvp and pve.

Maybe try the new havoc? We are now fel rushing to do damage and some of us are playing momentum which requires thinking before acting. I personally am using BW leggo which requires me to dot up targets. 1 button class goes to boomkin and BM hunters.

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I didnt try in shadowlands. But the entire concept of ‘‘one button class’’ started with DH’s. I dont remember even hearing the concept before legion lol.

Hunters have a different ‘‘title’’ for being an easy spec ; but that may give me a warning on forums if i write it here :smiley:

Boomies arent a 1 button ranged class. ın fact ; their damage rotation is quite complex, and i would say as difficulty wise; it is somewhere near middle.Not easy as firemage or difficult as affli.

I’m not personally talking about balance rotation which i know to be not that hard.
I’m simply talking about convoke alone making them 1 button class.
Like i said earlier they dont have to nerf the skill if they nerf the damage of starfall and surge which are lets be honest little over the top at the moment.
No class requires engineers title in this game.

Have you actually played boomy?

You are completely calling a class 1 button; just because of a 4 second channeled cd ability.This is ridiculous.Convoke already got nerfed before.

You said it 1 button class; and now you want to nerf starfall and starsurge because of it? wow lol .The entitlement is real wow.

Also; ‘‘get good’’. (i just checked your pvp profile,you dont even have 1550 lol)

Didnt i just say earlier i dont do pvp? Does pvp give you the right to say something is broken?
Im talking about pve aspect.
I notice boomkins just standing there like flat chickens while waiting on convoke to come off cooldown not doing mechanics since they know 1 button will shoot their dps over everyone elses. I also know boomkins get insta invited to mythic + because of that broken skill while i have to queue for hours and hours to get into one. Thus not getting my 15s done easily even though my dps in mythic + is good. Fire mage and lazy chickens are preferred.


Give convoke to Survival Hunters instead, since no-one plays that spec…just a thought.


Convoke the Spirits “Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 16 Druid spells (12 if Restoration) and abilities over 4 sec.” - Most abilities cast will be determined by your current shapeshift and proximity to enemies (ie. ranged vs. melee).
Name a few Survival Hunter abilities worth of mass cast
Even if 16 of the same, biggest hitter… it wouln’t be enough :frowning:


I have a better idea. Give convoke to every dps spec who chooses night fae and see how everyone whine about other classes within few days :rofl:
WW would be like IP MAN and no one could kill a 1v1 vs ww monk ever :smiley: (except rogs rets and mages)
Rogues would be like Mercury man, completely near unstoppable force in pvp.
DH would be like batman, completely evading and cleaving between group fights, similar to Rets.
Firemages would be like superman; channeling fire spells in a line etc lol.
Frostmages would be basically like iceman;Probably would be the 2nd most op spec if convoke implemented ever.
Imagine convoke on ret paladins lol. They could cleave entire group of small cluttered enemies in pvp alone lol.(up to 5 people)
Ele shamans basically could be tesla cannons, considering how many procs they get lolz.
Warriors would be like achilles :smiley: Overpowering ,mortal strike, and execute

Examples can be increased :stuck_out_tongue:

Survival hunters could be like ''mandolorian ‘’ of wow with convoke :smiley: Volatile bomb, kill command,kill shot says hello :smiley:

Simply bs and I’m calling it now. I’d always prefer a DH in m+ because they got sustained AE DMG.

After fel rush buff you guys are the ones who got a lot of m+ power if you are not to bad to use it.

The essence of this thread is that you class is not fun this tier and thats all… This is a problem with class design and not with convoke.

coming from a class which rotation is made up of simply hammering all buttons which light up.

Just reroll and don’t cry

I just looked up your parses and got the statistics from warcraftlogs:

FIVE classes are on top in your percentile and WL is on top. The problem you got is just that havos is not first.

Thread can be closed as it is just about Jealousy


This was fixed during BFA but the paladins whined they were a wheelchair class and demanded mobilty (like locks are asking for) but instead they got a massive damage buff during wings which is not what they asked for.

Blizz just doesn’t listen to the playerbase (don’t even listen to professionals of the class like Savix)

Tell you what, give Warlocks back Rain of Fire being buffed by Roaring Blaze and i will be happy and the ability to cast on the move that covers off two of the most OP classes abilities.

I find it cute that you stalk a person thats giving her own opinion. I dont go stalking you.
Everyone here is allowed to their own opinion. Try playing havoc and getting into m+ with under 1.3k rio come tell me how easy it was again after that. please :slight_smile: and then do the same with a ranged like boomkin or fire mage. Also i dont reroll my class i stick with it. I’m not the type to run after dps. Also im not jealous of boomkins i simply just think 1 of their skills is broken and im alone in that opinion. I didnt make this topic so i cannot close it :wink:

How many people was on the forums crying about havoc in BFA while we were not even the top dogs. We got gutted after that.

they have so bad defence skills? :stuck_out_tongue:

What also annoys me about Boomie and Fire Mage is the entitlement most of them have where they think because they are top DPS they don’t have to interrupt.

I have yet to see a Druid or Fire Mage actually interrupt in M+.

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Looking at random bgs, dungeons, raids and people without any clue of how to interupt it doesn’t surpise me they call for convoke nerf :slight_smile: