Can we have an improved Tmog systeme please? Dear Blizzard…
We can see non sense things actually like :
Having Wand + offhand = Can tmog into mace, dagger, legion staves
Having Mace + offand = Can tmog into mace, legion staves, legion dagger (xal atath)
Having Dagger + offhand = Can tmog into daggers, legion staves
Having Staff = Can Tmog into Staves…
So when I m with my crafted Wand + Vagabon Torch I can tmog into other wands + offhand or any dagger/mace and even Legion Staves priest…
But in my M+ gear I ve a Staff and I … Cannot tmog it into a wand/mace/dagger?'¨!!
What an absolut non sense.
I m pretty sure to be not the only one who hate having a staff in my Tmog… on Belf staff are too much bigger or too much “wtf”
I would like to play with a wand/mace + offhand even if I ve an equipped stafff…
The whole tmog system needs to be redone…
Remove all restrictions cause it’s about cosmetics, it doesn’t make sense to have it restricted in the first place…
Take Warriors, we can literally wear any piece of armor in the game.
TMog? Nope, plate only. Like…why ?!
Same with locking gear to specific “roles”, e.g. cloth users only.
Just stop it!
Let Tmog access everything that’s unlocked on an account, and let us create our own looks.
I wouldn’t say everything, but most stuff I’d like to see unlocked yes.
Class tier sets should stay exclusive imo; because they’re so connected with the class they were created for.
But regular stuff; yeah I’d love to see them dropping the armor type restrictions. There’s so much leather stuff I’d love to be able to wear on my hunter(s).
Just save a transmog and when you put a new stuff, auto mog it into the saved mog.
Maybe Blizz use the current mog system as gold-sink, but its very annoying as a leveler to change your mog every 10 mins when you get a new item.
Thats why I dont transmog anymore under level 80. No point and waste of gold.
I agree. Mogging the slot instead of the piece of gear is better.
Maybe then we can move some of the headslot items (like the scarves) to the neck slot and wear a neck piece and a hat at the same time!
As a pally I’ve always wanted the option to be able to mog shields in to librams. It’s always been an iconic image for them, but you can’t do it ingame, which just seems odd
You do realize your contradicting yourself here with:
No, there absolutely should not be a cross class weapon Tmog option, that would absolutely ruin the RP part of WoW (now everybody shut up about “there’s no RP in WoWs MMORPG anymore”!).
Cross armor class, yes that does work out of RP perspective, and they started it with having clothy, leathery, maily and platy event, Trading Post and store transmoggs.
But weapons, no, not even FF14 allows that with their extensive (yet still job armor restricted, which is a bummer there, too) Tmog system.
Or add a neck(lace) transmog slot for scarfs etc, and then they could add some of the neck drops in future expansions as actual necklaces to add on to that. just spitballin’ here, but that sounds neat.
I agree with the excluded class specific tier/pvp sets. Other than that I would love to use some leather pieces for my sham, or do a plate/mail battle-mage or something. Gosh it would be awesome to see what people would come up with (and all the orc warriors in dresses.)
We already got princess peach t-mog that is universal for all specs and races.
Its too late now to go back. Now I want my warrior to wear a robe. Or one of those skimpy bikini cloths. Cause im running out of Mail and Plate skimpy options…
I wont even tmog at 80 these days. It is a stupid gold sink. If everyone did that then blizz would remove the cost of mogging. The more that are willing to sink gold into it, the more blizz will use it to sell tokens.