Should have definitely been a trading post item rather than the monthly cap reward. This watch is really situational. It’s only really used by players with sleeveless armor or topless. Would make way more sense as something you buy for 200-400 tenders
I’m not always a fan of the overall reward. It’s just par for the course. I do know many were excited for the watches and at least we’ve started seeing them.
I would have preferred it was a trading post purchase rather than reward but I’m sure people that don’t care for mounts or pets feel that way about other rewards too.
It’d be nice, if we could choose between the monthly cap reward and an item that either lets us buy the cap reward of previous months, or turn into 250-400 tender
Oh sweet summer child
Posting for warcraft logs
Nothing in this round stands out as a must-buy for me, so I’m pretty happy with carrying the tenders over to the following month. No FOMO!
I’m getting that scarab, also more void themed stuff please!
Personally, I’d rather have the wrist transmog than another pet. Never used them, never cared for them. Folks and strokes, I suppose.
Decent month. Defo buying that beetle.
The watch is mid. Still better than a pet.
A watch? Seriously? I wouldn’t consider it a part of a transmoge for any of my characters. Just weak as a reward. Kind of reminds me of a flashy carnival with meh rewards. The watch being just one shot away for that big thing you aim for at the set carnival or in this case TP. And yes I know that people say that most will get the year achi transmoge but first not everybody, and second this is by far the cheapest (considering the average price for other rewards so far) cap reward since TP started.
Not looking to good TBH
I bet if we log on during actual christmas, they give us trader’s tender xd
They should lower price for mounts,800 tender too much…
No, they should increase the cost to 950 and then add tenders to the shop, at least that is what I would do if I were the guy in charge .
Sigh i need more tenders…
There was not a “buy tender” offer this month…unless you count the expansion.
Everything increased in price too…/ugh
I don’t know why people being suprised that the Trading Post slowly transist into a webshop feature.
It does seem pretty steep when there is so much to buy.
That dress is nice, but we still need to be able to hide pants in tmog.
Else cant use it properly
you started reward us with mounts, than pet and now a 1 piece of transmog ?
for entire completion of the progress ?
i have an idea how you can fail even more, give us cloak recolor next
Yall are mad, troll shield and back is 900 tendies, meanwhile full set is 850?
Glad to see that tender is finally being used predominantly over tenders.
(I refused to acknowledged the other bastardisation of it )