Riot warriors before it is too late

i mean we are at bottom for so long is it time for us to be at top again ?

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No, we are just dudes without magic swinging axes and yelling, sorry, no place for us among powerful heroes of azeroth


Trying to discredit someone doesn’t make your arguments more valid. I don’t do ridiculously high keys, I don’t enjoy doing them yet I already feel the pain of warrior’s shortcomings. But I still feel that my class is fairly armed for the content I’m dealing with.
I never said I’m asking for buffs for my covenant here. Just saying that discrepancies in overall usefulness are vast between covenants. And since meta is merciless some players already suffer being left out just because of their esthetic choices.

if you are enjoying with what you have right now, so move on and ignore any topic about warriors are bad and in need of buff. Enjoy the game :smile:

I dont think %10 damage increase would cut it. Spec needs some creative ideas and for the love god make fury aoe fun.


It might be enough with 10%, but we don’t know still. I highly doubt they do any reworking since they are always ganna say reworking it is difficult task and we have important tasks to accomplish meanwhile !

They have nothing to do to make warrior class desirable for groups or people to play with it, so either way it is death of warrior class in SL or rebirth.

My suggestions would be like this.
1)Bloodthirst nerfs should be reverted %3=>%5
2)Enrage duration should be 1 sec longer
3)Meat cleaver should be baseline. Casting whirlwind after 4 attack instead of 2 improves gameplay and satisfaction so much better.
4)Ignore pain rage cost should be reduced to 40 just like arms.
5)Buff rampage damage by 25% percent. A fury only has 1 rage spender and it is quite underwhelming. So basically everything a fury does is for pressing the rampage button. Maybe add it some grevious wounds cause in pvp everybody heals like crazy.

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After nerf i didn’t even bother to press bloodthirst just sometimes for enrage

I can totally agree on everything except this part here. removing these Spells totally without a decent replacement would just weaken the class more than it is right now. Except Slam on Fury its 100% useless.

But the Class in Generell needs alot of work in its current state. I get literally Ignored in every Group which is going a +6 or higher with arround 197gs.


All that won’t happen its too much we just need legendary that give us cold blood hot steel or buf mastery for more dmg when enraged or a whirlwind proc with 300% dmg

Hello everyone, another struggling Arms Warrior here. I am used to playing a very non-meta class, having mained a Frost Mage for about six years until Legion, but what has happened to the once great class of the Warrior is simply sad. We will not sit idly like the devs in their offices, waiting to become the bottom of DPS meters. We will take our ideas to the forums and give them a piece of our minds!

  1. Mortal Strike hits like a wet noodle. I like to compare it to the Enhancement Shaman’s Stormstrike, considering similar cooldowns and purpose. Being the freaking CENTER of the spec, I think it should hit for about 200% of AP. And that’s BEFORE Overpower. The recent buff was not nearly enough.
  2. Overpower’s cooldown should be reduced by haste and/or increase MS damage by 25% per stack, up from 20%. Increase the chance to proc Tactician from 1.4% to 2% per Rage point spent.
  3. Although the spec revolves around MS, this focus shifts to Execute during, well, execute phases, when you just want to pump out as many Executes as humanly possible and having to use MS just feels like a meaningless chore. That’s why Execute should apply Deep Wounds and possibly be affected by Overpower as well, which is still used as free damage during execute phases, but right now the buff stacks it provides are often wasted if you use MS only once per 12 seconds or so to maintain DW.
  4. Lower the cooldown of Colossus Smash/Warbreaker to 30 seconds.
  5. Replace Collateral Damage with Wrecking Ball as a single target option in that talent row. You know, attacks have a chance to make your next Whirlwind deal 300% more damage or something like that.
  6. Ignore Pain is too weak, considering the cost. While it’s not that big of a deal for Arms, taking 1-2 autoattacks to get the rage back, it’s a massive penalty for Fury, due to the way Rage is built and spent. The increased cost for Fury also makes no sense, I would actually understand if it cost more for Arms. Overall, the cost should be removed, the cooldown increased to about 30 seconds and the absorption increased to 20-25% of max health. It’s still going to be worse than Mage barriers, as you absorb only 50% of the damage taken, but that’s fine, not everything has to be equal.
  7. Victory Rush is useless, remove it and replace it with Impending Victory as a baseline ability.
  8. Make Second Wind available to all specs, it’s a huge convenience boost when soloing.
  9. Make Demoralizing Shout available to all specs and make it reduce the damage the targets deal to everyone, not just the Warrior. We don’t bring much into the table and could use more group utility.
  10. Reduce the cooldown of Charge to 15 seconds, make Double Time add additional charge at the cost of cooldown increased by 5/10 seconds, similar to the Mage’s Shimmer.

Feel free to /spit on me or ignore the post altogether. Have a nice day.


Some of points are good but rests are op or nonsense

even with those changes, we can’t compete with hunters dmg and utility they have all the utility in the game bl, mass root, agro to help tanks, immunity and big self-heal, remove buffs and enrage effects dispell root on them selfs, ranged and they can cast while moving only aimed shot high burst on demand aoe and single target …
and what we have a 3 min cd that increase hp , even with good dps nothing is going to change we dont bring anything to the group

I mean for arm if you use die by sword and taunt big add or something you can hold for while until tank taunt back, but it can’t be useful as hunter pet, shaman golem, or druid’s trees

I would like that avatar makes you immune to roots not remove root after cast.

The taunt thing only usfull on bosses or one mob but not with big pulls and its very risky no one will trust all warrior to do that and the immune to root that will be broken in pvp maybe we need cry that silence all mobs in pve or demoralising shout to reduce dmg on the group as a dps or a armor reduction debuff on target something that benefits the group or raid

Other specs have these things baseline and several of the things that used to be Warrior exclusive as optional. This is pure fear bias talking rather than anything in rational objectivity as the rational objectivity for everyone else is what you’re described it should never be for Warriors.

Let me offer you a better solution
Look who is doing top damage
And make that class
This isn’t politics
Its ok
We still think you are a warrior inside

Another trolling mage in warrior’s forum :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :facepunch:

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Meta slave i bet you switch class to be a decent dps


… I was being serious

Is “trolling” the new “racist”?

Like my opinions literally flabbergasted your brain to the point it had to completely disregard it for the sake of maintaining your brain integrity and not literally blow out of your head from sheer physical shock?

Or are you just being a woman right now?