Warrior class it is in complete ruined and it is worse than bfa. Our three specializations are useless in everything accept arm in pvp. if we don’t riot and whine about getting buff and rework quickly it is going to be like bfa where they just said it is what is it deal with it until next expansion and here we are with worse class in sl.
I know some people will come here say and it is fine but it is not fine anymore. pugs literally ignoring warriors and all healers leave when they see prot war. This is sad [Death of warrior class]
I don’t want a mid tier warrior in middle of expansion or op warrior in end of expansion because they just left class balancing and move on new expansion to save time. I want a average warrior not op or trash. I paying this game to have good times and not farming gears for hours and be way more over gear than everybody so I can get maybe invite into 4 plus dung or a raid.
Problems that they should be address quickly
Warriors in General:
Make storm bolt base line.
Make ignore pain rage free with 25 sec cd for arm and fury
Make anger management talent to reduce cds by 2 sec
Remove aoe cap
make [Brutal Vitality] to add ignore pain outside of ignore pain duration or increase value.
[Fueled by Violence] in need of rework or getting removed
[Cacophonous Roar] in need of rework or getting removed
increase [Safeguard] value
rework [Vicious Contempt]
[Show of Force] in need of rework or increase in value
Prot war:
Give us back our op thunder clap because other tank can pull way more aoe damage than us and we can have better aggro on adds. On the other hand, all of our pacific legendary are defensive.
Make ignore pain to prevented damage base on our 20% health and reduce rage cost from 40 to 30.
increase shield block duration by 1 sec and reduce rage usage from 30 to 20
Remove hamstring instant give us piercing howl with 20 sec cd.
Make whirlwind rage free and let it to proc revenge for us.
40,45, and 50 talent tree rows are in need of rework and moving.
Avatar should give 20% mastery base line or as talent
Arm war:
Battlelord, Enduring blow, and Exploiter legendary powers are lazy and boring designs and therefor they should get remove and get replace with more fun and entertaining powers like signet of tormented kings.
Deadly calm should give us passive chance to refund rage usages on abilities than more rage cap.
Make die by the sword to give 50% parry and 50% damage reduction with 1.5min cd.
Rework whole class or give us 10% flat damage increase
I can confirm i dont get accepted in m+5 with 490 rio score and 199 ilvl. This is just garbage up to the point hat i sit and do nothing because i cant get accepted. If i start my own key then people join and leave because its a warrior.
First of all you done only 3 mythic on time two days ago on your profile and you lied about pugging cause you are with a healer and I can tell you are using your own key or healer. On top of that you did untimed 8 key accompanied by 3 melee with Spiteful affix . Secondly, Inspiring Presence is way more better than stalwart guardian because it will save your run from wiping and gives you self healing.
Lol what a troll, with your guild mates maybe or friends. I do 9 and 10s now, only with guild and i cant even get accepted into +6 No people dont take those chances with warriors
Yeah a sanguine depths 45 min timer fun fun, no I want to dungeons that drop BiS gear for me and I want blizzard to just balance out all specs and not make a pure dps spec just garbage.
I totalt agree, warrior is bad now. Howeverbi have recently done 1 +5 and 1 +4 in time, 100% pug but anyway im gearing my prot pala as they should be alot better
got kinda fed up today. i am trying for like 2 hours to get accepted to a +2 lol and nobody will take me. Then i tried the raid just in case nothing. lol
there is 45 way to nerf warrior in a good way. Your way is just terribly bad.
Like the “ignore pain for free” or “storm bolt base line” and the “shield block it has no use literally”.
And can you explain in details why those are bad idea cause you are not providing any clear explanation accept saying no and yes. let me help you.
ignore pain for free is needed in PVE cause we are dying easily and we don’t have any self healing. on the other hand, we should reduce our dps to survive while other classes have insta healing through their mana or cd.
warrior community asking for storm bolt to be a base line for long time cause we are lacking utilities, and fear is not good to use cause you just pulling more adds with it.
Shield block and shield slam should be removed cause people can find exploit with it and make blizz to nerf warriors instant of removing shield block and shield slam.
cause the spell is actually really really strong, and it’s a fair trade to chose between defensive or damage. THe spell have to be nerf on the cd, and not up and the rage cost. That’s the case for drud (bear form) etc.
cause it’s just the best stun in the game, so a talent is pretty fit. Warrior is a class with excellent damage, so fear + talent stun is enough.
Actually usefull in pvp, tricky to use (find the good timing etc), so i don’t know why you want to removed a smart things. I HUGELY prefer an ignore pain nerf, than this.
Your points are pretty ridiculous and don’t make sense. I’m far from rioting. I enjoy prot and arms. The only thing I don’t enjoy are completely imbalanced covenants. And that has nothing to do with warriors overall.
You are not even doing high lvl keys to even feel pain playing warrior compering to other classes maybe come back when you are at our lvl of gameplay.
Asking for buffing your covenant and ignoring other problems with arm it is completely selfish point to make.
yes lon said everybody should pick over defensive or damage but this is not a case with everybody class, so it is unfair.
It is just matter of time that everybody learn trick and even exploit it and then show it on YouTube and trigger whole pvp community to spam NERF WARRRIOSSSSSS. They are already asking for mortal strike healing reduction nerf !