Riot warriors before it is too late

One can troll without it being conscious, just like one can act racist without acting consciously racist.

When you’re telling people to just roll with it and reroll instead of being angry you’re essentially trolling even though you interpret it as “just honest advice.”

Not sure if the OP has all the reworks that are needed correct but I do agree warrior class across the board needs some big buffs. I just cancelled my auto renew sub. It has 3 months left but I’m just not having fun in Shadowlands playing warrior. I explained this in the reason wy i cancelled. Blizzard probably won’t care though, I do get that :stuck_out_tongue: I could level an alt but I don’t feel like benching my main of the last 12 years. Every expansion we start at the very bottom and every time we need to beg for buffs. Other classes face roll and are in the top tier. I don’t mind putting in the work/rotation but it all leads to nothing at the moment. I just have enough of it.

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Likewise. I was looking forward to having fun on a prot warrior, tanking high M+ keys. It’s simply not fun though. Getting into groups is hard, playing and tanking is stressful.
I’ve cancelled my sub as well. Hope blizz staff read the forums and the surveys and can act on that feedback.

Indeed, some elitist people still in discord defend current state of prot war tank and everybody else who has problem with it. They are not good at their class and they have to go an relearn their warrior. Our job as prot war now it is super stressful then before we have to watch for everything kite/kick/don’t die/dps/aggro and so on. On the other hand, dhs have it super easy and they can kite everything for days while maintaining sufficient enough dps and aggro.

We were used to be king of physical mitigation and we could face tank any physical damages all day but now you better kite it or you are going to get one shot same as magic damage.

They took/nerf a lot of things without any replacement.

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if u are not trolling so are telling me to reroll another class grind the gear and soul ashe and raid io score so all that time is wasted on my warrior that’s not how the game supposed to be
all classes need to be viable for the grp


you are the problem not warrior! hope devs won’t listen you

I agree on many thing but Hamstring on Prot is one of the most stupid things in this game. Arms got a free Piercing howl on a low cooldown and it is super good and useful in all fights, Prot need to click/tab to an enemy and get in close combat and hit hamstring which also cost rage. Piercing howl should replace hamstring or whatever for all specs, it is just that good of a skill and they should remove hamstring or add rend to it.


Keep riot on !!! :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

Do not falter brothers and sisters :muscle: :muscle:


am i doing it ?


Warriors are suffering from low utility, low damage and poor gameplay design at the moment in PvE. I would not be playing a warrior if my guild was not requiring the shouts in raid.

But at this I am really asking, is it worth it ?

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Make protection viable
Buff fury to the bone
Make arms having more utility and give stormbolt baseline. It’s disgusting that we have to choose mobility vs health sustain vs stun . Of course blizz will not do it.


Warrior is borderline garbage, the only place he excels is arenas with a healer in the mix, try to beat an undergeard rogue, or hell any class, and you will lose, no matter how ¨skilled¨ you are.
The class even struggles to beat mobs, you pull to many you die.
What it needs is a rework.

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“kick warrior, get hunter”
basically the state of warrior dps in shadowlands

also prot specc - just remove it for shadowlands, it’s unplayable

The M+ u do get an inv to usually starts with some delayed messages from the other people in the grp “oh do we really gotta take him?” - “yeah, no other tank has signed up so lets just try it”… Good pep talk!

Im just sick and tired of feeling useless. I think the raid is going ok how ever im only 10/10 normal 1/10 heroic, but that is more of a guild problem and times tryed.

The thing is i love prot warrior, i think it is such a cool class, we look good and have satisfying abilities (the way they look and feel), how ever we cant with stand anything, we are like a sad bag of leafes! i have the same ilvl and basically gear as a prot pala i play with and the difference is mind bobbing. I’ve read most of this thread and see similiar experiences as you guys do. The packs in m+ totally shredding you to pieces, the ignore pain that is impossible to keep up, the lack of dmg, the cd timers OMG! and so on and so on!

yesterday i was on the brink of quitting. I was like, i love to play, i love my warrior, but to feel like dog s*** in everysingle aspect of the game is not a good feeling. People tell me to reroll. But to be doing what?! I dont feel at home with the other specs and i feel that ive put in so much time in this toon (which is limited in ur 30s with IRL wifes, jobs and so on.).

I really hope Blizzard will fix our class. Because reroll or just swallow it shouldn’t be our only option. Sorry for the long rant, I dont know, just feel sad.

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Outside condenm its feel bad to press those abilities think about necrolord and night fea warriors though without condenm.

I know that, it’s just that it serve no purpose.
It makes no damage at all and nothing else.
MS makes no damage, but gives the mastery buff, overpower buff MS, that kind of thing makes sens.
But slam or whirlwind are just useless, it’s just a rage spender

They proc overpower for you tho. In m+ if you don’t use whirlwind or slam in your rotation to proc overpower for Aoe damage and MS buff you are just bad arm warrior. Same apply for raid if you don’t press something for so long and waiting for overpower or MS to come up you are going to lose dps.

The change I want to see is to slam damage increase and let it to proc execute instant of overpower.

No buff for prot war !! Is blizz really trolling us ? if some top players with full guild run made to 1.5k rio it doesn’t mean prot war doing good !!

Lol, they just delete my post where I explain that I think war is an incomplete class like. I’m starting to understand why things are not changing

Do something blizzard. Are you like looking the other way ? I mean it’s like IN YOUR FACE, how bad things are going for warriors.

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