Riot warriors before it is too late

%8 was not enough.

u have no idea about warrior if you are saying to proc OPs in raid situation, op is dogcrap dmg, works only for aoe with crash
sorry, but warrior now is a retarded class and you keep wounds and condemn everything that is possible, that’s really all

What you talking about dude? Overpower is free damage and it buffs Mortal Strike damage, it’s absolutely vital to your dps. If you’re running dreadnaught then at 2 stacks it’s high priority unless you’re going to rage cap by not spending rage.

The whole point is to weave Overpowers inbetween Execute/Condemn so that you’re dealing damage while the auto-swing generates rage for you to spend 40 rage on Condemn. If you’re just spamming Condemn you’re going to be wasting all the OP procs which are completely free damage, just so you can spam low rage Condemns, when it’s better to use 40 rage condemns and collect free OP damage inbetween.

The only time you’re ignoring overpower is when you’re trying to maximise a cooldown, damage buff or the boss takes extra damage (like if you have 80 rage and a damage buff is up and you wanna burn the 80 rage into Condemn/Exe before the buff drops).

If you don’t do this you will burst hard at the start of a fight and then just rage starve hard and your dps disappears.


read again what I responded to, i didn’t say anything wrong about op weave between condemn downtimes, i criticized his idea to be constantly aiming to get op procs

I let others riot. I just unsubbed and quit wow because a warrior is in super bad shape. M+ is not as enjoyable as dps/prot. Raids you are there just to buff others and every content is super melee unfriendly. The only good thing is pvp if you like doing that. I don’t so much rather not play this game anymore. I’ll come back if there are some massive changes to specs and when Blizz makes mechanics easier to play melee. Maybe next season is better but I doubt that.

I’m considering unsubbing as well. Sure, fury feels much better after the buff but we’re still bottom of the barrel. What reason is there to take a warrior into M+? We provide next to nothing to the group and don’t do adequate damage. Even people I have known for decades don’t want to play with me because I’m the fifth wheel – which is completely understandable considering how horrible this class is. Hell, when I get lucky and actually am in a group, I’m the first to advise against (another) warrior DPS.

This class is in big trouble. I’d probably be clinically depressed if I were tanking as well.

Yeah, ravager with legendary is a super strong burst (combined with Avatar + trinket). I would still say that Venthyr is way stronger because you can do burst at the start to 80% and then twice in 35-0% in longer raid type of fight. You even get rage back at the start of the fight so you can just spam condemn. Arms problem is that outside the execute phase you hit like a wet noodle.

I think arms need 15-20% buff on Overpower, MS, and Slam. Then the mid-fight would be more balanced + the overall damage done would be more in line with other dps classes. Still, warriors would not be on the top but would help outside of the execute phases.

This pretty much. Venthyr arms does decent dmg only in execute phase and at the start to 80% boss hp. Then everything else hits like a wet noodle.

Top warriors with 99% parses still do like 2k less dmg than top specs which is ridiculous difference. Always sitting right above the tanks in dps meters. So it’s not a L2P issue warrior really is bad in PvE. Other classes except DH at least can swap to other spec but we can pick between trash or sh1t. 20% flat dmg buff would help but I would rather see some buffs to mid-fight section.

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The covenant balance isn’t that bad though, they all have specialisations in different areas of the game.

Have you done a dungeon with a Nightfae or Kyrian dps Warrior? If you look at the high rankings/keys on Warcraftlogs the top Arms covenant is Kyrian, despite Venthyr being more popular. Both Nightfae and Kyrian have vastly superior burst AOE and the utility of spear is great. Same situation in PvP, you see a mix of Kyrian/Venthyr Warriors at the top ratings.

Venthyr has a clear advantage for raiding dps Warriors, where sustained single target/cleaving allows you to maximise Condemn, but outside of raiding 3/4 of them are decent, it’s only Necrolord that needs attention.

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What are you even talking about?! When it comes to damage, Arms and Fury warrior share with BM hunter and frost mage for the worst spec in the game, while prot warrior is the worst tank spec in the game, both in raiding and in m+. Just take a look at up-to-date data from warcraftlogs or raiderio, or for a subjective impression just get into the game and try to get into public 13+/14+/15+ keys.

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What you talking about dude? I’m talking about the differences between covenants, not class balance?

The difference in Covenant balance matters nothing when the base is a mess.

In Legion and BfA the borrowed power was spec-based and could be used to shore up holes in the spec. In Sl it’s clas-based, meaning that unless it matches the spec then the spec really blows.




  • fury
  • arms
  • protection
  1. Battlelord, Enduring blow, and Exploiter legendary powers are lazy and boring designs and therefor they should get remove and get replace with more fun and entertaining powers like signet of tormented kings.

Imo, the unviability of those legos in PvE could be fixed by reverting Tactician to its Legion form, and then adding Shattered Defences back in as a passive:

You have a x% chance per Rage spent on damaging abilities to reset the remaining cooldown on Colossus Smash.

Shattered Defences
After using Colossus Smash, your next Mortal Strike deals 50% additional damage.

That way, the value of Battlelord and Exploiter could be increased alongside MS, and Arms could be pushed back towards its ‘big nasty crit’ niche. We’d also have a Condemn/Execute rotation that isn’t just one button.

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Playing in a mythic raiding team. I am the lowest. I do however give 5% AP buff so they will bring me a lil while longer…

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Dobroslave, accurate description +1.

There is many fake troll people in here I can clearly see,

There is many fixes that needs to be done, anyone who played a warrior through 5 expansion know that for sure, we had bad times, aswell before.

For prot example, if you want to be a flagcarrier as prot in RBG you cannot, you survive so much less than a DH / Guardian druid,

And dont even get me started on arms, like shield block? Yeah when u gonna use that? when you in a 7 second kidney? I mean come on… if you want us to wep swap atleast give us like shield bash and stuff back, infact give us back our class like it was in cata. with real stances. when you removed the 3 stances you broke the class.

In most posts i have red, some people argue about arms damage and its place in current meta. many are happy with current damage arms brings and somehow are sceptical when someone asks for buffs. correct me if im wrong - we all know that, meta today is incredibly bursty, there are classes and specs out there that annihilate people in mere seconds, these are facts we all know and not needs to be argued. now what Arms does in arenas? answer is - good consistent damage. i mean, that is good right? yeh, if we had similar damage in BFA on arms, i would be happy. but this is not BFA and in this meta your consistent damage and mortal wounds wont surprise anyone.
to put it short - some classes one shot people, you as arms, dont, end of the story. that fact alone is enough to ask for buffs and not be pleased with current state.
by the way, if you think you can macro the kyrian spear, damage trinkets, bladestorms and mambo jambo like that, to match, lets say, rogue burst or monk burst, save your time :rofl:
we warriors should ask for conduit changes too, to be honest, 80% of warr conduits are totally useless.

Arms Warriors have no need for buffs, they need a rework so they get both sustained and consistent performance, because right now the latter is sorely missing with all the % increase stuff.

Just put my warrior on the shelf, as tanking M+ was nothing but a constant stressfest. Guardian druid feels 10 times more smooth. Too bad I enjoy playing warrior the most, but in it’s current state, it is completely pointless. Wondering what Blizzard are thinking, considering this has been mentioned since early beta and it has been totally ignored…