So… guilds started to move to Alliance side for Castle Nathria, to a faction bleeding players and raiders in order to take advantage of a racial for the first time. Boom nerfhammer.
This is the ultimate proof of Horde bias. It is not a meme, it is the reality of this game. Horde bias exists.
Is this how they will fix faction imbalance? By discouraging faction changes? We fill Hall of Fame 2 Months late or not at all already.
An Alliance racial had an opportunity to shine for the first time in a raid and they got rid of it immediately. Unless you are Horde you can’t take advantage of your racials in a raid apparently.
Poor guy firstly they made his favorite characters gay and then they reworked raid mechanic because people could completely avoid it by rolling all dwarfs…
World firsters faction hopping isn’t healthy growth for any faction. Just like you gain them for a few months for Castle Nathria, you lose them the moment the competitive edge is gone. I don’t consider world firsters to be members of either faction.
There’s a potential problem with the dwarf racial being op, in that some meta babies might want to run full dwarf parties, making the game cancer for everyone.
I still think the main advantage the horde has is our players. I also am not a fan of alliance joining us and ideally I’d like Blizz to ban faction changes, but… ehh.
I alone increase maturity level of Alliance by 378.2%, what are you talking about.
The tragedy right…
I guess a rogue used a permanent Blind on you, if you still can’t see the obvious that is all I can say.
You have those players because of racial advantages Horde had in the past, I think it wouldn’t harm anyone if Alliance had an advantage for 1 raid tier they would most likely turn back to Horde after getting done with the raid. So why they are doing this…
They allowed Goblin Rocket Jump for Kil’jaeden, they allowed Blood Elf racial to dominate Zul fight by dispells, they allowed Voodoo Shuffle of Trolls during Jaina fight and all of a sudden having a upperhand because of racial is forbidden when Alliance’s turn comes, this is a disgrace, a scandalious act by Blizzard devs.