Rise of Horde Bias Episode 47

Played a human priest in classic, got flamed (and rejected) for not being a dwarf several times, because no fear ward.

That stuff happens when there are op racials, which is imo not good for the game.

I haven’t played the new raid yet, but if the bleeds are an essential mechanic, that can be skipped with a racial, then a nerf is absolutely in place.

I play both horde and alliance btw…

Edit: It’s a shame that we wont see a raid consisting of dwarfs only for the worlds first though…

It was needed because on Stone Legion Generals, which is looking to be the wall of the raid, the bleed you get is permanent, and it stacks. The only way to remove it is with an ingame mechanic.

That is unless you were a kyrian dwarf. Then you could nulify the mechanic twice. If you were a paladin you could nulify it four times.

EDIT: In fact the kyrian part might not be completely accurate. You can accumulate 3 healing potions from the stewart, but I do not know if that translates to 3 cleanses as well.

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I don’t know I think it was a band-aid Alliance needed and Blizzard was quick to fix that unlike their past records.

Alliance raiding is not in its best state you know, it wouldn’t harm anyone if they had a noticable advantage for 1 raid tier. This will discourage people even more.


They’re removing the ability to remove SOME of the bleeds. Predominantly the bleeds that are one of the main damage mechanics for a boss fight.

To have dwarfs and Kyrians be able to completely ignore a mechanic in a fight for the whole fight isnt balanced and rightly shouldnt have been left in the game. It eventually makes the fight trivial ignoring the damage from said bleed especially if its a stackingbleed like they seem to be.

I didn’t see them nerf goblins in tomb of sargeras, so why would they do this now ???


So? Those guild would have probably moved back anyway.

It wouldn’t, but you already see that even with better racials people are not flocking to Alliance.

Simply trying to balance the factions with racials will not work. They need to provide something that attracts and helps build a community, not bribe them and create a large group who limbo between the factions depending on what is the strongest right now.

That was a single race affecting a single class in the entire game (priests) which was fixed relatively fast as well.

Imagine thinking that a company whose sole purpose is to make money, is bothered to have a favourite faction. :woman_facepalming:

How long you been playing? Raider schmucks always do this. They went to Alliance when EMFH was broken, and they chop and change Factions due to whichever racials work best against new boss raid mechanics. Why is this only a problem now?

These ‘World First’ guilds aren’t worth the steam off the bath house wall anyway, if they were that good, they’d pick a faction and stick to it. Changing factions for racials doesn’t make you a good player, as at that point it is debatable as to whether you are playing the game, or the game is playing you.

Nah. No it ain’t. You have a bizarre idea of ‘Proof’ if that is what you think the word means. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh it really, really is, as are those that keep spouting it.

Must be easy to have that safety blanket to fall back on.

Who cares? Literally who cared about the Hall of Fame? Why? Are those people playing your game for you? No? So play it for yourself!

Err, you what?

Yes you can. It’s quite easy. You use your racials. Same as you have the option to on any character you play, or is the complaint here that a specific racial no longer counters a specific boss mechanic in an overpowered way?

Well we know you never have any.

You can take advantage of your racials, if you look at your icons, you still have the option to use them. They did not remove racials from Alliance characters.

You mean ‘Figuratively’ not ‘Literally’ Even then you would still be incorrect.

Didn’t you get the Alliance Memo? 96.4% of the Devs are actual members of the Horde in real life apparently. They eat Night Elf babies for breakfast before going to secret meetings about how to destroy the Alliance.:stuck_out_tongue:

So much this. If the World Firsters actually mattered, this would be a bigger deal, but ultimately, they just do not matter, and do not make for a healthy faction playerbase because they -don’t care- about the faction. Does anyone seriously think they are a solution to any numbers imbalance? Just wait till the next raid tier and they faction hop again?

Then a) Heh heh, Joke’s on them for being so fickle and not trying to succeed at raiding on their characters, but trying to gimp the system

and b) I do hope they drank the Vodka first, or that would be the -real- tragedy being described in this post! :slight_smile:

What exactly do you think Europol would do about it, given that it does not have remit over that kind of thing, no executive powers, and does not even have the right of arrest? Plus, nothing Homophobic was said. You’d just end up looking a very silly person with a very silly Guild name, who was wasting Europol’s time that could have been spent doing something else. Shame on you.

There we go. That seems much more likely. They were trying to stop people gimping the system, so the faction didn’t actually come into it…

People really need to stop caring about this Hall of Fame rubbish…


We have rational reasonings though, concrete evidences. This one is an extremely obvious one.

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There is always a high likelihood that unintended interactions will get patched out.
You can pretty much count on this when deciding to spend money on game services.

And the xpac isn’t even officially out yet so why is this even a thing worth discussing?

It’s just a bugfix in a beta version of a product.

I get you, but I just don’t think it’s the way to go.
The races on the alliance side seems so bland compared to horde. And although the Alliance have some good lore, all the current history revolve around the Horde.
I definitely see that as the biggest issues on the Alliance side.

A OP racial will only make ppl faction change until things are even again.

The Alliance does need some bandaid though…

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This was never even an opportunity to balance factions. Realistically, a few top guilds swap to alliance and then swap back to horde.

And if you go the route of making alliance racials super OP forever you’re just gonna have the same issue but the factions have swapped sides. Basically, we would all look like oceanic.

Cross faction pve is the only viable way to fix this.

Blizzard devs sucks they needs to either fix the imballance or end both factions and since they’re like waaah we don’t wana play fair against the alliance waah let’s buff horde racials and nerf Alliance racials waaah. That’s pretty much how blizzard’s behaving at the moment in my opinion. Plus i’ve just heard that if these changes go live then The last Eu Alliance main guild will go horde so blizzard if you don’t reverse these changes. You’ll ruin the game For Alliance fans there’s been loyal to the game for years.


Horde bias is real and it is like the elephant in the room, many want to tell you it doesn’t exist - but it does. And it benefits them massively, so they’ll happily tell you it doesn’t exist.

Like main stream media will try to tell people that ‘cancel culture’ doesn’t exist yet main stream media uses it non-stop.


I think blizzard needs to end factions at this rate as soon not even i will be able to contenue be Alliance as if i don’t have a guild then i cannot prograss and if i cannot prograss i cannot gear up and if i cannot gear up i cannot play the game.

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Looking at this, it’s obvious they do not intend for those bleeds to be ignorable
You can say it’s faction bias, but if it was Kyrian vial wouldn’t be disabled
You’re free to think the only motivation here is faction bias of course but I don’t think that’ll do much good nor is accurate

You try to main Alliance for an entire expansion and you’ll quickly see how tough we have it.

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And i remember how a certain racial was reworked just in time to be an advantage in a certain raid tier.


It has been a problem for a long time, particularly the problem where it was always that the Horde racials were superior. It is a huge problem because Alliance is bleeding players due to the mojority going Horde for the racials.

No it does not, however people will flock to the faction which can offer them more and right now Horde has had this time in the spotlight for years. Guilds have stated that they are Horde only because the majority of the end content community is there, this was good opportunity to actually fix the faction imbalance issue.

Its actually really valid, we had 3 examples of Horde racials that were a clear advantage in boss fights in some cases even braking the intented fights. Why is it now that Blizzard are acting on racials trivializing mechanics ?

Hall of Fame matters because mythic pugs are only available after both sides complete it, not everyone has the oportunity to join a mythic guild, i for exmple cant due to my server beeing on life support. Look man I do respect you and are reasonable to talk to but you are clearly wrong or ignorant to the issue. I dont diss your RP, so dont diss raiding its arguable wich content has more players that care about them.