Rmhpala again

Could you fcking nerf this comp already it’s fcking digusting


I’d rather they buffed other stuff that could kill them.

Agree, buff locks.


Agree, buff affliction lock


I think that Affli is in such a poor state that it’s nearly impossible to buff them to be viable and if they do, it’d be extremely unfun meta.
They’re squishy, immobile and their damage consist of easily disruptable hard casted dots, that needs to be hard casted multiple times and pressure from that is completely erased by just pressing healer’s instant ability (dispel).

They’d need to make them unreasonably hard hitting, which would lead to Rock Paper Scissor Meta and honestly much more unfun to play as and against than Destro, you’ve seen nothing compared to what-if-Affli-was-viable.

Affli kinda needs rework and that rework requires some sort of mobility, Haunt-like mechanic and non-stacking UA. So the damage is based around few hard casts, but cannot get unreasonably higher, but not even unreasonably lower by being disrupted way too much.

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So they have to nerf them instead? Great idea. Oo

This. Would be great for just one season if I could play feral without tank stuffs

Why would they have to NERF them? There’s a few classes that could use buffs which would counter rmp

Because a comp that could counter RMX, will probably counter anything.

Countering both RMD and RMPala would likely lead to that since it’d require a comp that performs both burst, sustain damage and stalling better than anything else in the game.

I don’t believe most of the RMX ragers actually differentiate the versions of RMX, to them it’s Rogue Mage pls nerf.

Don’t worry they do. But what is the same in RMD, RMPala, RMWhateverHealerYouWant ? The R and M aka rogue mage. If you nerf healers and rogue mage is still the best comp, then nerf the dps ? Doesn’t sound insane to me.

Don’t listen to Shadenox, he sees the issue within the healer - what he somehow doesn’t seems to see: if you nerf the healer, you may nerf RMX, but also any other comps with those healer.

Which would actually result in a buff for RMX, since they win their games with burst and control: less healing outside of that will result in faster kills, but only for RMX. :smiley:

So what to do? Nerf either their control, or their survivability (based on cds/mobility, not based on their healer). The nerf on temp shield is a small step into the right direction.

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Rmp isnt even close to rmd/rmpala so to say all rmx are equal is just dumb. Rmp is so far off the others everyone assumes you mean rmpala now

Sure, but that’s obviously an issue of the healer balance. I guess most comps are better with a Rdruid/Hpal than Priest, right?

So still what I’m saying: You wanna fix RMX? Nerf RM.

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It would be a great fcking start to nerf kidney and toxic blade already it fcking retarded what it can do every kidney + the gddamn elusiveness

I don’t know how likely is it, but buff to Rsham might actually be little nerf to RMX.

That said I also don’t see any logic in nerfing X from RMX, as X currently is just Druid and Paladin and enemy plays Druid and/or Paladin generally too.

It’s equally clever as nerfing a Rogue to make RMD less strong against RPS.

I agree with you. Both Rogues and Mages have some overtuned mechanics that everyone is well aware of, namely Elusiveness and Shimmer (opinions might differ but to me these are the mosr problematic ones). But we’re far from having nerfed healers enough to be as RMX was in the past, that being a comp that can’t facetank damage to have its own sustained pressure going. Until it happens, even with nerfs to Rogue and Mage their comps will keep being able to perform both burst and sustained simply because healers can keep up with such (supposed) fragile classes taking a lot of damage. This would be the first thing to change. Again it’s just an opinion, maybe someone as blind and Venuki believes Shimmer and Elusiveness are more of an issue than RDruid and HPala topping Rogues and Mages with 1 GCD on a 25s CD after they face tanked a melee cleave when rogued and mages should ultimately die if they let themselves be hit too much, simply because they aren’t supposed to go back to full health while under fire, and at the moment, they do.

You are horribly clueless. A comp like RMX with 90% of the healing done by the healer would suffer MUCH MORE to a healer nerf than a comp like DK DH where thr healer does only 50% of the healing. That’s math elementary school level. Insane. It would br a nerd to everyone, but much more to comps that are supposed to be fragile because the current healer power makes no one fragile, erasing the supposed weaknesses or some classes. Again, if to you Soul of the Forest, 2 charges, 25s cooldown, healing as much as a Lay on Hands, isn’t as good as Feint at keeping RMD alive you have vendetta issues against RM. At some point you need to realize a healer throwing out random 200k crits with one spell, 2 charges on 25s CD is a greater issue than a rogue or a mage. Same goes for the antikick of the holy pala that increases healing, sometimes they lay on hands people with it without wings up, that’s just not normal and even erasing Rogues and Mages from the game, while it would satisfy your pulsions, would leave the issue unattended and something else than RM would be the new “I benefit from it the most so anonymoys kids on forum will while at me instead of whining at dumb healing made for casuals”.

And to answer your second quote RMX, even in its worst shape, has historically been designed to be a set uo burst comp. What makes the comp overpowered nowadays is that they ALSO have insane sustained damage in between set ups so the opponents just can’t recuperate or have to overblow cds and at one point there will be a set up with no cooldowns and someone will die. And why do they have insane sustained damage ? Because they can go and hit, they can be hit it’s np, you can take WW DK burst and SotF will top you after so why would you not go for your sustained dalage instead of kiting and hiding ? The day rmx can’t play like a turbo that has a stun sheep every DR because if they do they die then we’ll be fine. At least way better. It’s possible, even likely that either rogues or mages or both still require more nerfs if they keep dominating tourneys, like elusivness shimmer znd even MfD cd, this is kind of op to have kidney TB into envenom mfd envenom every 30s, but maybe start with adressing a game wide issue that happens to benefit rm more than the rest.

For some reason there is no mention about divine favour.
Yeah I get that rdruid is broken but so is hpala, vritting for 80k judgements into rmx burst doesn’t helps at all

I wonder how, I do like 30-45k Judgments during Wings and I did tripple stack Indomitable Justice.

Divine Favor is strong, maybe even too strong, but main strenght of Hpally is probably Holy Shock, it heals for a lot.

But then again if you look at HPal as whole, then unlike Rdruid he doesn’t heal while in CC, he can’t really avoid CC either, there is actually clear downside to Hpally and that’s the reason you see it mostly in RMPally and not much in other comps like WW DK.