Roast the Poster above you >:3 🔥 #1

Another Scarlet?

Alright, who’s got a sale on cheap red paint and poor life choices??

PIgtails on a beard? Pigtails belong on a pig!

…Oh, right…you uh, got that covered.


It is quite amusing you speak of pigs, Arluxiana. Tell me, how does your fight with the hundred chins go?

I’m literally here
If you weren’t a 20 foot growth-potted troll you might’ve noticed the difference.

Och! Being down here dunnae make things look any better, madam. Ye look like a sleazy mechagnome cosplayer!


Let’s be honest, the edgy ‘my eyes are on fire’ look is both dated and overly emo. Plus I doubt you’d know a proper ale if you drowned in it - everything in your taverns tastes like ash and saltpeter!

I’d rather face a final death than have Pandaren Brew.

I’d final killed myself if i was a DK, and after i drank that brew.

Have you heard about Fashion, no ? Thought as much.

cries in lv 20 mog

What in the earth is that light? You trying to look better or something? You won’t, since you are vulpera.

Remember that skirmish arena we played? You did horribly.


Even Saririse has pity for you.

I don’t like the name of your trinket. < Razdunk’s Big Red Button>

I’m not saying you have a face that only a mother - a blind mother - could love
But ever considered to quickly evolve in to a hot Elf?
You should…


I loved you in Ratchet and Clank but please stay there.

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Come to think of it… I see you everywhere…


I hate that character name. I can’t look at it without cringing from the accents.

I’d blind myself too if I looked like you and saw myself in the mirror. :wink:

(Pretty cheap, you could say that to every DH, plus you posted twice in a row.)