Roast the Poster above you >:3 đŸ”„ #1

Like all demon hunters, one need only look at their transmog to understand why they gouge their own eyes out. I suppose you really do sacrifice everything.


You are beautiful.

Don’t expect the same sentiment to be continued.
“Ah yes, today I shall dress in brown
 and brown


Midget, stupid goggles


Hands you a dictionary :blue_book:

Here, try learning some words.

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Sin’dorei, Kaldorei, Shal’dorei, Ren’dorei
all of you belong into trash bin’dorei


Sin’dorei, Kaldorei, Quel’dorei, Shal’dorei, Ren’dorei
 all are evolved Trolls
It must be cold in their evolutionary shadow for you


Speaking of evolution. Vulpera evolved into perpetual trash bandits. They’re Orgrimmar’s glorified binmen.

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Orgrimmar have bins? Why would anyone put bins in a landfill???
Never mind
Well maybe Orgrimar have a little pest problem, thanks to the goblins, but at least its not like Stormwind with the stray dog swarm

But at least Anduin was creative and dressed them up in tabards and uniforms and enlisted the rabbid beast in his army

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A reminder that the make-up insult came from someone who turns into a ghoul if they don’t get their fill twice each day

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I think you’re too hyperactive to post on these forums.


That crown with that top ? Darling please, learn about fashion. :no_good_man:

Fit anymore accents in that name? Also I like your transmog is about as expected for any Worgen player. Brown, dull, lacking in anything interesting or imaginative.

It’s reassuring that somethings will never change.

You may be small but I can still see those boots, feet, and gauntlets from ToV, and two years later, they still look as hideous and overused as they were back then. Especially combined with other pieces that don’t match them at all.

“Sainur the Insane”?
Sure are! I don’t think I’ve seen anyone who’s intentionally burning themselves into a balding state before. Sheesh, and the beard’s going up in smoke, too

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Anyone who plays a gnome is guaranteed to be like 5x the weight of one irl.

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Anyone who plays a Vulpera, well we know what they are like irl need I say more.

Your sword looks embarrassed to be in your profile pic with you.

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Moved to General from Argent Dawn.

OP’s thread is so bad, even Argent Dawn didn’t want it