Roast the Poster above you >:3 đŸ”„ #1

A lot of people give flak to Gnomes, but imagine wanting to play a race who got shamed by Gnomes instead.


A lot of people give flak to Gnomes, but immagine in your case all their reason for it are totally valid!

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Aww aren’t you cute in your little pirate outfit! Wait there, I may have some leftover sweets from halloween


The eyes are open, the mouth moves, but Mr Brain has long since departed, hasn’t he, my dear?

Oh, you’d know. Does a brain even fit in that small head of a space you have there?

Hey! Not everybody is a Gnome with a king sized empty head with plenty of free space!

There’s a furry with a size fetish working at Blizzard character development.

That’s how the Vulpera came to be.

Outing yourself are we, how brave.

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(skip me)

damn i’ve been ousted

When the Lich King created the Third Generation DKs, the necromancer raising you was like: “Luckily we just need weak Kamikaze Death Knights, this one is barely good enough for being sent to die again.”

Oh, hello Wednesday Adams

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Wannabe anime transmogs are literally the worst.

At least she’s not blind unlike you, as only a blind person could’ve put that transmog together. Fits pretty well alongside the receding hairline.

I mean, if you’re balding then at least go full bald.

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Your score is horrible.

The creativity for your name must have spiked quite a bit.

More like Fail-ionna

I would roast you, but I’m afraid you’d go all snuggy wuggy on me for it.

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Nice name, is it suppose to compensate for something?

If blood elves were one of the Moons id be Jupiter.

(It exists, proof: paintings around Azeroth).

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Your name sounds like something an infant makes before they know how to speak.
Also, your mog is boring af.

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