Rogue [A] [Azjol-Nerub] looking for casual guild

I left around the start of WotLK and have now returned.
A lot has changed so I am just getting my head around it all and levelling a new rogue with a friend. If you welcome casual players I would welcome an invite!

Hi Milkfirst,

Welcome back to Azeroth! I have just started a new guild project that may be of interest to you and your friend. It’s not on Azjol Nerub, or Alliance, but if you’re interested, please check out our post, or add me on Mistree#2555. I hope to hear from you soon!

Hi Milkfirst,

Valhall welcomes social players. If you are interested, add me on Astreia#2611

Thanks for reaching out. I have found a guild on my server so will go with them. Just wanted to let you know.