Rogue LF raiding/m+ active guild

I’m looking for an active guild to do raids/m+, and generally have a chill time while progressing with peeps. I play many classes but mainly dps and sometimes indulge in some tanking action.
I’ve been an on and off player for a while and I would love to get back into the swing of raids and m+.

Hi. We’re looking for more players, that want to stick with us on the long run, even after Curve and hype of new seasons are done. He’re our post, add me on bnet if you think you can fit, or want more info, Tammz#2233

MEN WANTED to our huge female community for Hazardous Journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success! Join SaveCowEatPanda and more details on [A][H] Europe [SaveCowEatPanda] 2011 International Gaming Community

You’ve got some good responses here but I’ll throw my hat in the ring if you’re still looking.
Short version, my guild Hoodlum Havoc is looking for a couple more dps for our raid roster.
We’re a fairly laid back guild where our goal is to hit AOTC first and maybe dabble in a few mythic bosses.
Long version:

If you’re interested, best way is to contact me on discord @ oh_its_sam