I really dont see how in the current meta Feral is your buggest problem.
And Shadowmeld has always been there the same way it worked since WOTLK.
You fellas only started yapping about it now, once CCs reduction has been nerfed off of Orcs. And Orcs reigned supreme for more than 15 years. Mind you.
Sorry for me you’re just clowning rn.
P.S. Ferals are complete dog in doing single target damage, if you go AOE you cant really pick Cyclone or you wont have the extra range to cleave, so the DMG think you mentioned earlier is a complete LIE fabricated by your idealistic thinking of how feral is in your mind.
Also feral takes 6% more damage and Bear Form loses 8k armor buff making it have the same armor any Plate user has which right about now is 9830, so you can check it for yourself, you also lose 2 PvP Talent slots so you lose 2 of these: Kind of the jungle, Ferocious Wound, Strength of the Wild and/or Thorns.
Bear Form healing is also nerfed by 50% , which means it heals for 16% of your total HP for 3 seconds, add to that 20-25 % of dampening and a Mortal Strike effect and it becomes even less.
I am the only melee without immunity to CC or damage, I got only Survival Instints on 3 mins and Barkskin on 1 min cd.
As powerful Cyclone is, it is still punishable to get out of form to cast a Cyclone, even ferals do not like that this is out only CC.
But let me clue you in:
Incap Roar is a 2 sec incap duh , that breaks form your own bleeds on the target, which means it does almost nothing, on top of that is on the same node as Mighty Bash.
Mighty Bash is a stun that during BFA was reduced to 4 secs and on top of that has a channel-delay.
Coming into DF we lost Ursol’s Vortex and Mass Root so goodluck if you’re playing convoke or you simply want to peel the pets of somebody or yourself. On top of that theyre on the same node.
Entangling Roots- the root that never stays, especially because you are supposed to bleed everyone around you, your bleeds will probably break the root after 1-2 seconds in.
Now, with Shadowmeld we have 1 extra stun, which is great even though it bugs 3 out of 10 times if you do it too fast and does not perform Rake from stealth (which is the stun) but instead it simply rakes (even though is performed from stealth).
So your only semi-reliable CC remains stuning with Maim or Rake from shadowmeld and Bash, which sounds great but they’re all stuns, so everyone would be in DR, since every other class has at least 1-2 stun abilities that they will execute in their rotation,
on top of that we reach the next problem, you need to be in melee range and you have only 1 charge of Wild Charge, so its really difficult to simply CC and do a "go’ as you think it happens,
Its the same with Cyclone, very unreliable, hard to pull off, you’re punished if you dont land it heavily. You’re locked on nature so no healing, no Barkskin, No Roots.
As for Shadowmeld, I get what you’re saying but its not an overpowered ability so you can relax in your chair it will never get nerfed.
And as final thoughts:
What you think me playing on 1 character-> my feral druid for 10 years, ive been planning it all along in some Jailer 6D chess ,that one day i will be meta ? ive always been a night elf druid since vanilla and we’re barely B tear as ferals. So give me a break, we were and still are the neglected child from all the specs, feral design is attrocious and outdated and we were almost never good since Pandaria and a brief moment during the first patch of DF and it was nothing too crazy in fact most of my druid friends quit because it was like doing PvE in PvP.
Also ferals have 0 immunities, them having Precog is 0 issue.
As closing thoughts i just want to say that this season is deflated and it makes everyone frustrated, i believe your pain come from that rather than Feral druids themselves.
As for what you said about boomies i can agree.