Huh, how does that happen?
Basically every time they pressed meld, restealth, they got access to these 4 talents, all of which were nerfed by over half if not more over the course of 10.0>10.0.5:
The build was so strong that night elves were shadowmelding for damage, because keeping up an 80% increased power garrote that also had 100% crit chance and also reduced the enemy damage done and also silenced the enemy and also generated 3 or 4 combo points was absurdly strong.
Add onto this that it was duplicated by deathmark and yeah, shadowmelding for a DPS increase was like an extra 80% damage during deathmark.
Wow, thats kinda crazy.
I picked the Lightforged example because for like … maybe 1 week after LF release it scaled with ret mastery, making the racial hit superhard during wings.
Cool but another problem remains > druid = no restealth.
take those feet of yours, you have 4, and walk them behind the pillar and restealth then, like every tauren, worgen, troll, ztroll and kul tiran druid has been doing for years
Hoho Shadowmeld goes brrrrrrrrrrrr
yeah and ferals do the same thing with rake
they just shadowmeld mid fight to get off yet another stun and yet another supercharged rake dot
… that also cleaves and stuns a nearby target as well:
Shadowmeld abusers can’t play the game without it
Give up on trying to egocheck me?
no it does not. rarely people pick double clawed rake, and Rake was also nerfed by 20% since new patch. Stop overexhadurating.
Feral is alright the way it is, WITH Shadowmeld.
Thanks for your Ted Talk.
1.8 Rival enjoyer
maybe thats why you’re stuck at 1600? you pick the wrong talents?
the rank 1, rank 2 and rank 3 ferals in shuffle right now are running.
i am - its a whole 200 rating above what you’re stuck at on an S tier spec
You literally play 4 different builds depending on the content you’re running as a feral,
you only play double clawed rake vs comps you cant cast against , very often these comps are comps with lots of pets and running double clawed rake you would ALWAYS run with the full AOE build, which rarely has Cyclone in it and if you do you literally play without defensives.
So Double-clawed rake would 70% of the time stun the target + some random pet.
You’re really sounding so overexhadurated and so Clowny when you use the words
“abuse” , yeah like imagine being a rAcIaL aBilItY aBuSeR.
You will never reach common ground being so arrogant and gasslighty, every statement of yours is strawpicky and overexhadurated.
You in this thread:
All while hiding your account on checkpvp and ignoring the fact that every single feral druid on the ladder, more or less, is night elf:
i’m not exactly sure why you’re this way, but if i had to guess, its because you recognise how ridiculously strong shadowmeld is, and you’re worried it’ll get nerfed, so your first protocol was to try and ego-check me by pretending you’re a higher rating than me. Then, when you realised this wasn’t true, you tried to bait me by just playing dumb. Then when that didn’t work and I stayed on topic, you now try to say i’m gaslighting you.
Hope this strat works out for you bro, unlike your 2v2 queue sessions.
Im not pretending im literally higher rating than you are in every season from Sl til now.
2nd i do not play some 4 D chess, my account has been disabled on check pvp for a couple months now , and you’re not the reason, i had an actual stalker who would stalk my alts, with that being said.
Yes, you’re a Rival enjoyer - yes you had 2.3 k rating 15 years ago. And 15 years ago on my rogue i was 2.5 in AT, so theres that. However thats not the reason why I make fun of you.
The reason I make fun of you is the level of ego you project on here, you literally came here not to have a discussion, not to meet anyone in the middle , you 're here to talk to yourself.
I wont deny that Shadowmeld is not weak and infact very useful, however its not the only racial of that power level as I opened up about earlier so i will not repeat myself again.
What I go against is your context in reading data, Druids are a niche, they have no access to human/undead/orc/dwarf and many other races with actual racials that are good for them , besides tauren, tauren is solid except … people probably dont wonna be a hippie cow.
Instead of realistic solutions you’re pushing idealistic idiotism,
a realistic solution would be-> more race choices for druids, turning up some other racials, as for now blood elves, void elves, worgens are lacking hard.
a idiotic solution → cry for feral druid to not be able to use Shadowmeld as a restealth.
You do realize that you mention a class x racial and because they have some little synergy mechanic you deem it “abuse”, its like deeming gnome warrior abuse, lightforged + pala or human + anything or undead + anything.
You sound ridiculous, unhinged even.
It aint gonna happen Andy,
and you gonna feel so stupid in a few months when no change to Shadowmeld is done.
Shut up. i swear i’m sick to death of Rogue, Druids and Lock defending themselves…
All three specs need extremely nerfs. NOT little ones. Comparable to Ret 10.7 nerfs if not more
Daddy, chill
NGL great response
Ok then, lets use raw stats.
- Boomkin top 10 EU shuffle. Night Elf representation: 70%
- Feral top 10 EU shuffle. Night Elf representation: 100%
- Resto Druid top 10 EU shuffle. Night Elf representation: 100%
- Demon Hunter top 10 EU shuffle. Night Elf representation: 100%
- Fire Mage top 10 EU shuffle. Night Elf representation: 50%
- Disc Priest top 10 EU shuffle. Night Elf representation: 50%
- Assa Rogue top 10 EU shuffle. Night Elf representation: 70%
- Sub Rogue top 10 EU shuffle. Night Elf representation: 80%
Maybe they all just like the hairstyles, and thats why rogues, when given the choice of 23 races, pick Night Elf 70-80% of the time.
Maybe they just like the sounds they make when they take damage, and thats why druids, when given the choice of 6 races, pick Night Elf 70-100% of the time
Maybe its a really strong racial. Kinda like how 100% of warriors in Shadowlands were Orcs… or 80% of Shamans in 10.0 were Dark Iron…
Maybe, just maybe, the racial is really overtuned and does too much with the current class kits?
Meld is a great talent and yeah it can be pretty damn stronk in PvP but it has depth and versatile uses
It isn’t just a % stat increase
A great rogue would still be great on any available race. Pikaboo was Tauren for a while and afaik he still is.
Ferals are in a weird spot, and certainly require some good knowledge to play effectively. Hence why you don’t see too many of them
I wouldn’t really bash Ferals too much and go ham and salad about Meld
Orc racial was busted for years , and before that human was bis
There will always be a #1 for PvP
Lastly, warriors overall have had a more reliable presence in Arena than Feral
Doesn’t make meld any weaker. He was tauren for the memes but has went back to the 3 meta races on his 3 rogues. Orc, human and night elf. He was most recently playing his night elf:
And it was awful having to play orc or be behind, and its awful now having to play night elf or be behind. Admitting its the best racial and can only be overcome through being ‘great’ doesn’t mean anything other than what i’m saying is true: that its a terribly unbalanced racial that makes other racials look like a joke in comparison.
As an example:
I understand people want to hang onto their OP spells and abilities and racials, but, like, ok, just make everyone be able to use it then. Do we really wanna play into shamans with meld? Paladins with meld? Warlocks with meld? I don’t.
Get that dookie outta the game
So they’ll nerf Meld
now human and DID is best
It will never end
Yes meld is very strong, but not to the point where I’d make a post about it
I have a maghar / undead and velf rogue
And Idgaf, I changed my nelf to Velf
Unless playing within the top 1% , shadowmeld wouldn’t be the sole reason someone lost the game
but more importantly
I’d rather vs a feral than a warrior any day of the damn week
Warriors pump and at points through pvp , absolutely mega pump