Nerf orc racial by just outright removing it. Nerf human racial by just outright removing it. Nerf Shadowmeld by just outright removing it.
Alternatively, let anyone select any racial. At least then you can be a, say, troll rogue and not be giga throwing. Or a worgen feral and not be giga throwing.
It really isn’t that difficult. I do not want to pay £19 or w/e it is just to be able to select the ‘one extra vanish’ option for my rogue.
Because it’s the most plausible outcome if they nerf Meld
The fact they haven’t done this, to me seems like they won’t do it
giga throwing lol
No thanks I quite like the racials atm
Well that is your choice and your view on it
Cancel the sub then brother
Using statistics to show every feral = Nelf at high rating only proves that people will want the most competitive edge available
Is this such a shock and to not be expected?
Hold on
Let’s have a look at the data in 10.0.7
Let me get my glasses
Oh look… everyone was playing Ret paladin
How strange
Almost like people will try to gain absolutely any edge and don’t care
As you said, you’re an UD warrior, be the chad you’re meant to be and learn not to give a F
they were… nerfed. and then nerfed again. and then nerfed again! and now they’re middle of the pack - perfect!
So, rolling back to what my original proposal was:
Boom, its now a middle of the pack racial. It doesn’t give you free drinks, it doesn’t work as a second vanish. It is now a target break that interrupts spellcasting. Middle of the pack racial. Fantastic! Just what we want!
err technically still wrong
If meld = drop combat
Can still potentially use it for drinks
Druids don’t just meld/prowl sit drink macro in the middle of the map
I think you’re overreaching here
Rdruid isn’t even the strongest healer at the moment
Yeah classes / specs aren’t anyway shape or form directly comparable to racials in terms of balance
I’d rather old orc racial than a Ret doing 105k dps …
the point is that it wont drop combat, so you can’t free drink or vanish with it
sure, they walk behind a pillar and do it. you haven’t played a dampen meta before?
ok. 3 other healer specs can be night elf. paladin probably will be by 11.0 as well. a thing can be strong irrespective of current balance. For example kidney shot is strong whether rogues do insane damage or no damage at all. It is a 20 second cooldown 6 second stun
You dont have to make the choice, and both were terrible for the game. We don’t live in a world where your brain can only handle 1 line of text in a hotfix at a time. We can do like 50+ when they can be bothered.
Good for them , nobody cares about 11.0 speculation. You’re slightly shifting goalposts here now
First it was Free vanish for rogue / feral
now it’s dropping combat for healers irrespective of stealth classes?
They aren’t going to change meld anytime soon
Far greater things to address other than meld
Just say
You wan’t to remove Shadowmeld
Don’t ask for changes that make it defunct
Of all things to whine about…
Get the class balance more in order sheeeeeeeesh
I usually enjoy reading your posts but you must have stubbed your toe or hit your head before going in on this
I dont want it removed though. I like racials. I like the highmountain one. I like cannibalise. These are fun racials for wpvp and bgs. Unfortunately you then go into arena and rogues have 3 vanishes, healers are drinking for free and every druid melds the first stormbolt. Its pretty lame.
Then, the next arena, they’re undead and dont do any of those things.
So - solution - make it not so OP. Make it not break combat or immune abilities. You have 1 button that is holy ward, vanish and a 0.5 sec aspect of the turtle. why do you defend it? so bizarre
try to pair it up to worgen racials and see how it fares
Can’t use it for stealth drink
Can’t use it for restealth on stealth classes
Can’t use it in combat (your earlier point / logic )
Can’t use it to dodge clutch incoming damage
on this doll please point where the rogue hurt you
If players need to resort to a racial to solve problems with Dampening then Dampening was a lazy poor design to begin with as everyone else mentioned, as it threats everyone with the same treatment. And this has been a topic discussed many times.
Same goes for ferals lacking restealth. Ferals were always complaining how we dont have a proper restealth and how the design is really poor hense why people run Night Elves.
Its not Shadowmeld being too strong, its class design being weak and for it people compensate with Shadowmeld.
Literally any stealth class starting from Hunter, going through rogue and to even mage got a stealth and restealth mechanics, what is the reason for a literaly stealth class which feral is btw to not have a restealth?
As for the race choices for the majority of players- its so obvious , you got a few racials that are good for PvP:
Dark Iron and Dwarf racial
Human racial
Lighforged racial
Night elf racial
Orc Racial
Tauren Racial
Goblin Racial
out of these 7 races only tauren, troll are viable choices for horde and Kultiran, Night elf for alliance.
Lets say you want to play Alliance → who would you choose , playing a chubby uncle Ben as a druid or playing a tall amazonian babe with badass facetats ?
Like for the 3th time- nerfing Shadowmeld will only act as a nerf to feral druids, and that would be outrageous, since we’re already limited to which races we can use.
Yes worgen needs a better racial, however having a worgen tank in RBG is preferable to a night elf tank, since they can woop that 60% speed one extra time whithout having to get out of Bear Form, and im sure it feels great as casters like Shadow priest and Boomkins who dont have instant mobilities.
However I do agree that Worgen racial underperform as well as blood elf racial and nightborne also void elf racials, however does Orc racial compaired to Shadowmeld underperm too ?, does Iron / Dwarf Racials underperform too ? , how about Lightforged racial ? how about human or undead racials compaired to shadowmeld ? To a tauren ? To a highmountain ? how about to a Gnome or Draktyr ?
you see its not really that much of a big deal.
wait. If it doesn’t matter why do you even bring it up?
when i’ve ran 60 yards from my healer or failed to stop CC on him, I don’t go ‘wtf, guess i’ll use my nightborne arcane explosion’ in hopes that it will save me from chaosbolts and secret techs.
you’re telling me your racial does that???
gee, that sounds quite strong maybe it should be tuned to be more in line with other racials
Sure, lets go the other way then! Lets make all of the other racials as strong, if not stronger than shadowmeld.
But bro, if it isn’t that OP, then you won’t care if its nerfed. But here you are…on your night elf… defending it…?
As an example, you probably wouldn’t mind if orc racial was nerfed or outright removed. Or would you be okay with it going back to 20%? Hmm interesting.
Maybe a 3rd vanish / free drink button isn’t that weak after all…
What is this hyberole cope crying
You remind me of my mother ffs
I wouldn’t cry mate
I’d just think it’s one less option to use in situations, so improve and try harder and not get into those bad spots as best as I can
I mean heck… you seen Darkness? I’ve got bigger things to think of rather than sodding Meld
Still shifting those goalposts like the wizard you are
But but… Stealth classes get a free vanish!
But but… healers can get reliable drinks!
Now you’re insinuating I’m prepared to die on a hill over it
At current I wouldn’t give a rats damn about it
I’m 1300 hard stuck you think racials are the cause?
Free drinks when solo shuffle is the most popular mode at current
People drink? you’re kidding me right?
Just put it into perspective Leeches
WoTF still break fear? You can break a fear at a clutch moment , considering Warlocks are super Saiyan rn. I don’t have that option
I’ll swap with you?