Rogue Privileges

So you’re openly admitting to not thoroughly reading but then see fit to berate me? -

This is odd , happens often

example 1

Does this answer your question or do I need to be explicit and more direct?
hint Give me any other racial


Dying to destro with precog isn’t a shadowmeld issue
Dying to absurd Ele rng with big crits isn’t a shadowmeld issue
Dying to boomkin flap flap bang isn’t a shadowmeld issue

OH and

We did well
Thanks bro

I’m not berating you though, atleast I didn’t try to.

I could tell that much, yeah. I’d take a nelf paladin for Hpal any day, or a Forsaken Paladin (with some dark magic stuff idunno make it make sense) for the flair as soon as they become available.

I always hoped that they would just give a fourth PvP “talent” slot with all the racials and only the racials you just pick whichever you liked there or something similar to shut the whole conversation down.

And no, ofc it isn’t but the conversation kind of went there from Subrogue priviliges and kind of derailed (tho Smeld doesn’t really help the situation there, really).

:muscle: What rating is your biceps bro

Ok , then my bad for taking it the wrong way

I’ve read this , and to me they massively conflict
you’re saying you’re into the fluff , which is awesome mate, then go on to say you’d break it in PvP with x4th slot for racial choice

Least it would shut the conversation down and give less people to whine I guess

It changed a few times to reach this point
Healers were mentioned
Damage dodging was mentioned
But the bottom line ended up with OP for stealthers
You can see why anyone would get frustrated with the ever shifting

Only just got back into training
Good genetics :joy:
I usually say I look like Thor
But deliberately leave out which version :smirk: :smirk: :joy: :joy:

I’m into the fluff, but I’m also into balanced gameplay and choice. I like to play the race I want (and mostly do because I am a John Human - Mount = Horse enjoyer), but I also dislike when people feel pressured towards picking a certain race over another because of gameplay.

Having a fourth slot or something similar could be a decent compromise to take, looking like you want without suffering the consequences for a purely aesthetic choice for example.

Ye forum posts tend to go all over the place, especially when the “but what about X” starts kicking in.

Congrats on the genetics, I’m cursed with the permanent slenderman look, having a hard time to actually gain weight despite eating like an american (calorie wise, not healthwise lol).

On the face of it , same

Same + I do, never cared for meta

Same. It wasn’t that long ago that Orc was oppressive

Like yeah but then you’d change it depending on the matchup if it works like usual pvp talents in Arena. Problem is, the top 1% of the playerbase benefit the most due to game knowledge

I don’t see Shadowmeld as the sole reason people losing games middle of the pack

It’s just the hypocrisy of it and ever shifting goal posts then ends up with people insulting you when they have nothing else to say

We live in an age where people think Data presents concrete evidence that proves their point and that’s that. It’s tiring tbh with you. Like data could never be wrong or misleading and not showing the whole picture

haha thanks
I thought you were trolling me asking but I took the bait anyway
You sound like my friend though, he’s in the military and the guy just cannot put on mass and weight (was the same before he joined)

I’m like Tahm Kench on the other hand. Anything you put in front of me will get devoured. Nothing is safe :joy: Slower metabol though

this rival enjoyer Andy is like arguing with a wall. Just leave him in his idealism hell.
Like i have nothing to add.
People pick night elf out of 3 ugly races and youre supposed to feel bad about it.
Bro i play night elf since vanilla, in Vanilla shadowmeld did nothing for druids.
Add more racials available for ferals Id trade Shadowmeld for orc racials any day but id never play somethint goofy looking like an orc or worgen either way, even with shadowmeld removed.

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challenger, we already established that i am higher rating than you. i dont know why you felt the need to bring this up when you can just check pvp me and not walk into this weird ego showdown where bigger number = win :frowning:

We established many things sadly youre a brick.
0 respect for people like you.

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yeah goes both ways tbh. i could never respect someone who tries to rating-shame while stuck at 1600 :confused:

you hid all your alts but can’t hide your own blizzard armoury… what a shame. almost the perfect rating-shame strategy, if it wasn’t for bobby and his damn armoury…

dont mind me i’m just reminiscing back to the earlier parts of this thread, where you came fully loaded with blanks to try and get me to stop posting. good times, good times.

me looking at Alessathrina’s ratings after he went on a rating shame bonanza!:

Why are you gasslighting for the 123123 time this thread you absolute sociopath ?
this is why i personally choose to not respect you for a second more.
You’re in my armory and you do not see im with Rival gear yet you link me brackets that I dont even play like how patheticly sad are you exactly ?
Im currently 1.9 and every season i end up with at least 2.2 unlike you, who havent even got the 2.2 achievement yet. And you brag about some 2.4 which you also did not reach you were 2.3 k rating 15 years ago during Wrath, when people were still googling how to make a sap macro, on your beastmaster hunter, which as you see here in this video takes exactly 3 /10 braincells Leeches still has intact in order to be played:

Yeah kinda like how earlier in the thread, you, unprompted, checkpvp’d my character, completely forgot to scroll down, concluded i was a 2k max player and then wrote an essay about how i couldnt have an opinion because i was a 2k max player.

all while forgetting to, yanno, just look at my actual character? would have avoided this embarrassing scenario. maybe you can do it right now? here ya go - tell the class what tabard this is, and tell the class how you can get this tabard, and tell the class whether it was obtainable in wotlk 15 years ago or not:

and again, to once more remind you - i didn’t bring up rating, you did. i do not care if you are 1600 and stuck there - its a hard season. i had to beat kasuxoxo and jazggs just to get 1800 this season and bicmex farmed me like 5x at 2k mmr.

but, if you really wanna ego duel me, sure go ahead, but don’t cry-bully me, with one minute ego-checking me, then the next minute saying this cringe stuff:

wHy ArE yoU gAsLiGhTinG ;_;

bro settle down

How exactly do you get a Cruel Gladiators Tabard without any of your characters having above 2k achievement ? And how exactly am I to blame for this assumption ?
also as i said > reaching 2.2 each season sure means you at least know the game as it is in the modern world, having elite 6-7 years ago doesnt mean anything in the context gravity of the modern wow.
So in my sphere i stay correct but i dont mind apologizing for being wrong about calling you a Rival Andy- so I do apologize.
I did not bring rating in the context of a flex, i brought rating to tell you you have no idea about what you’re talking about in terms of the modern wow.
and if i have to go in a little further detail, Shadowmeld is such a little miniscule thing compared to the problems we have with Precog, Casters, mainly warlock, shadow priest, fire mages and rogues, and even warriors btw.
MMR being deflated and many many more.

uh, because you went the whole way to googling my characters, so using your eyeballs to see that im in a 2400 tabard would be a pretty safe bet that you don’t know what you’re talking about and can’t trust what checkpvp says?

ahhh here we go. first im a rival andy, now im an elite andy, but im an elite andy from X years ago, so im actually a rival andy, apart from that one time i got duelist last season andy, but yeah im a 2k andy… or something

and it turns out you were the one who had know idea what you’re talking about lol, would you like at that haha

glad you understand now :+1:

Wonder what Andy is gonna cry about next month

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Probably whatever is OP. Like right now the OP specs are destro and boomkin, so I post about them, and the OP racial is night elf, so I post about that. If next month the OP specs is Shadow Priest and Ele and the OP racial is Dark Iron, guess what i’ll be posting about? :slight_smile:

Problem? Make sure to tell me all about it by sending me an in-game mail. I promise I read them.

Love that you tried to hijack that other guy’s ‘andy’ btw. If that guy can’t ego check me, you certainly can’t. :joy:

:yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face:
you’ll be here a while

Tell me
Did you ̶w̶h̶i̶n̶e̶ this vocal this much about Orc racial??

Be surprised if you could find the Mail box with how much you’ve been malding over Meld mate
Wouldn’t want you to put yourself out or anything

This the latest buzz word or something

but speaking of Hijack, shame you decided to hijack the OP sharing your grievances about Meld

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Yep :slight_smile:

You mad that it got nerfed?

Hes dialog literally makes a full circle for the 5th or maybe even 6th time.
An actual forum NPC ladies and gents.
-Ishnu-ala weary traveler

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