Rogue Privileges

i play assa and more classes than rogue can play night elf, but nice try!

Drying up a bit aren’t you

It was your own try?
You clapping yourself over there buddy?

Bro leave it, you’re arguing against a wall. You done all you can, showed him the data, he’s going in with “fit your narrative lol”.

If they changed it to fit what he wants
Something else becomes BiS alliance side

Nerfing meld will make him feel better vs rogue and druid
But punishes the other classes that play as night elf


I’ve said multiple times, that people will use any competitive advantage
See Human in cata
See Orc not that long ago

Cope… Harder

It’s Shadowmeld today
It’s something else tomorrow


What if you nerfed it in a way so it doesn’t allow going into Stealth from Meld? A simple targeted nerf. Could be done by having it trigger Prowl/Stealth CD, meaning he would have to stand there and not gain Stealth benefits.

You could still use it to meld spells, potentially drop combat, but I’d advocate for it taking longer.

That wouldn’t affect any other class in the slightest, except for hunters that use it to Camo vanish lol.

I’d consider it , but I don’t main feral or rogue so I wouldn’t feel the ramifications of it mate

You’d have to ask the stealthers brother
Also, as far as I’m aware , Leeches didn’t suggest this , but instead resorted to insulting me like the gentleman he is

These are some long queues bro

I’ve asked the stealthers, every single Rogue PvPer (even those that don’t play nelf) admit that its by far the best option for the class because of the benefits of entering stealth one more time than if you weren’t.

I’m fine with racials having some sort of impact, but not to the point where you’re shooting yourself in the foot by playing anything else.

  • The whole issue is that the racial CLEARLY benefits 2 classes by far more than any other class can even benefit from it. They get the utility of being able to negate a priority spell, and access to an ability that enhances their class toolkit multiplicatively.

I agree that DH is kinda shafted with only 2 possible class choices, but rogues can be literally every race, yet a vast majority goes to pick Nightelf.

Why is that? For the competetive advantage, yes. But one option should not be that dominant throughout the whole ladder, and the issue is on how it interacts with the toolkit of the class.

Even when rets were gigaop there was a somewhat even split between Tauren/Human/ Darkiron etc. because they each gave different benefits,

Tauren could extend the hoj with a stomp to pull off the “lol i global you” combo more reliably,

Humans are the ever safe option because having the option to swap trinkets for more damage will always have its place,

Darkiron can offer unique defensive options in certain matchups.

Bro I know, im sitting it too.

Being that long you’d think that your reading would be on point :wink:

Fair enough
I’ve played PvP on and off since Cata despite being dog :poop:. One of my best mates hit 2.7k in Cata with others getting 2.2k. Not once have I heard any of them mention shadowmeld being so oppressive it needed changing. Human was BiS in cata for rogue on Alliance.

Like I said… today it’s Meld, tomorrow it’s something else.

That is THEIR choice though? I could go DiD on my enhance shaman but it’s Draenei? Not quite the same leap in value from Racials I get that but still. We all make our choices

Also, If they change it the way you’re suggesting - Which I’d like to say , I DON’T CATEGORICALLY OPPOSE ( you reading this Leeches? I’d highlight the text if i knew how for those Rotten eyeballs of yours )

Then feral needs to get a vanish imho

Thank you for recognizing this

See my point about Cata and humans mate. If it wasnt Nelf it would be something else…
Yes Meld is BiS by a long long shot for Rogue

its not that im not reading, its that your posts are filled with worthless paragraphs. like for example:

This doesn’t mean anything. It is literally just you saying “Blizzard balances the game and nerfs the best stuff”

Which… yeah? Why would I respond to it? Gotta focus your posts, man. Pick one line of reasoning and stick to it - make it strong, unbeatable.

For example, I keep pointing out that every single rogue and feral on the planet, more or less, is night elf, or wants shadowmeld as their current visual race of choice, or wants racials removed outright. I prove this point by both stating the obvious (having an extra vanish is OP), and with raw data. I stick to it even though I am rating-shamed by that feral above, and I am called a liar by you.

I don’t particularly care about anything other than reality.

So for example - in reality, they:

  • Nerfed WoTF because it was overpowered. It used to be a 6 or so second duration fear and horror immunity. Essentially a berserker rage for priests and mages and rogues
  • Nerfed EMFH because it was overpowered. It used to have a shorter cooldown (2 minutes) and remove ALL ccs. It was literally just a pvp trinket but as a racial. It was OP, so it was nerfed.
  • Nerfed Hardiness because it was overpowered. It used to reduce all stuns by like 20%. Before that it was a chance to resist them. Crazy racial - mandatory as resto shaman and absurdly strong on warrior too.
  • Nerfed Arcane Torrent because it was overpowered. It used to be an off-the-GCD aoe instant cast silence. Turns out thats pretty damn disgusting in the hands of warriors, dks, rets and rogues.

And so, we arrive at Shadowmeld. It is practically certain that it will be nerfed either this expansion, or next. No racial lives with 100% representation for long. My point is not that it is overpowered - it is overpowered, you know it, i know it. My point is that they should nerf it sooner, rather than later. Hardiness ruined Shadowlands for like a year and a half. WoTF was absurd all of vanilla.

Lets move a little faster :slight_smile:

You’ve spammed lots of images with data captures that negate half the picture to vainly attempt to prove your point

This a big you issue mate. It does prove a lot
Rogues were Orc when the Orc racial wasn’t nerfed
Weird that isn’t it?
Have a think on it :wink:

Think real hard about what you just said there (not that I necessarily disagree, we have to see how losing “meld as a druid” would affect the class as a whole).

Think about any other class/race combo where you would even go down that line of thought.

Lets say they changed Nelf to Orc Racial overnight, would you as a DH go like “oh no, my class doesnt have this insanely important ability anymore, I am useless now” ?

Have you read the whole discussion between us ?
Be honest?
Because if you have… you’d know I already answered this , very clearly and honestly?


If I have missed something
Do tell

Off to the gym but so I’ll reply when I’m back

As a friendly bit of a troll
Oh no
I’ve lost Shadowmeld
Back down to 1200 I go

If you said anything regarding that I must’ve missed it, can you repeat?

I too think there is none. A racial really shouldnt have THAT much impact as to where some people consider it the only choice, and even further consider the racial as a substantial part of the class toolkit. Thats just dumb, interferes with balancing.

What if I said “ok rogues only get one vanish in their talent tree because nelfs already have a second one”,

or if I used the argument that Ferals DONT get a vanish and never will get one because they can already take it with nelf?

vice versa, if I was a dev I’d have to always keep that one option in mind (or should, seems like they don’t) of just giving one race/class combo some insane interaction that gives the more damage and utility at the same time.

Keep grinding bro.

so who won “largest message of topic” title?

Memories of 1 hour ago

You are talking about Shadowmeld when the game is in a serious need of tuning spec wise lol …
This community …
The problem is for sure Shadowmeld …

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I’m a certified water preacher while drinking wine, but the queques are long homie.

For me the biggest problem atm is that it’s week 3 and I meet Blizo at 2.1mmr in 3s….
So blizzard fix the overtuned classes and the mmr and then you can fix Shadowmeld