Rogues are Fine. As always

Its acutaly r1 plays like 95% sub rogues does that cause they can be eazliy stoped by a single disarm or magic cc.
If you dont do it you loose ton of dmg tbh

And most of the time they are still stopped by a stun in the back and they instant trinket. What other class can use all their walls + trinket in the first 10 secs of the game when they ain’t even the target, only to be able to press their one shot macro and not be punished for it? Like I can’t even imagine what would happen on my feral if I in the opener just pressed both my walls + instant trinket. Or on my hunter just instant wall + freedom + pet wall + trinket in the opener to be able to get my rotation off. I would die in the next 15 secs.

Also no you don’t see R1 sub rogues play like that in real games, rarely will they overcommit like that in equal games, it’s mostly Pika who does that while smurfing, cause he knows he can probably stop looking at his screen and still win the game at low rating. If you ain’t Pika you should die in the next 15secs just like every other class would, but rogues can just press vanish twice to get evasion up and AFK in stealth for DR reset and oneshot again.

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there is big diff between actually good rogues and one shot swifty macro rogues
hunter is omega hard counter to any rogue spec, u shouldnt even complain if u play hunter into rogue
now i’d rather q into 1000 sub rogues than face npc pve bots spamming random buttons and micro cc


its the most broken thing i rather face dhs than any rog cause they do 100k dps and cc the whole team

Hunters hard counter rogues, are we talking about BM or MM? With rogue + other melee on me I feel like I have no life. Random rogue one shots, CC for years, disarm during my CDs, if there is a second melee with disarm I just wanna Alt + F4 in the middle sometimes. I do love playing MM into casters though cause that’s the games where I can oneshot and feel like a rogue. :smiley:

Yes there is a difference between good rogues and oneshot macro rogues, the issue is even oneshot macro rogues can hit 2k cause their kit is just so broken and their burst can be put into a macro and it oneshots half of their games.

Damn bro those are some sick r1 plays. Bubbling yourself with Veil of Midnight every 30 sec cause cloak literally has no cd due to vanish cdr is just 1000 IQ. Just casualy untouchable every 3rd go while doing the most busted single target dps.

Rogues are just built diff.


Just line rogue damage guyzzzz they’re completely fine, they have poor defensives and no utility. :upside_down_face:

Thanks for this. :slightly_smiling_face:

rog is so brutal rn

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Just delete duel, double vanish, CDR and nerf eviscerate.
If holy priest gets any sane buff, sub+holy will be like SL level of domination in 2v2 at least.

Tbh there’s a ton of design bollocks in this game. People mention CoS but locks literally wall every opener cos it just comes back and they’re stupidly tanky and warriors bladestorm is ridiculous. Then you have DH blur that for some reason is still a 100% cone dodge for “reasons” so the only counter is to use uncounterable CC and they can remove disarm on CD so you cant even disarm them.

I wonder what WWs are like now too after the damage buffs they got.

Guess we can wait for changes in like Feb next year?

df s1-s2 rating

Imo Sub needs another rework/redesign more around Shadow damage and should be made more sustain based as it’s current form is just toxic. It’s the last relic of Shadowlands running away and doing goes on CDs. I definetely enjoy this sustain/tempo oriented gameplay more. Even Assassination and Outlaw RMP are kind of tempo oriented nowadays.

It’s a good idea. Sub is impossible to balance because of this design. It’s either a completely harmless mage pet or like it’s now. Very little in between.

Yeah, by its design, sub rogue cannot be balanced.

The spec has 0 sustain dmg and a big burst window. If you nerf the burst, then the spec will only be viable in 2’s with an arcane mage or a demo lock. Your job as a sub will be to cc people for your teammate and that’s it.

I mean, none wants to play a stunbot.

I agree they should nerf the burst but they should also buff the sustain dmg, and get rid of duel forever.


The diff between rogue and ret is crazy.
When ret got reworked and doing crazy dmg, - blizz nerf it instantly.
rogue 5 sec did 1.6 mil dmg and killed rdru with full saves all okay, nothing to look here.

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pvp devs just… well nvm they are very talented indeed rofl

Whaazz had Blades, Badge, both Embellished effects, Sophic Devotion, and Thistle Tea up.
It was kind of a perfectly timed “Planets align” moment. Go get all of them procs and other buffs up on any other class, and you will do the same amount of unhealable damage.
The finishing Evisc was empowered by Finality and Deeper Daggers as well, which adds even more to the final damage.

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The only proc he himself cant control is the sophic devotion. Everything else he controls himself. So no idea how that ends up being “Planets align” moment. :person_shrugging:

The Mastery Embellished is only active if he is above 90% health, the other activates whenever you use a cc, and got an initial cooldown of 30 seconds.
Point being, you don’t get all the buffs active on every setup you do. This one just happened to proc Sophic during his go with every cd, and Embellished Agility buff upp, while he sat at a constant 100% hp for the full burst.

You and your healer controls.

Which you control.

The only one he still cannot control is sophic devotion proc fully. If you are rly good like he is, you can even look for those aswell.

Show me ret or war did same damage :smiley: oh wait, u cant