Rogues are Fine. As always

No, because - surprisingly - sometimes enemies decide to deal damage and not let you be full health.

You don’t really because it triggers on any CC or interrupt, so it just goes woth the flow of the game. Sure, the very first one will be controled and triggers in the opener. But the next ones … maybe you need to stop that Hex or that Cyclone 5s prior to your go, and there it goes. Or maybe you need to Gouge a cast. Or stun someone who’s killing your team. And so on.

So no, not controled.

Anyway, Stigmata points stands. Almost all, if not all, specs in the game, kill anything in 5s if they have every CD of their spellbook active as well as Sophic, trinket proc or on-use, and w.e embellishment they chose all active at once.

Sub’s CC and burst aren’t the issue at all. The two issues both stem from CDR, and are that 1) Sub Rogue all-ins have a shorter CD than trinket and defensive CDs so you can never trade over a long game and will eventually die, and 2) they never die themselves, so you can hardly punish them for training you like animals and overtrading defensives CDs to hit you.

Rogue, on all specs, needs to be more fragile than Sub and Outlaw. Assa is as it should be right now. If you target it, it dies.

I actually found that in many games I don’t die on Assa because people just don’t attack me because to them Rogue is Sub, and Sub never dies. The few teams who are smart enough to understand that Assa flops do considerably better into me. And that’s good. Rogues should be forced to play well defensively to survive, and should certainly not be allowed to press buttons like monkeys and get away with it.


The difference is no other spec can do that DMG while holding you in a triple stun, into double silence, into blind, gouge, duel someone else into smoke bomb if he doesn’t get the kill. No other spec can allow itself to use their strongest defensives + trinket in the opener. And rogue should lose half it’s current kit.

You should be able to pick only one - evasion or cos, get max one vanish, duel should be deleted from the game, smokebomb should effect allies, DMG should be reduced on burst and maybe give them some more sustain instead. Give it a 20% 8sec wall and we might have a normal spec.

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No we don’t. Not when they use wall, have 3 treants healing them, proc a 30% total HP heal. And no other class can do all of that while keeping the target on 15sec of CC. You wanna do crazy DMG? Sure thing, stun is now 3sec duration and 1min CD. Rogue is the only class that has high burst, crazy control, crazy survivability and when his team sucks has a spell to make the game 1v1 to let him solo carry.

How can you say their CC and burst is not an issue when they can kill anyone they want through defensives with treants healing them while all the time the target can’t even move, so you are praying the rogue messes up his one shot macro or you are dead without getting the possibility to even fight back.

Please, tell me you are trolling…

Name a spec that can triple stun you into double silience while being immune to magic and physical DMG. I’m waiting. Name a spec that can turn a 3v3 game into a 1v1 game and can solo burst you in a single stun. I’m waiting.


In a single cheapshot as well. Complete joke of a class.

There’s only one class, one.

i wish i could do that as affli warlock

he is right and if u think otherwise sorry but then u are trolling ur super biased

Imagine a Rogue doing their damage setups, without pressing a single one of his cc. Like, not one single little Stun, Gouge or Blind. You would win 100% of your games vs Rogues, not having to press a single defensive even.
Almost every class can one shot. I even enjoy playing my Mage more sometimes, because of the consistent one shots i can do, while keeping others in control with Nova, Poly and so on.
Shadowy Duel is kinda fwcked up though tbh, i don’t really like that ability either, and it sucks that we are forced to spec it every game because of how good it is.

Affli doesn’t even have that kind of damage design. You are supposed to stand in the middle of the arena, and make everyone melt to dots, which is even more aids sometimes than getting one shot.

Aren’t you that Warrior who buys titles?

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I know it’s cool to hate on rogues, but at least get the facts straight. Sub doesn’t have a silence, that’s only assa.

He is indeed.

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People really like to mix all 3 specs of Rogue to argue about each individually.



Yeah, yeah, yeah …

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how does dealing 30k dps/target freecasting making people “melt”

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All 3 rogue specs are disgusting and beyond broken + boring to play against as per usual. Just a reminder cause everybody knows that and people got used to it.

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I know Affli is not the strongest Warlock spec at the moment, but my god you gotta do something wrong, if that’s the case every game.

yeah guess there is something i can do like press rapture or mhm press unstable wait that doesnt kill people emmm

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Well it is a team game and the role of your teammate is to enable you, usually in Affliction comps.

I am playing Rogue Affli mainly and so the goal is that he can deal the most damage and I’m the one helping him do that. He has a 180k MR as his best crit, and the spell hits all 3 enemies.

You can definitely kill things. You simply need to be able to.

and it scales with the number of dots applied on the target and only 2 targets can have sr+ps at the same time
dont text to me please thanks

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