Rogues have so many bugs in tbcc

vanish having no counter is a bad thing.

Bleeds and Flare counter vanish hard.

Whats wrong with that?

its close enough. alright how about if you had to use eviscerate 5 times before it landed? like you obviously get the point, you’re just not happy with the ability i randomly picked to compare with

not when you CLOS/Dwarf Racial the bleeds and simply aren’t retarded enough to step on the flare.

EDIT: my mistake, CLOS doesn’t remove bleeds - turns out the alliance have some “really OP” racials after all.

No I don’t really get the point because you brought up one of the biggest non issues in the game, a priest using his biggest dmg reduction cooldown and in the process you being unable to spam purge away for some seconds, and then equating that to some other random spammable abilities that don’t really make sense.

im just trying to tell you that certain counters to certain abilities that were considered OP in Vanilla was introduced in TBC.

in Classic Vanilla priests were a joke to me because i could just spampurge and one-shot them, now in TBC they are actually hard to deal with due to their dispel resistances.

if your deathknell is a pet following you, then sorry, but you kinda deserve to lose. pets die in like 2-3 GCD’s. just stop ignoring them.

  1. Cloak of Shadows doesn’t remove bleeds.
  2. Good Hunters will catch you with flare whether you decide to sit in it or not. They can Flare the moment you vanish and it has a rather large radius.
  3. Dwarf Rogues are one of the least common race/class combinations and in all honesty Perception > Stone form in Arena.

The pet chasing you through vanish is also a bug as I’ve witnessed a Pet chase my Rogue from some distance…a distance that is far beyond it’s stealth detection (not forgetting Vanish puts you into an improved level of stealth)

However I main a Paladin so I don’t care too much only commented because you said Vanish needs some counters and as I said it already has them even without the pet bug.

right, i edited my post saying that was a mistake on my part.

and good rogues will blind the hunter before vanishing so that he can’t flare them

In my experience, while what you say is true, doesn’t mean that stone form isn’t useful against this particular problem.

well this has been happening since the release of classic vanilla, if it was a bug it would have been fixed by now.

weak counters yea. the pet one is the hard counter, but then again, pets are super easy to deal with. if you want to ensure your rogue’s ability to vanish then kill the warlock/hunters pet.

Like how all the nonrogues are buttmad and need to justify Blizzard not fixing the game by “yeah but your class is OP anyway!!!111”. Just do yourself a favor, stop playing memespeccs in arena and reroll rogue/mage/priest/lock/warr/druid like any reasonable person.

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pls boff sub rouge blizard we suck in pvp

Please keep bogs ingame blizzord we need unfair adventoge plz blezzard - brain of a zug

Looks like you didnt meet my dawi ironbreaker in arena yet.

Well it’s been 3 months and they didn’t fix it… I’ve given up. Also to all you s hitbags that claim it’s working as intended, ask any rogue that played in TBC/Wrath if cloak was so bad back then. Everyone knows it’s busted

Should be easy to share your evidence then.

literally every rogue that still plays this game and played back then

biggest rog bug is probably that their damage is twice what it should be

Why would you just repeat that? I meant actual facts, like if someone tested it, and not just ppls opinions.

I hear they “fixed” the bug on cloack of shadows, now it provides 100% spell resist and not only 90% as it is supposed to do, maybe to compensate for when you had 10% they gave you 10% more now cuz of lobotomized blizz logic.

Seems they can’t hit that sweet spot between 80% and 100%, if only such a number quidistant from 80 and 100 existed.

Vanish is totally broken, even in pve, some mobs continue to follow you after vanish. And in pvp the autoattack breaks your vanish.

We could also speak of the stun resist that are just insane.

No u dont.

eyewitness testimony is not evidence.